CSE 3S Assignment 5 Hamming Codes solution


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1 Introduction
As we know, the world is far from perfect. In the communications domain, this imperfection is called
noise. Noise (unwanted random disturbances) makes it difficult to have a reliable signal. Thus, transferring data through a noisy communication channel is prone to errors. Noisy channels are omnipresent.
They are present in mobile phone networks and even the wires in a circuit. To counteract noisy interference, we add extra information to our data. This extra information allows us to perform error checking,
and request that the sender retransmit any data that was incorrect. We can also add extra information to
not only detect errors but also correct them. This technique is called forward error correction (FEC). CDs,
DVDs, and even hard drives use FEC to account for scratches or bad sectors. In fact, most of our digital
world such as Netflix would not be possible without FEC.
2 Hamming Codes
Hamming: If you come to the Navy School, I will teach you how to be a great scientist.
Long: And if I go to Santa Cruz, will you still teach me?
Hamming: No.
Lunch with Richard Hamming
Richard Hamming
Richard Wesley Hamming was an American applied mathematician whose work
had profound impact on computer engineering and telecommunications. His contributions include the Hamming code (which makes use of a Hamming matrix), the
Hamming window, Hamming numbers, sphere-packing (or Hamming bound), and the
Hamming distance. Hamming served as president of the Association for Computing
Machinery from 1958 to 1960.
He used to joke that he was the anti-Huffman: David Huffman, the inventor of
Huffman codes and a professor here at Santa Cruz, was a friend. Hamming added
redundancy for reliability, while Huffman focused on removing it for efficiency.
In later life, Hamming became interested in teaching. From 1960 and 1976, before
he left Bell Laboratories, he held visiting positions at Stanford University, Stevens Institute of Technology, the City College of New York, the University of California at Irvine and Princeton
© 2021 Darrell Long 1
University. After retiring from the Bell Laboratories in 1976, Hamming took a position at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California, where he worked as an adjunct professor and senior lecturer in
computer science, and devoted himself to teaching and writing books.
He spent significant effort in trying to recruit a young Dr. Long, telling him that “If you come to the
Navy School, I will teach you how to be a great scientist.” Dr. Long replied, “If I go to Santa Cruz, will you
still teach me?” To which Hamming replied, simply, “No.” Sadly, it was an opportunity lost.
2.1 Bits, Nibbles, and Bytes
Around 1948, John Wilder Turkey, an American mathematician, coined the word bit to replace the mouthful that was binary digit. A bit is the basic unit of information for digital systems. It represents a logical
state with only two possible values, either a 1 or 0, on or off, true or false. But one bit is rather limiting.
As a result, multiple bits were packed together to make up a nibble (4 bits with 24
states) or a byte (8 bits
with 28
2.2 Overview
Hamming codes are a linear error-correcting code invented by Richard W. Hamming 1
to correct errors
caused by punched card readers. But, we will be using them to correct errors caused by random bitflips (noise). He introduced the Hamming(7,4) code that encodes 4 bits of data D in 7 bits by adding 3
redundant or parity P bits. An explanation of parity bits will be given through an example. This code
can detect and correct one error. With 7 possible errors, 3 parity bits can identify which bit is incorrect
(23 −1 = 7).
The Hamming(7,4) code is shown in table 1 where the Hamming code’s least significant bit (LSB)
is at index 0012 and the most significant bit (MSB) is in position 1112. While normally in practice we
begin counting at 0, the importance of starting the count at 1 and in binary will be evident in the next
Index 1112 1102 1012 1002 0112 0102 0012
Hamming code D3 D2 D1 P2 D0 P1 P0
Table 1: Hamming(7,4) code with data bits D and parity bits P.
You might notice that each parity bit’s index has only one bit set (a power of 2). P0’s index (0012) has
the 0th bit set, and you might notice that the index for D0, D1, and D3 also have the 0th bit set. Thus, P0
is calculated over D0, D1, and D3, i.e., P0 is set if the data bits have an odd number of 1s. This is an odd
parity scheme. With an odd parity scheme, the parity bit is set if by setting it there are an odd number of
1s. We could use an odd parity scheme, but for this assignment, we will be using an even parity scheme.
We can calculate P1 and P2 in the same way where Pi
is calculated over the data bits whose index has
the i
th bit set. The formulas for the three parity bits Pi are shown below.
P0 = D0 ⊕D1 ⊕D3
P1 = D0 ⊕D2 ⊕D3
P2 = D1 ⊕D2 ⊕D3
1R. W. Hamming, “Error detecting and error correcting codes,” The Bell System Technical Journal, April 1950.
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As a result, each data bit has at least two parity bits that will help recover its value should an error occur.
The overlap of parity bits also keeps them in check (parity bits can be erroneously flipped too). For
example, the Hamming code for 00012 is shown in table 2. From here on, the index will follow convention
and start at 0 and in decimal.
Index 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Label D3 D2 D1 P2 D0 P1 P0
Hamming code 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
Table 2: Hamming(7,4) code for 00012.
The values of parity bits P0, P1, and P2 are calculated as follows:
P0 = D0 ⊕D1 ⊕D3 = 1⊕0⊕0 = 1
P1 = D0 ⊕D2 ⊕D3 = 1⊕0⊕0 = 1
P2 = D1 ⊕D2 ⊕D3 = 0⊕0⊕0 = 0
We currently have a non-systematic code, a code where the parity bits are interspersed throughout
the code. While this is fine for a hardware implementation, it is tedious to do in software. Instead, we
will be using a systematic code, a code where the parity bits are placed after the data bits. We will also
be extending the Hamming(7,4) code by adding one more parity bit to make this a Hamming(8,4) code.
The extra parity bit, P3, is calculated over P0–P2 and D0–D3. If P3 for a received code is incorrect then
we know an error has occurred. Either P3 is incorrect or one of the the bits in the code is incorrect. This
extension has two additional benefits. First, each code is a byte rather than seven bits. Second, we can
now detect two errors but only correct one. The new Hamming code is shown below.
Index 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Hamming code P3 P2 P1 P0 D3 D2 D1 D0
Table 3: Hamming(8,4) systematic code, an extension of the Hamming(7,4) code.
P0 = D0 ⊕D1 ⊕D3
P1 = D0 ⊕D2 ⊕D3
P2 = D1 ⊕D2 ⊕D3
P3 = D0 ⊕D1 ⊕D2 ⊕D3 ⊕P0 ⊕P1 ⊕P2
2.3 Encoding
One approach to generating a Hamming code for a message is to calculate the parity bits one-by-one and
appending them to the end of the message. Instead, we can use a generator matrix, G. Given a message,
m~ , of four bits (a nibble) we can generate its hamming code, ~c, by vector-matrix multiplication ~c = m~ G
where the resulting code is eight bits in size (a byte). G is defined as:
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G =

1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1
0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1
0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0

Vector-matrix multiplication for a vector ~y of size n and matrix A of size n×n where ~y =~xA is defined as:
yi =
xk · Ai,k .
Those of you with exposure to linear algebra (helpful but not required) will notice the left half of G is
the identity matrix I (1s along the diagonal). This ensures the first four bits of the Hamming code are the
data bits while the right half is used to calculate the parity of message (notice the 0s along the diagonal).
Generating the Hamming Code for m~ =
0 0 1 1¢
(11002 in binary) is shown below. Note: binary
is read from right to left with the LSB in the rightmost position and the MSB in the leftmost position.
Vectors (arrays) are read from left to right.
~c =
0 1 2 3
0 0 1 1´

1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1
0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1
0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0

(mod 2)
0 0 1 1 2 2 1 1¢
(mod 2)
0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1¢
In binary,~c is equivalent to 1100 11002.
Note: Addition and multiplication is mod 2 in binary. You might remember from CSE 12 that L
(exclusive-or) is the summing function and can be used in lieu of addition, and ∧ (logical and) can substitute multiplication. These operations have the added benefit of operating in mod 2.
a ⊕b = a +b (mod 2)
a ∧b = a ×b (mod 2)
2.4 Decoding
The process for decoding a Hamming code is similar to encoding a message as it uses a parity-checker
matrix, H, to identify any errors and recover the original message if an error occurred. To decode a
message, the code is multiplied by the transpose of the parity-checker matrix, ~e = ~cHÖ where ~e is the
error syndrome,~c is the Hamming code, and H is defined as
H =

0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0
1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0
1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1

However, ~e 6= m~ . Instead, ~e, the error syndrome, is a pattern of bits that identifies the error if there is
one. For example, if ~e = [0, 1, 1, 1], matching HÖ
’s first row, then we know the error lies in the 0th bit and
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flipping the 0th bit in ~c will correct the error (remember the first four bits in the Hamming code are the
data bits). If ~e = 0 then our message does not contain an error. But, if the error syndrome is non-zero
and the vector is not one of HÖ
’s rows then we cannot correct the error since more than one bit has been
For example, to decode~c calculated earlier, we can do the following:
~e =~cH
Ö =
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1´

0 1 1 1
1 0 1 1
1 1 0 1
1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1

(mod 2)
0 0 0 0¢
Since ~e =
0 0 0 0¢
, we know our message arrived with no errors. Since this is a systematic code,
m~ =
0 0 1 1¢
(the first four elements in~c).
If the second bit had been flipped due to noise and we received ~c =
0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1¢
instead, we can calculate~e to identify the flipped bit.
~e =~cH
Ö =
0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1¢

0 1 1 1
1 0 1 1
1 1 0 1
1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1

(mod 2)
1 0 1 1¢
Since ~e =
1 0 1 1¢
, which is HÖ
’s second row, we know the second element in ~c was erroneously
flipped. Flipping the value of the second element gives us ~c =
0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1¢
. As a result,
m~ =
0 0 1 1¢
or 11002, the original message. One possible method to determine which bit to flip is
to compare the error syndrome with each row in HÖ
, but section 5.3 will go over an optimal approach
involving lookup tables.
3 Bit Vector
A bit vector is an ADT that represents a one dimensional array of bits, the bits in which are used to denote
if something is true or false (1 or 0). This is an efficient ADT since, in order to represent the truth or falsity
of a bit vector of n items, we can use bn/8c +1 uint8_ts instead of n, and being able to access 8 indices
with a single integer access is extremely cost efficient. Since we cannot directly access a bit, we must use
bitwise operations to get, set, and clear a bit within a byte.
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1 struct BitVector {
2 uint32_t length ; // Length in bits .
3 uint8_t * vector ; // Array of bytes .
4 };
3.1 BitVector *bv_create(uint32_t length)
The constructor for a bit vector. In the event that sufficient memory cannot be allocated, the function
must return NULL. Else, it must return a (BitVector *), or a pointer to an allocated BitVector. Each
bit of the bit vector should be initialized to 0.
3.2 void bv_delete(BitVector **v)
The destructor for a bit vector. Remember to set the pointer to NULL after the memory associated with
the bit vector is freed.
3.3 uint32_t bv_length(BitVector *v)
Returns the length of a bit vector.
3.4 void bv_set_bit(BitVector *v, uint32_t i)
Sets the i
th bit in a bit vector. To set a bit in a bit vector, it is necessary to first locate the byte in which
the i
th resides. The location of the byte is calculated as i / 8. The position of the bit in that byte is
calculated as i % 8. Setting a bit in a bit vector should not modify any of the other bits.
3.5 void bv_clr_bit(BitVector *v, uint32_t i)
Clears the i
th bit in the bit vector.
3.6 uint8_t bv_get_bit(BitVector *v, uint32_t i)
Returns the i
th bit in the bit vector.
3.7 void bv_xor_bit(BitVector *v, uint32_t i, uint8_t bit)
XORs the i
th bit in the bit vector with the value of the specified bit.
3.8 void bv_print(BitVector *v)
A debug function to print a bit vector. You will want to do this first in order to verify the correctness of
your bit vector implementation.
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4 Bit Matrix
In this assignment, we will define a bit matrix ADT, which will be an abstraction over a bit vector. That is,
given an m×n bit matrix M, 0 ≤ r < m, and 0 ≤ c < n, then Mr,c corresponds with index r * n + c in the
underlying bit vector. Using this bit matrix abstraction will help when performing matrix multiplication
mod 2 when encoding and decoding Hamming codes.
1 struct BitMatrix {
2 uint32_t rows ;
3 uint32_t cols ;
4 BitVector * vector ;
5 };
4.1 BitMatrix *bm_create(uint32_t rows, uint32_t cols)
The constructor for a bit matrix. In the event that sufficient memory cannot be allocated, the function
must return NULL. Else, it must return a (BitMatrix *), or a pointer to an allocated BitMatrix. The
number of bits in the bit matrix is calculated as row × cols. Each bit should be initialized to 0.
4.2 void bm_delete(BitMatrix **m)
The destructor for a bit matrix. Remember to set the pointer to NULL after the memory associated with
the bit matrix is freed.
4.3 uint32_t bm_rows(BitMatrix *m)
Returns the number of rows in the bit matrix.
4.4 uint32_t bm_cols(BitMatrix *m)
Returns the number of columns in the bit matrix.
4.5 void bm_set_bit(BitMatrix *m, uint32_t r, uint32_t c)
Sets the bit at row r and column c in the bit matrix. Remember, given an m ×n bit matrix M, 0 ≤ r < m,
and 0 ≤ c < n, then Mr,c corresponds with index r * n + c in the underlying bit vector. Setting a bit
should not modify any of the other bits.
4.6 void bm_clr_bit(BitMatrix *m, uint32_t r, uint32_t c)
Clears the bit at row r and column c. Clearing a bit should not modify any of the other bits.
4.7 uint8_t bm_get_bit(BitMatrix *m, uint32_t r, uint32_t c)
Gets the bit at row r and column c. Getting a bit should not modify any of the other bits.
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4.8 BitMatrix *bm_from_data(uint8_t byte, uint32_t length)
We will occasionally need to transform the first length number of bits in a byte into a bit matrix. The
returned bit matrix should have the dimensions 1×length. The value of length should never be greater
than 8, since we will only need to transform codes (8 bits) or nibbles of data (4 bits) into bit matrices.
4.9 uint8_t bm_to_data(BitMatrix *m)
Extracts the first 8 bits of a bit matrix, returning those bits as a uint8_t. Hint: since there are 8 bits in a
byte, what would be the most efficient way of getting these bits?
4.10 BitMatrix *bm_multiply(BitMatrix *A, BitMatrix *B)
Performs a true matrix multiply, multiplying bit matrix A and bit matrix B mod 2. Returns a new bit matrix
that holds the result of the multiplication. Remember, given an m × n matrix A and an n × p matrix B,
the m × p matrix product C is defined as follows for 1 ≤ i ≤ m and 1 ≤ j ≤ p:
Ci,j =
Ai,k ×Bk,j
4.11 void bm_print(BitMatrix *m)
A debug function to print a bit matrix. You will want to do this first in order to verify the correctness of
your bit matrix implementation.
5 Hamming Code Module
This module will implement the Hamming(8,4) code described in §2.2. The API is defined in hamming.h.
As with all provided header files, you may not modify hamming.h. The implementation of the module
should be defined in hamming.c.
The module will contain enumerated status codes that reflect the different possible cases that can occur
when decoding. HAM_OK will indicate that no corrections were needed when decoding. HAM_CORRECT
will indicate that an error was detected and corrected when decoding. Lastly, HAM_ERR will indicate that
more than error was detected and a code could not be properly decoded. These status codes are provided
in hamming.h.
1 typedef enum HAM_STATUS {
2 HAM_OK = -3 , // No error detected .
3 HAM_ERR = -2, // Uncorrectable .
4 HAM_CORRECT = -1 // Detected error and corrected .
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5.2 uint8_t ham_encode(BitMatrix *G, uint8_t msg)
Generates a Hamming code given a nibble of data stored in the lower of nibble of msg and the generator
matrix G. Returns the generated Hamming code, which is stored as a byte, or a uint8_t.
5.3 HAM_STATUS ham_decode(BitMatrix *Ht, uint8_t code, uint8_t *msg)
Decodes the Hamming code using the transpose of the parity-checker matrix, HÖ
, and passes back the
decoded data through the pointer msg. The decoded data bits should constitute the lower nibble. If
no correction is needed when decoding code, return HAM_OK. If one error is detected and corrected,
return HAM_CORRECT. In the event that more than one error is detected, return HAM_ERR to indicate an
uncorrectable error without modifying msg.
To avoiding comparing the error syndrome with each row in HÖ until a match is found (or no match
is found and the error cannot be corrected), we can refer to a lookup table. A lookup table is an array that
contains precomputed information that is referred to often. By constructing a lookup table, we can avoid
performing the same computation many times at the expense of storing the table in memory (in this
case, storing 24 or 16 bytes is negligible). The index to the table will be the error syndrome and the value is
the bit(start counting at 0) that needs to be flipped if the error can be corrected. Thus, if~e =
1 0 1 1¢
or 11012 (1310), then table[13] = 1. If the error cannot be corrected then table[~e] = HAM_ERR.
Pre-lab Questions
1. Complete the rest of the look-up table shown below.
0 0
1 4
··· ···
2. Decode the following codes. If it contains an error, show and explain how to correct it.
Remember, it is possible for a code to be uncorrectable.
(a) 1110 00112
(b) 1101 10002
6 Your Task
You will be creating two programs for this assignment: an encoder and a decoder. The encoder will generate Hamming codes given input data and the decoder will decode the generated Hamming codes. Both
will operate with the Hamming(8, 4) systematic code. The generator matrix G and the transpose of the
parity-checker matrix, HÖ
, will be represented with bit matrices.
They must read from stdin by default or a file and write to stdout by default or a file. Thus, they
should support command-line arguments, -i and -o, to specify input and/or output files. The decoder
will also print statistics such as total bytes processed, uncorrected errors, corrected errors, and the error
rate to stderr.
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6.1 Encoder Command-line Options
Your encoder program, named encode, must support any combination of the following command-line
• -h : Prints out a help message describing the purpose of the program and the command-line options it accepts, exiting the program afterwards. Refer to the reference program in the resources
repo for an idea of what to print.
• -i infile : Specify the input file path containing data to encode into Hamming codes. The default input should be set as stdin.
• -o outfile : Specify the output file path to write the encoded data (the Hamming codes) to. If not
specified, the default output should be set as stdout.
6.2 Decoder Command-line Options
Your decoder program, named decode, will need to support the same command-line options that your
encoder does, plus an option to trigger the verbose printing of statistics.
• -h : Prints out a help message describing the purpose of the program and the command-line options it accepts, exiting the program afterwards. Refer to the reference program in the resources
repo for an idea of what to print.
• -i infile : Specify the input file path containing Hamming codes to decode. The default input
should be set as stdin.
• -o outfile : Specify the output file path to write the decoded Hamming codes to. If not specified,
the default output should be set as stdout.
• -v : Prints statistics of the decoding process to stderr. The statistics to print are the total bytes
processed, uncorrected errors, corrected errors, and the error rate. The error rate is defined as
(uncorrected errors/total bytes processed), the ratio of uncorrected errors to total bytes processed.
6.3 Example Program Output
$ ./encode -i frankenstein.txt | ./decode | diff – frankenstein.txt
Total bytes processed: 902092
Uncorrected errors: 0
Corrected errors: 0
Error rate: 0.000000
Figure 1: Example usage and decoder statistics. Here diff uses the dash to represent stdin.
We will be providing source code for a program (error.c) that will inject errors (noise) into your
Hamming codes. Note that not all errors will be correctable. The rate at which the program injects errors
is a command-line argument and is specified by -e rate (default is 0.01 or 1%) and must be between
[0.0, 1.0]. The seed is specified with -s seed and it must be a positive integer.
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$ ./encode < frankenstein.txt | ./error -e 0.002 -s 2021 | ./decode > /
Total bytes processed: 902092
Uncorrected errors: 89
Corrected errors: 14267
Error rate: 0.000099
Figure 2: Example usage with added noise.
6.4 FILE *
There is a lot of complicated logic at the hardware level to read and write actual bits of information.
This is out of scope for a person wanting to write a software program. To make things simpler, the C
standard library provides functions that abstracts much of this complicated logic. All of these functions
are defined in stdio.h, and utilize the FILE object. The FILE object contains all the information about
the file such as its name, file position indicator, file access mode (read/write), and other details necessary
for I/O operations. Some functions of note for this assignment are fopen(), fclose(), fgetc(), and
fputc(). Read the man pages for these functions to see what they do.
6.5 File I/O and Permissions
In the last assignment, graphs were read from either stdin or a file, and the final paths was printed to
either stdout or a file. Thus, you should be familiar with file I/O. However, we must pay special attention
to the input and output file’s permissions when generating or decoding Hamming codes. For example,
imagine you have a sensitive file on your UNIX machine that only you can read or write. Everyone else
will receive an error if they attempt to read or write to it. The file containing the generated Hamming
codes should also only be read or written by you, i.e., it should inherit the file permissions of the file for
which it is generating Hamming codes. This will prevent another user with prying eyes to decode the
file with Hamming codes and learn the contents of your sensitive file (if it is that sensitive, it should be
encrypted in the first place).
6.5.1 UNIX File Permissions
Every file in UNIX has a set of access modes for the owner, group, and everyone else. The ls -l command will lists all the files in a directory and also displays its permissions. In figure 3, the owner of the
file, bat-notes, is batman, and the group is dc. Users in UNIX can be members of a group such as the
sudo group. The groups command lists the groups the current user is in. Groups allow users to share
files within their groups while controlling the extent of their access.
$ ls -l
-rw-rw-r– 1 batman dc 102 Jan 21 12:33 bat-notes
Figure 3: Output of ls -l
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The file’s permissions are presented in the same order from left to right after the first dash: owner,
group, and others. Read permission is represented by r, write permission, the ability to modify, create, or
delete a file, is represented by w, and execute permission for programs and shell scripts are represented
by x. Thus, in figure 3, batman has the following permissions on his file, bat-notes: rw-rw-r–. The
owner, batman, has read and write permissions but cannot execute the file. The group, dc, has read and
write permissions but cannot execute the file. Everyone else can only read the file.
File permissions are not set in stone and can be modified by chmod (both a command and a system
call). For example, if batman wants to remove read access to everyone else other than himself and members of the dc group, he can execute the command chmod o-r bat-notes to remove read permissions
from others. If he changes his mind later, he can use the command chmod o+r bat-notes to add read
permissions to others.
$ chmod o-r,g-w bat-notes
$ ls -l
-rw-r—- 1 batman dc 102 Jan 21 12:33 bat-notes
Figure 4: Removing other’s read permission and the group’s write permission
As mentioned earlier, chmod is also a system call and can be called from a C program. For this assignment, all output files should inherit the file permissions of the input file. fstat() should be used to
retrieve the input file’s permissions and fchmod() to set the output file’s permissions to match the input’s.
Refer to man chmod, man fchmod, man fstat for more information. Note: both of these functions expect a file descriptor that is returned by low-level IO (open()), so you will need to use fileno() to get
the file descriptor of an open stream.
Using fstat() and fchmod()
1 // Opening files to read from and write to.
2 FILE * infile = fopen (“bat – notes “, “rb”);
3 FILE * outfile = fopen (“bat -notes – encoded “, “wb”);
5 // Getting and setting file permissions
6 struct stat statbuf ;
7 fstat ( fileno ( infile ) , & statbuf );
8 fchmod ( fileno ( outfile ) , statbuf . st_mode ) ;
Another way to represent file permissions is with three octal digits, one for owner, group, and others.
The octable table is shown in table 4. In fact, those with a keen eye will notice that file permissions are
in fact a set. Thus, if a file has its permissions set to 7558 then the owner has read, write, and execute
permissions and the group and others only have read, execute permissions.
7 Packing and Unpacking Nibbles
Here are some functions to aid you in getting either the low or high nibble in a byte, as well as packing
them together back into a byte.
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Ref. Octal Binary
–x 1 001
-w- 2 010
-wx 3 011
r– 4 100
r-x 5 101
rw- 6 110
rwx 7 111
Table 4: Octal and binary representation of file permissions.
Helper functions
1 // Returns the lower nibble of val
2 uint8_t lower_nibble ( uint8_t val ) {
3 return val & 0xF;
4 }
6 // Returns the upper nibble of val
7 uint8_t upper_nibble ( uint8_t val ) {
8 return val >> 4;
9 }
11 // Packs two nibbles into a byte
12 uint8_t pack_byte ( uint8_t upper , uint8_t lower ) {
13 return ( upper << 4) | ( lower & 0xF);
14 }
8 Encoder Program Specifics
In main() do the following:
1. Parse the command-line options with getopt() and open any input and/or output files using
fopen() and correct file permissions.
2. Initialize the generator matrix G using bm_create().
3. Read a byte from the specified file stream or stdin with fgetc().
4. Generate the Hamming(8,4) codes for both the upper and lower nibble with ham_encode() and
write to the specified file or stdout with fputc(). The Hamming code for the lower nibble should
be written first followed by the code for the upper nibble. Note: You’ll notice this operation becomes repetitive with larger files. If only there was a lookup table of Hamming codes to refer to.
5. Repeat steps 3 – 4 until all data has been read from the file or stdout.
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6. Close both the input and output files with fclose() and make sure that any memory allocated is
9 Decoder Program Specifics
1. Parse the command-line options with getopt() and open any input and/or output files using
fopen() and correct file permissions.
2. Initialize the transpose of the parity-checker matrix, HÖ
, using bm_create().
3. Read two bytes from the specified file stream or stdin with fgetc(). Note: The first byte read is
the Hamming code for the lower nibble, and the second is the upper nibble.
4. For each byte pair read, decode the Hamming(8,4) codes for both with ham_decode() to recover
the original upper and lower nibbles of the message. Then, reconstruct the original byte. Note:
The return code from ham_decode() should be used for statistics. Your program should count the
number of bytes proccessed, Hamming codes that required correction, and Hamming codes that
could not be corrected.
5. Write the reconstructed byte with fputc(). Note: You should still write the byte even for Hamming
codes that could not be corrected, leaving the data bits in the byte as is.
6. Repeat steps 3 – 5 until all data has been read from the file or stdout.
7. Print the following statistics to stderr with fprintf():
• Total bytes processed: The number of bytes read by the decoder.
• Uncorrected errors: The number of Hamming codes that could not be corrected.
• Corrected errors: The number of Hamming codes that experienced an error that was recoverable.
• Error rate: The rate of uncorrected errors for a given input. Refer to §6.2 for the calculation.
8. Close both the input and output files with fclose() and make sure that any memory allocated is
Remember: In both the encoder and decoder, if an input and output file are specified, the output file
should have the same file permissions as the input file. You can use fstat() to retrieve an open file’s
permissions, fchmod() to change the permissions of the output file to match the input’s. Since both of
these functions expect a file descriptor that is returned by low-level IO (open()), you will need to use
fileno() to get the file descriptor of an open stream.
10 Deliverables
You will need to turn in:
1. encode.c: This file will contain your implementation of the Hamming Code encoder.
© 2021 Darrell Long 14
2. decode.c: This file will contain your implementation of the Hamming Code decoder.
3. error.c: This file will be provided in the resources repo, but should be included in your repo as
well. You must not modify this file.
4. entropy.c: This file will be provided in the resources repo, but should be included in your repo as
well. You must not modify this file.
5. bv.h: This fill will contain the bit vector ADT interface. This file will be provided. You may not
modify this file.
6. bv.c: This file will contain your implementation of the bit vector ADT. You must define the bit
vector struct in this file.
7. bm.h: This file will contain the bit matrix ADT interface. This file will be provided. You may not
modify this file.
8. bm.c: This file will contain your implementation of the bit matrix ADT. You must define the bit
matrix struct in this file.
9. hamming.h: This file will contain the interface of the Hamming Code module. This file will be
provided. You may not modify this file.
10. hamming.c: This file will contain your implementation of the Hamming Code module.
11. Makefile: This is a file that will allow the grader to type make to compile your programs.
• CC=clang must be specified.
• CFLAGS=-Wall -Wextra -Werror -Wpedantic must be included.
• make should build the encoder, the decoder, the supplied error-injection program, and the
supplied entropy-measure program, as should make all.
• make encode should build just the encoder.
• make decode should build just the decoder.
• make error should build just the supplied error-injection program.
• make entropy should build just the supplied entropy-measure program.
• make clean must remove all files that are compiler generated.
• make format should format all your source code, including the header files.
12. Your code must pass scan-build cleanly. If there are any bugs or errors that are false positives,
document them and explain why they are false positives in your README.md.
13. README.md: This must be in Markdown. This must describe how to build and run your program.
14. DESIGN.pdf: This must be a PDF. The design document should answer the pre-lab questions,
describe the purpose of your program, and communicate its overall design with enough detail such
that a sufficiently knowledgeable programmer would be able to replicate your implementation.
This does not mean copying your entire program in verbatim. You should instead describe how
your program works with supporting pseudocode. C code is not considered pseudocode.
© 2021 Darrell Long 15
15. WRITEUP.pdf: This document must be a PDF. You will need to use the entropy.c program that
will be supplied to you. The program reads data from stdin and prints out the amount of entropy
in the read data. Entropy, as defined by Claude Shannon, quantifies the amount of information
that is produced by some process. This will be discussed further in lecture. Your writeup must
include the following:
• Graphs showing the amount of entropy of data before and after encoding it.
• Analysis of the graphs you produce.
11 Submission
To submit your assignment through git, refer to the steps shown in asgn0 Remember: add, commit, and
push! Your assignment is turned in only after you have pushed and submitted the commit ID to Canvas.
Your design document is turned in only after you have pushed and submitted the commit ID to Canvas.
If you forget to push, you have not turned in your assignment and you will get a zero. “I forgot to push”
is not a valid excuse. It is highly recommended to commit and push your changes often.
12 Supplemental Readings
The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the
more places you’ll go.
—Dr. Seuss
• The C Programming Language by Kernighan & Ritchie
– Chapter 2 §2.9
– Chapter 5 §5.7
– Chapter 7
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© 2021 Darrell Long 16