CSE102#HW09 solution


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Write a C program that keeps information about world countries. There could be at most 100 countries. Use C Structures with the following data fields to represent countries.  Country name (at 25 characters),  Country population,  Country area in km squares,  Number of soldiers in the army,  Neighbor countries (at most 10 neighbors, 0 for island countries)
When your program runs, it should offer the following options (a) Add a country (if user presses corresponding key, in this case: ‘a’), (Type ‘-1’ to finish neighbor input ) (b) Print name of the most powerful country in terms of military strength in vicinity of a given country (among neighbors of neighbors of given country including itself ) (c) Print name of the largest country in terms of land it possesses in vicinity of a given country (among neighbors of neighbors of given country including itself ) (d) Calculates and prints how many people at minimum should be seen if I need to go from a given country to another given country (Assume that if I visit a country, I would see all people of that country). If the target country is inaccessible then print INACCESSIBLE. (e) Exit the program (Presses key ‘e’)
Sample Usage
Make your choice: a Turkiye 79000000 815000 640000 Azerbaycan Bulgaristan Ermenistan Gurcistan Irak Iran Suriye Yunanistan -1 Make your choice: b Turkiye