Data Mining (CSC 503/SENG 474) Assignment 1 solved


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1 Experiments and Analysis

First, “implement” the following methods:
• Decision trees (with pruning). I suggest using either reduced error pruning (this is the
form of pruning we covered in class) or minimal cost complexity pruning (it’s implemented in
scikit-learn; see here).

For the split criterion, you can use information gain or the Gini index
or some other good criterion. You might even try a few different ones as part of your analysis
(explained further below).

• Random forests (do not use pruning). What forest size (number of trees) should you
use? Well, you should experiment with different forest sizes and see what happens. For the
number of random features d
′ when selecting the split feature at each decision node, I suggest
starting at √
d (where d is the number of features) and experimenting by going up and down
from there.

What should be the size n
′ of the random sample (sampled with replacement)
used to learn each tree? When you are doing an experiment that varies other parameters
(like d

), please set n

to be equal to the original sample size; this way, each decision tree in
the forest will be trained using a bootstrap sample.

• Neural networks. Any number of layers is fine, as long at there is at least one hidden layer;
I suggest going with 3 layers (i.e. the input layer, 1 hidden layer, and the output layer). To get
good results, check out the data preprocessing suggestions in Appendix A.

There are a number
of hyperparameters that you could play with when experimenting with neural networks. For
example, one hyperparameter is the number of nodes in the hidden layer, another is the choice
of nonlinearity, yet another is the regularization parameter (which modulates how much you
penalize the size of the weights), and yet another is choice of optimization algorithm (common
choices are stochastic gradient descent and Adam).

I put “implement” in quotes because I won’t actually require you to implement these methods;
you can instead use machine learning software that you find online. If you do implement anything,
you can use whatever programming language you like. For neural networks in particular, I recommend using an existing implementation here, but eventually (after this assignment) for your own
edification it would be great if you implement a neural network yourself.

One thing I actually do want you to implement is an out-of-bag (OOB) error estimate for random forests. What is an OOB error estimate?

They are well explained in the
textbook The Elements of Statistical Learning:
“For each observation zi = (xi
, yi), construct its random forest predictor by averaging
only those trees corresponding to bootstrap samples in which zi did not appear.”

The purpose of an OOB error estimate is to allow you to estimate the risk (true error) of the
random forest as you are growing it. It may seem daunting to compute an OOB error estimate.

After all, for each example in the training set, you need to figure out all of the trees in the forest that
were not trained on that example. To help out those who are using the random forest implementation from scikit-learn, we have provided some starter code; see the file

This code will generate a list with one element for each tree in the forest; the j
th element is an
array of the example indices that were not used in the training of j
th tree in the forest.

You will
have a bit more work to do in order to figure out, for each example, which trees were not trained
on that example.

What to test on
You’ll be analyzing the performance of these methods on a binary classification problem. This
problem comes from adult dataset from the UCI repository:

In order to help get you started, we have provided a slightly cleaned and modified dataset, In case you’re interested, you can find details on how we prepared this
dataset in Appendix B. The last attribute/feature (the label) takes values 0 and 1, where 0 indicates income “<=50K” and 1 indicates income “>50K”. Keep in mind that the dataset has not
been split into a training and test set. You should do this (after first shuffling the examples so
that they are in a random order). For any training/test split, a good rule of thumb is 80% for the
training set and 20% for the test set.

How to do the analysis
The core of this assignment, meaning what is worth the most marks, is the experiment analysis.

Your analysis will go into a file called report.pdf. This file should:
• present the performance of the methods in terms of the training and test error on the problem.
A good experiment involves keeping all but one hyperparameter fixed1
, and then varying one
hyperparameter along the x-axis and plotting both training error and test error (ideally, with
both curves in the same plot). One experiment I definitely want to see you do is to present
plots that show how each of training error and test error vary with training set size. But
beyond that, you should also play with the parameters of the methods to see the effect.

For instance, what happens when you change the learning rate/regularization parameter (or
number of nodes in the hidden layer, or the number of iterations of training) for the neural
network? What happens if you change the number of random features used for the random
forest? What happens if you change the pruning rule (or use a different split criterion) for the
decision tree? As much as possible, try to present your results with plots. For each method,
please experiment with at least two hyperparameters (and again, in addition, remember to
show training/test curves as the training set size varies).

• for random forests only, you should show a plot with the OOB error estimate as you increase
the number of trees in the forest. The OOB error estimate should be computed using your
own implementation. For this experiment, it is important that as you increase the number
of trees, the previous trees stay the same. That is, if you construct a random forest with 50
trees and another random forest with say 60 trees, then in both cases the first 50 trees are
the same.

There are two ways to accomplish this if you are using RandomForestClassifier()
from scikit-learn:
1. The first way is less efficient. You simply need to set the random_state parameter
to the same number each time you call RandomForestClassifier(), i.e., for all values of
n_estimators that you try.

1For the hyperparameters that are kept fixed, try to keep each one set to some sensible value; you don’t need to
do a full grid-search as that will be the focus of a later assignment, but try to pick something that seems to give OK

2. The second way is more efficient. You can set the warm_start parameter to True. If
you stored the output of RandomForestClassifier in a variable rf, then when you want
to increase the number of trees, set rf.n_estimators to a higher value and then call…) on exactly the same data as before.

• contain a detailed analysis of your results, including various design choices you made (like
choice of split criterion for decision trees, choice of nonlinearity for neural networks, etc.).
Try and explain the results that you got for the various experiments you ran, and use these
results to compare the methods. Think about the best parameter settings for the methods
(and maybe think about how the best parameter setting might change as the training sample
size increases). Ideally, use your analysis to come up with ideas on how you might improve the

To help with organization, I suggest first presenting all experiments and analysis
for the first problem and then presenting all experiments and analysis for the second problem.

Please make your analysis concise (yet thorough). Don’t ramble, and don’t make stuff up. Act
as if you are a respected scientist presenting some work to your colleagues.

What to submit
In all, for the analysis portion of the assignment, you should submit (as a zip file):
• the file report.pdf explained above;

• a file called README.txt which contains instructions for running your code (for any code you
wrote) or gives proper attribution to any code/datasets you got from other sources (like the
Internet, for example). If you mostly used some existing code/software but needed to modify
a few files, then give attribution and mention the files you modified.

• a file called, containing your code. Please organize this file well (embrace the idea
of directories). In case you mostly used some existing code/software but needed to modify a
few files, then just provide those files here, and make sure your README.txt mentions those
files in relation to the existing code/software.
• any additional files that you need.

2 Problem-solving part – CSC 503 only
In this problem, we consider the gradient descent algorithm for a two-dimensional regression problem. So, we have 2 continuous features x1 and x2, and the task is to predict a continuous target y.
Suppose that for a given input xi =

, we predict using hypotheses of the following form:
fw,b(xi) = w1 x
1,i + w2 x
2,i + w3 x1,i x2,i + b.

Assume that we have n training examples (x1, y1), . . . ,(xn, yn). Suppose that we measure the
error according to the squared error with a further penalty on the squared Euclidean norm of w.
Then, for a fixed, positive number λ, the training error can be written as
E(w) = 1
(yi − fw,b(xi))2 +
(yi − fw,b(xi))2 +
where d = 3.

In the below, assume the learning rate (also called the step size) is some positive number η.
(a) Derive the gradient descent update for w1.
(b) Derive the gradient descent update for w2.
(c) Derive the gradient descent update for w3.
(d) Show the full gradient descent update for the vector w.
(e) Derive the gradient descent update for the bias term b. What is your interpretation of
the gradient of the training error with respect to b?

3 How you’ll be marked
For both SENG 474 and CSC 503, the total number of marks is 100.
For undergrads (SENG 474):
• the analysis (in report.pdf) is worth 80 marks;
• you receive 20 marks for your code (a lot of these marks are for your implementation of the
OOB error estimate).

For grad students (CSC 503),
• the analysis (in report.pdf) is worth 70 marks; you receive 20 marks for your code (a lot of
these marks are for your implementation of the OOB error estimate);
• the Problem-solving part is worth 10 marks.

A Suggested preprocessing when training neural networks
A common issue when training neural networks is that good results can be elusive unless the data
is suitably preprocessed.

Below, I suggest two typical ways of preprocessing data:
• For each feature separately: shift and rescale the values of the feature so that, among the
training examples, the feature’s minimum value is 0 and its maximum value is 1. Be sure to
apply exactly the same scaling to all the data (training and test data); therefore, the range
of a given feature in the test set will not necessarily be [0, 1].

• For each feature separately: shift and rescale the values of the feature so that, among the
training examples, the feature’s sample mean is 0 and its sample variance is 1. Again, be
sure to apply the same scaling to all the data; therefore, a given feature’s sample mean and
sample variance in the test set are not necssarily 0 and 1 respectively.

B Cleaned version of Adult dataset
In order to obtain the provided cleaned version of the data, we started from the original dataset —
consisting of and adult.test — which can be found in the Data Folder from the link
above. You should not use this dataset, as the cleaned dataset we provide is much easier to use!
First, we combined the datasets and adult.test into a single dataset, hereafter
called the “original dataset”.

In the original dataset, some of the examples have one feature with the value ‘?’. This is a
missing value. There are various ways to deal with missing values, but an easy way (when not
many values are missing) is to simply discard those examples; this is what we did. In total, 3621
examples were discarded. Even so, the dataset is still large.

Some of the features are categorical. We used one-hot encoding to transform each such feature
into several binary features.