CSE 1321L:Assignment 7 –Arrays solution


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Program 1: Design (pseudocode) and implement (source code) a program (name it Occurrences) that counts the occurrences of integers in an array. The program main method defines a single-dimensional array of size 10 elements and prompts the user to enter 10 integers to initialize the array. The main method then calls method Count()to printout the count of each value in the array. Method Count()takes an integer array, counts the occurrences of each value in the array, and prints out the results as shown below. Document your code and properly label the input prompts and the outputs as shown below.


Sample run 1:


Entered integers:    7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7


7 occurred 10 times


Sample run 2:


Entered integers:    5 2 3 2 1 5 17 22 3 5


5 occurred 3 times

2 occurred 2 times

3 occurred 2 times

1 occurred 1 time

17 occurred 1 time

22 occurred 1 time


Sample run 3:


Entered integers:    25 35 25 11 35 35 35 45 35 10


25 occurred 2 times

35 occurred 5 times

11 occurred 1 time

45 occurred 1 time

10 occurred 1 time



Program 2: Design (pseudocode) and implement (source code) a program (name it IndexOfLargest) to find the index of the first largest value in the array. Note that the largest value may appear more than once in the array. The program main method defines a single-dimensional array of size 10 elements and prompts the user to enter 10 integers to initialize the array. The main method then calls method findIndex() that takes a single-dimensional array of integer values and return the index of the first largest value in the array. Notice that array indexing in Java starts with 0. Document your code and properly label the input prompts and the outputs as shown below.


Sample run 1:


Entered integers:    15 23 -13 12 11 90 25 -17 90 90

Index of largest value is 5


Sample run 2:


Entered integers:    5678 123 -113 12 5678 -500 2578 17 51 100

Index of largest value is 0


Sample run 3:


Entered integers:    125 -3 -13 -62 -11 541 -125 -117 555 1300

Index of largest value is 9



Program 3: Design (pseudocode) and implement (source code) a program (name it DistinctValues) to display only district values in an array. The program main method defines a single-dimensional array of size 10 elements and prompts the user to enter 10 integers to initialize the array. The main method then calls method getValues() that takes an integer array and returns another single-dimensional array containing only distinct values in the original (passed) array. Document your code and properly label the input prompts and the outputs as shown below.


Sample run 1:


Original array: 5 2 1 5 2 3 2 1 5 9

Distinct array: 5 2 1 3 9


Sample run 2:


Original array: 45 2 1 45 2 45 2 1 45 2

Distinct array: 45 2 1


Sample run 3:


Original array: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Distinct array: 0


Sample run 4:


Original array: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Distinct array: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



Program 4: Design (pseudocode) and implement (source code) a program (name it MinMaxAvg) to determine the highest grade, lowest grade, and the average of all grades in a 4-by-4 two-dimensional arrays of integer grades (representing 4 students’ grades on 4 tests). The program main method populates the array (name it Grades) with random grades between 0 and 100 and then displays the grades as shown below. The main method then calls method minMaxAvg()that takes a two-dimensional array of type integer as a parameter and prints out the class highest grade, the class lowest grade, and class average grade as shown below. Document your code and properly label the outputs as shown below.


Sample run 1:


Array Grades:

38   44   22   91

81   60   71   80

99   49   98   63

71   33   93   49


Highest grade:   99

Lowest grade:    22

Class average:   65.13


Sample run 2:


Array Grades:

60   88   98   100

87   75   68   93

95   86   98   73

56   73   88   71


Highest grade:   100

Lowest grade:    56

Class average:   81.82



Program 5: Design (pseudocode) and implement (source code) a program (name it WeeklyHours) to compute the total weekly hours for 3 employees. The program main method defines a two-dimensional array of size 3×7 to store employers’ daily hours for the week. Each row represents one employee and each column represent one day of the week such that column 0 designates Monday, column 1 designates Tuesday, etc. The program main method populates the array with random numbers between 0 and 10 and then prints out the array in rows and columns as shown below. The main method then calls method addHours() that takes a two-dimensional array as a parameter and displays the total weekly hours for each employee as shown below. Document your code and properly label the outputs as shown below.


Sample run 1:


Employees Data:

Mon  Tue  Wed  Thu  Fri  Sat  Sun

Employee1   5    3    2    9    6    5    7

Employee2   7    6    8    5    5    4    5

Employee3   1    2    2    1    5    8    7


Employee#    Weekly Hours


1            37

2            40

3            26


Sample run 2:


Employees Data:

Mon  Tue  Wed  Thu  Fri  Sat  Sun

Employee1   10   2    7    2    0    3    8

Employee2   5    6    1    5    1    4    2

Employee3   1    5    2    6    4    8    7


Employee#    Weekly Hours


1            32

2            24

3            33





Part 1: Pseudocode:


  1. Review the assignment submission requirements and grading guidelines.
  2. Upload the pseudocode files (Word doc or PDF) to the assignment submission folder in D2L.
  3. The files must be uploaded to D2L by the due date.
  4. The Pseudocode must be complete and following the standards listed at http://ccse.kennesaw.edu/fye/Pseudocode.php


Part 2: Source Code:


  1. Review the assignment submission requirements and grading guidelines.
  2. Upload the source code files to the assignment submission folder in D2L.
  3. The files must be uploaded to D2L by the due date.