CSE278 Homework1: Part 2 (Programming) solution


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Using nano in your VM, develop and test a simple C++ program that:
1. Reads words (separated by whitespace only and not any other punctuation or special characters)
from the user (i.e., standard input) until logical end-of-file
2. Prints the just the count of words (just one integer and no other text/messages) that start with an
English vowel (i.e., one of: AEIOUaeiou)
For example, given just the sentence “Elephants are Awesome animals” the output will be 4. Similarly, for
the input “I think I am warming up to c++” the output is also 4.
Due: Friday, September 11th @ 11:59PM
Total Points: 10
Criteria Ratings Pts
2 pts
3 pts
3 pts
2 pts
Properly read in words from stdin 2 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
Read in loop until to logical-end-of-file 3 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
Properly count the words that start with vowels 3 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
Print the result in the expected format 2 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks