CSE 13S Assignment 3 Sorting: Putting your affairs in order solution


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Any inaccuracies in this index may be explained by the fact that it has been
sorted with the help of a computer.
—Donald Knuth, Vol. III, Sorting and Searching
1 Introduction
Putting items into a sorted order is one of the most common tasks in Computer Science. As a result, there
are a myriad of library routines that will do this task for you, but that does not absolve you of the obligation
of understanding how it is done. In fact it behooves you to understand the various algorithms in order to
make wise choices.
The best execution time that can be accomplished, also referred to as the lower bound, for sorting using
comparisons is Ω(n logn), where n is the number is elements to be sorted. If the universe of elements to
be sorted is small, then we can do better using a Count Sort or a Radix Sort both of which have a time
complexity of O(n). The idea of Count Sort is to count the number of occurrences of each element in an
array. For Radix Sort, a digit by digit sort is done by starting from the least significant digit to the most
significant digit. It may also use Count Sort as a subroutine.
What is this O and Ω stuff? It’s how we talk about the execution time (or space used) by a program. We
will discuss it in lecture and in sections, and you will see it again in your Data Structures and Algorithms
class, now named CSE 101.
The sorting algorithms that you are expected to implement are Bubble Sort, Shell Sort, and two Quicksorts. The purpose of this assignment is to get you fully familiarized with each sorting algorithm. They are
well-known sorts (save for the latter Quicksort). You can use the Python pseudocode provided to you as
guidelines. Do not get the code for the sorts from the Internet or you will be referred to for cheating. We
will be running plagiarism checkers.
© 2021 Darrell Long 1
2 Bubble Sort
C is peculiar in a lot of ways, but it, like many other successful things, has a
certain unity of approach that stems from development in a small group.
—Dennis Ritchie
Bubble Sort works by examining adjacent pairs of items, call them i and j. If item j is smaller than item
i, swap them. As a result, the largest element bubbles up to the top of the array in a single pass. Since it is
in fact the largest, we do not need to consider it again. So in the next pass, we only need to consider n −1
pairs of items. The first pass requires n pairs to be examined; the second pass, n − 1 pairs; the third pass
n −2 pairs, and so forth. If you can pass over the entire array and no pairs are out of order, then the array is
Pre-lab Part 1
1. How many rounds of swapping will need to sort the numbers 8, 22, 7, 9, 31, 5, 13 in ascending
order using Bubble Sort?
2. How many comparisons can we expect to see in the worse case scenario for Bubble Sort? Hint:
make a list of numbers and attempt to sort them using Bubble Sort.
In 1784, when Carl Friedrich Gauß was only 7 years old, he was reported to have amazed his elementary school teacher by how quickly he summed up the integers from 1 to 100. The precocious little Gauß
produced the correct answer immediately after he quickly observed that the sum was actually 50 pairs of
numbers, with each pair summing to 101 totaling to 5,050. We can then see that:
n +(n −1)+(n −2)+…+1 =
n(n +1)
so the worst case time complexity is O(n
). However, it could be much better if the list is already sorted. If
you haven’t seen the inductive proof for this yet, you will in the discrete mathematics class, CSE 16.
Bubble Sort in Python
1 def bubble_sort(arr):
2 n = len(arr)
3 swapped = True
4 while swapped:
5 swapped = False
6 for i in range(1, n):
7 if arr[i] < arr[i – 1]:
8 arr[i], arr[i – 1] = arr[i – 1], arr[i]
9 swapped = True
10 n -= 1
© 2021 Darrell Long 2
3 Shell Sort
There are two ways of constructing a software design. One way is to make it
so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies, and the other way is to
make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies. The first
method is far more difficult.
—C.A.R. Hoare
Donald L. Shell (March 1, 1924–November 2, 2015) was an American computer scientist who designed the
Shell sort sorting algorithm. He earned his Ph.D. in Mathematics from the University of Cincinnati in 1959,
and published the Shell Sort algorithm in the Communications of the ACM in July that same year.
Shell Sort is a variation of insertion sort, which sorts pairs of elements which are far apart from each
other. The gap between the compared items being sorted is continuously reduced. Shell Sort starts with
distant elements and moves out-of-place elements into position faster than a simple nearest neighbor exchange. What is the expected time complexity of Shell Sort? It depends entirely upon the gap sequence.
The following is the pseudocode for Shell Sort. The gap sequence is represented by the array gaps. You
will be given a gap sequence, the Pratt sequence (2
also called 3-smooth), in the header file gaps.h. For
each gap in the gap sequence, the function compares all the pairs in arr that are gap indices away from
each other. Pairs are swapped if they are in the wrong order.
Shell Sort in Python
1 def shell_sort(arr):
2 for gap in gaps:
3 for i in range(gap, len(arr)):
4 j = i
5 temp = arr[i]
6 while j >= gap and temp < arr[j – gap]:
7 arr[j] = arr[j – gap]
8 j -= gap
9 arr[j] = temp
Pre-lab Part 2
1. The worst time complexity for Shell Sort depends on the sequence of gaps. Investigate why
this is the case. How can you improve the time complexity of this sort by changing the gap
size? Cite any sources you used.
© 2021 Darrell Long 3
4 Quicksort
If debugging is the process of removing software bugs, then programming
must be the process of putting them in.
—Edsger Dijkstra
Quicksort (sometimes called partition-exchange sort) was developed by British computer scientist C.A.R.
“Tony” Hoare in 1959 and published in 1961. It is perhaps the most commonly used algorithm for sorting
(by competent programmers). When implemented well, it is the fastest known algorithm that sorts using
comparisons. It is usually two or three times faster than its main competitors, Merge Sort and Heapsort. It
does, though, have a worst case performance of O(n
) while its competitors are strictly O(n logn) in their
worst case.
Quicksort is a divide-and-conquer algorithm. It partitions arrays into two sub-arrays by selecting an
element from the array and designating it as a pivot. Elements in the array that are less than the pivot go
to the left sub-array, and elements in the array that are greater than or equal to the pivot go to the right
Note that Quicksort is an in-place algorithm, meaning it doesn’t allocate additional memory for subarrays to hold partitioned elements. Instead, Quicksort utilizes a subroutine called partition() that
places elements less than the pivot into the left side of the array and elements greater than or equal to
the pivot into the right side and returns the index that indicates the division between the partitioned parts
of the array. In a recursive implementation, Quicksort is then applied recursively on the partitioned parts
of the array, thereby sorting each array partition containing at least one element.
Instead of a recursive Quicksort, you will be writing an two iterative Quicksorts: one that utilizes a stack
and one that utilizes a queue. In the implementation using a stack, two indices are pushed into the stack at
a time. The first and second indices respectively represent the leftmost and rightmost indices of the array
partition to sort. Similarly, in the implementation using a queue, two indices are enqueued at a time, where
the first and second indices respectively represent the leftmost and rightmost indices of the array partition
to sort. Hint: the return type of partition() should be int64_t.
Partition in Python
1 def partition(arr, lo, hi):
2 pivot = arr[lo + ((hi – lo) // 2)]; # Prevent overflow.
3 i = lo – 1
4 j = hi + 1
5 while i < j:
6 i += 1 # You may want to use a do-while loop.
7 while arr[i] < pivot:
8 i += 1
9 j -= 1
10 while arr[j] > pivot:
11 j -= 1
12 if i < j:
13 arr[i], arr[j] = arr[j], arr[i]
14 return j
© 2021 Darrell Long 4
Quicksort in Python with a stack
1 def quick_sort_stack(arr):
2 lo = 0
3 hi = len(arr) – 1
4 stack = []
5 stack.append(lo) # Pushes to the top.
6 stack.append(hi)
7 while len(stack) != 0:
8 hi = stack.pop() # Pops off the top.
9 lo = stack.pop()
10 p = partition(arr, lo, hi)
11 if lo < p:
12 stack.append(lo)
13 stack.append(p)
14 if hi > p + 1:
15 stack.append(p + 1)
16 stack.append(hi)
Quicksort in Python with a queue
1 def quick_sort_queue(arr):
2 lo = 0
3 hi = len(arr) – 1
4 queue = []
5 queue.append(lo) # Enqueues at the head.
6 queue.append(hi)
7 while len(queue) != 0:
8 lo = queue.pop(0) # Dequeues from the tail.
9 hi = queue.pop(0)
10 p = partition(arr, lo, hi)
11 if lo < p:
12 queue.append(lo)
13 queue.append(p)
14 if hi > p + 1:
15 queue.append(p + 1)
16 queue.append(hi)
Pre-lab Part 3
1. Quicksort, with a worse case time complexity of O(n
), doesn’t seem to live up to its name.
Investigate and explain why Quicksort isn’t doomed by its worst case scenario. Make sure to
cite any sources you use.
© 2021 Darrell Long 5
4.1 Stacks
You will need to implement the stack ADT for the first of your two iterative Quicksorts. An ADT is an abstract
data type. With any ADT comes an interface comprised of constructor, destructor, accessor, and manipulator functions. The following subsections define the interface for a stack. A stack is an ADT that implements
a last-in, first-out, or LIFO, policy. Consider a stack of pancakes. A pancake can only be placed (pushed) on
top of the stack and can only be removed (popped) from the top of the stack. The header file containing the
interface will be given to you as stack.h. You may not modify this file. If you borrow code from any place
— including Prof. Long — you must cite it. It is far better if you write it yourself.
4.1.1 Stack
The stack datatype will be abstracted as a struct called Stack. We will use a typedef to construct a new
type, which you should treat as opaque — which means that you cannot manipulate it directly. We will
declare the stack type in stack.h and you will define its concrete implementation in stack.c. This means
the following struct definition must be in stack.c.
1 struct Stack {
2 uint32_t top; // Index of the next empty slot.
3 uint32_t capacity; // Number of items that can be pushed.
4 int64_t *items; // Array of items , each with type int64_t.
5 };
4.1.2 Stack *stack_create(uint32_t capacity)
The constructor function for a Stack. The top of a stack should be initialized to 0. The capacity of a stack is
set to the specified capacity. The specified capacity also indicates the number of items to allocate memory
for, the items in which are held in the dynamically allocated array items. A working constructor for a stack
is provided below. Note that it uses malloc() and calloc() for dynamic memory allocation. Both these
functions are included from <stdlib.h>.
1 Stack *stack_create(uint32_t capacity) {
2 Stack *s = (Stack *) malloc(sizeof(Stack));
3 if (s) {
4 s->top = 0;
5 s->capacity = capacity;
6 s->items = (int64_t *) calloc(capacity , sizeof(int64_t));
7 if (!s->items) {
8 free(s);
9 s = NULL;
10 }
11 }
12 return s;
13 }
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4.1.3 void stack_delete(Stack **s)
The destructor function for a stack. A working destructor for a stack is provided below. Any memory that is
allocated using one of malloc(), realloc(), or calloc() must be freed using the free() function. The
job of the destructor is to free all the memory allocated by the constructor. Your programs are expected to
be free of memory leaks. A pointer to a pointer is used as the parameter because we want to avoid use-afterfree errors. A use-after-free error occurs when a program uses a pointer that points to freed memory. To
avoid this, we pass the address of a pointer to the destructor function. By dereferencing this double pointer,
we can make sure that the pointer that pointed to allocated memory is updated to be NULL.
1 void stack_delete(Stack **s) {
2 if (*s && (*s)->items) {
3 free((*s)->items);
4 free(*s);
5 *s = NULL;
6 }
7 return;
8 }
10 int main(void) {
11 Stack *s = stack_create();
12 stack_delete(&s);
13 assert(s == NULL);
14 }
4.1.4 bool stack_empty(Stack *s)
Since we will be using typedef to create opaque data types, we need functions to access fields of a data
type. These functions are called accessor functions. An opaque data type means that users do not need to
know its implementation outside of the implementation itself. This also means that it is incorrect to write
s->top outside of stack.c since it violates opacity. This accessor function returns true if the stack is
empty and false otherwise.
4.1.5 bool stack_full(Stack *s)
Returns true if the stack is full and false otherwise.
4.1.6 uint32_t stack_size(Stack *s)
Returns the number of items in the stack.
4.1.7 bool stack_push(Stack *s, int64_t x)
The need for manipulator functions follows the rationale behind the need for accessor functions: there
needs to be some way to alter fields of a data type. stack_push() is a manipulator function that pushes
an item x to the top of a stack.
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This function returns a bool in order to signify either success or failure when pushing onto a stack.
When can pushing onto a stack result in failure? When the stack is full. If the stack is full prior to pushing
the item x, return false to indicate failure. Otherwise, push the item and return true to indicate success.
4.1.8 bool stack_pop(Stack *s, int64_t *x)
This function pops an item off the specified stack, passing the value of the popped item back through the
pointer x. Like with stack_push(), this function returns a bool to indicate either success or failure. When
can popping a stack result in failure? When the stack is empty. If the stack is empty prior to popping it,
return false to indicate failure. Otherwise, pop the item, set the value in the memory x is pointing to as
the popped item, and return true to indicate success.
1 // Dereferencing x to change the value it points to.
2 *x = s->items[s->top];
4.1.9 void stack_print(Stack *s)
This is a debug function that you should write early on. It will help greatly in determining whether or not
your stack implementation is working correctly.
4.2 Queues
You will need to implement the queue ADT for the second of your two iterative Quicksorts. The following
subsections define the interface for a queue. The header file containing the interface will be given to you as
queue.h. You may not modify this file. A queue is an ADT that implements a first-in, first-out, or FIFO, policy. Consider a checkout line. Customers are dequeued from the front (the head) of the line and enqueued
at the end (the tail) of the line.
4.2.1 Queue
The queue struct must be defined as follows in queue.c:
1 struct Queue {
2 uint32_t head; // Index of the head of the queue.
3 uint32_t tail; // Index of the tail of the queue.
4 uint32_t size; // The number of elements in the queue.
5 uint32_t capacity; // Capacity of the queue.
6 int64_t *items; // Holds the items.
7 }
4.2.2 Queue *queue_create(uint32_t capacity)
The constructor for a Queue. The structure of this function is very similar to the stack constructor function
given in §4.1.2. The head and tail of a queue should be initialized to 0. The capacity of a queue is set to
the specified capacity. The capacity also indicates the number of items to allocate memory for, the items
© 2021 Darrell Long 8
in which are contained in the dynamically allocated array items. The size of a queue tracks the number
of enqueued items. Return a pointer to the dynamically allocated Queue. If malloc() or calloc() fail,
return a NULL pointer to indicate failure.
4.2.3 void queue_delete(Queue **q)
The destructor for a Queue.
4.2.4 bool queue_empty(Queue *q)
Returns true if the queue is empty and false otherwise.
4.2.5 bool queue_full(Queue *q)
Returns true if the queue is full and false otherwise.
4.2.6 uint32_t queue_size(Queue *q)
Returns the number of items in the queue.
4.2.7 bool enqueue(Queue *q, int64_t x)
Enqueues an item x at the tail of a queue. If the queue is full prior to enqueuing x, return false to indicate
failure. Otherwise, enqueue x and return true to indicate success.
4.2.8 bool dequeue(Queue *q, int64_t *x)
Dequeues an item from the head of a queue, passing the value of the dequeued item back through the
pointer x. If the queue is empty prior to dequeuing the item, return false to indicate failure. Otherwise,
dequeue the item, set the value in the memory x is pointing to as the dequeued item, and return true to
indicate success.
4.2.9 void queue_print(Queue *q)
This is a debug function that you should write early on. It will help greatly in determining whether or not
your queue implementation is working correctly.
5 Your Task
Die Narrheit hat ein großes Zelt; Es lagert bei ihr alle Welt, Zumal wer Macht
hat und viel Geld.
—Sebastian Brant, Das Narrenschiff
For this assignment you have 3 tasks:
© 2021 Darrell Long 9
1. Implement Bubble Sort, Shell Sort, and both iterative Quicksorts based on the provided Python pseudocode in C. The interface for these sorts will be given as the header files bubble.h, shell.h, and
quick.h. You are not allowed to modify these files for any reason other than gathering statistics.
2. Implement a test harness for your implemented sorting algorithms. In your test harness, you will
creating an array of random elements and testing each of the sorts. Your test harness must be in the
file sorting.c.
3. Gather statistics about each sort and its performance. The statistics you will gather are the size of the
array, the number of moves required, and the number of comparisons required. Note: a comparison
is counted only when two array elements are compared. For the iterative Quicksorts, you will additionally need to gather statistics on the maximum stack and queue sizes. You will want to create some
6 Specifics
Vielleicht sind alle Drachen unseres Lebens Prinzessinnen, die nur darauf
warten uns einmal schön und mutig zu sehen. Vielleicht ist alles
Schreckliche im Grunde das Hilflose, das von uns Hilfe will.
—Rainer Maria Rilke
The following subsections cover the requirements of your test harness. It is crucial that you follow the instructions.
6.1 Command-line Options
Your test harness must support any combination of the following command-line options:
• -a : Enables all sorting algorithms.
• -b : Enables Bubble Sort.
• -s : Enables Shell Sort.
• -q : Enables the Quicksort that utilizes a stack.
• -Q : Enables the Quicksort that utilizes a queue.
• -r seed : Set the random seed to seed. The default seed should be 13371453.
• -n size : Set the array size to size. The default size should be 100.
• -p elements : Print out elements number of elements from the array. The default number of elements to print out should be 100. If the size of the array is less than the specified number of elements
to print, print out the entire array and nothing more.
It is important to read this carefully. None of these options are exclusive of any other (you may specify
any number of them, including zero). The most natural data structure for this problem is a set.
© 2021 Darrell Long 10
6.2 Output
The output your test harness produces must be formatted like in the following examples:
$ ./sorting -bq -n 1000 -p 0
Bubble Sort
1000 elements, 758313 moves, 498465 compares
Quick Sort (Stack)
1000 elements, 7257 moves, 13643 compares
Max stack size: 22
$ ./sorting -bqQ -n 15 -r 2021
Bubble Sort
15 elements, 228 moves, 105 compares
45003895 46620555 199644728 203770850 218081181
230022357 273593510 314322227 377988577 458735007
553822818 570456718 653251166 802708864 890975627
Quick Sort (Stack)
15 elements, 60 moves, 98 compares
Max stack size: 6
45003895 46620555 199644728 203770850 218081181
230022357 273593510 314322227 377988577 458735007
553822818 570456718 653251166 802708864 890975627
Quick Sort (Queue)
15 elements, 60 moves, 98 compares
Max queue size: 8
45003895 46620555 199644728 203770850 218081181
230022357 273593510 314322227 377988577 458735007
553822818 570456718 653251166 802708864 890975627
For each sort that was specified, print its name, the statistics for the run, then the specified number of
array elements to print. The array elements should be printed out in a table with 5 columns. Each array
element should be printed with a width of 13. You should make use of the following printf() statement:
1 printf(“%13” PRIu32); // Include <inttypes.h> for PRIu32.
Pre-lab Part 4
1. Explain how you plan on keeping track of the number of moves and comparisons since each
sort will reside within its own file.
7 Deliverables
Dr. Long, put down the Rilke and step away from the computer.
—Michael Olson
You will need to turn in:
© 2021 Darrell Long 11
1. Your program must have the following source and header files:
• Each sorting method will have its own pair of header file and source file.
– bubble.h specifies the interface to bubble.c.
– bubble.c implements Bubble Sort.
– gaps.h contains the Pratt gap sequence for Shell Sort.
– shell.h specifies the interface to shell.c.
– shell.c implements Shell Sort.
– quick.h specifies the interface to quick.c.
– quick.c implements both iterative Quicksorts.
– stack.h specifies the interface to the stack ADT.
– stack.c implements the stack ADT.
– queue.h specifies the interface to the queue ADT.
– queue.c implements the queue ADT.
• sorting.c contains main() and may contain any other functions necessary to complete the
You can have other source and header files, but do not try to be overly clever. The header files for each
of the sorts are provided to you. Each sort function takes the array of uint32_ts to sort as the first
parameter and the length of the array as the second parameter.
2. Makefile: This is a file that will allow the grader to type make to compile your program. Typing make
must build your program and ./sorting alone as well as flags must run your program.
• CFLAGS=-Wall -Wextra -Werror -Wpedantic must be included.
• CC=clang must be specified.
• make clean must remove all files that are compiler generated.
• make should build your program, as should make all.
• make format should format all your source code, including the header files.
• Your program executable must be named sorting.
3. Your code must pass scan-build cleanly.
4. README.md: This must be in Markdown. This must describe how to use your program and Makefile.
5. DESIGN.pdf: This must be a PDF. The design document should contain answers to the pre-lab questions at the beginning and describe your design for your program with enough detail that a sufficiently
knowledgeable programmer would be able to replicate your implementation. This does not mean
copying your entire program in verbatim. You should instead describe how your program works with
supporting pseudo-code.
6. WRITEUP.pdf: This document must be a PDF. The writeup must include the following:
• Identify the respective time complexity for each sort and include what you have to say about the
© 2021 Darrell Long 12
• What you learned from the different sorting algorithms.
• How you experimented with the sorts.
• How big do the stack and queue get? Does the size relate to the input? How?
• Graphs explaining the performance of the sorts on a variety of inputs, such as arrays in reverse
order, arrays with a small number of elements, and arrays with a large number of elements.
• Analysis of the graphs you produce.
8 Submission
Daß Gott ohn Arbeit Lohn verspricht, Verlaß dich darauf und backe nicht
Und wart, bis dir ’ne Taube gebraten Vom Himmel könnt in den Mund
—Sebastian Brant, Das Narrenschiff
To submit your assignment, refer back to asgn0 for the steps on how to submit your assignment through
git. Remember: add, commit, and push!
Your assignment is turned in only after you have pushed and submitted the commit ID on Canvas. If
you forget to push, you have not turned in your assignment and you will get a zero. “I forgot to push” is not
a valid excuse. It is highly recommended to commit and push your changes often.
9 Supplemental Readings
The more you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn,
the more places you’ll go.
—Dr. Seuss
• The C Programming Language by Kernighan & Ritchie
– Chapter 1 §1.10
– Chapter 3 §3.5
– Chapter 4 §4.10–4.11
– Chapter 5 §5.1–5.3 & 5.10
• C in a Nutshell by T. Crawford & P. Prinz.
– Chapter 6 – Example 6.5
– Chapter 7 – Recursive Functions
– Chapter 8 – Arrays as Arguments of Functions
– Chapter 9 – Pointers to Arrays
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用 C 編程就像給猴子電鋸一樣。
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