CSCI567 Homework 1 Density Estimation solution


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1 Density Estimation

(a) (10 points) Suppose we have N i.i.d samples x1, x2, · · · , xn. We will practice the maximum
likelihood estimation techniques to estimate the parameters in each of the following cases:

• We assume that all samples can only take value between 0 and 1, and they are generated
from the Beta distribution with parameter α unknown and β = 1. Please show how to
derive the maximum likelihood estimator of α.

• We assume that all samples are generated from Normal distribution N (θ, θ). Please
show how to derive the maximum likelihood estimator of θ.

(b) (10 points) Suppose random variables X1, X2, · · · , Xn are i.i.d sampled according to density
function f(x) and the kernel density estimation is in the form of ˆf(x) = 1

Show the bias of the kernel density estimation method by the following steps:
• Show EX1,··· ,Xn
ˆf(x)] = 1

• Use Taylor’s theorem around x on the density f(x − hz) with z =
• Compute the bias E[
ˆf(x)] − f(x).

2 Nearest Neighbor

(a) (15 points) Suppose we have the locations (coordinates) of 10 USC students during class
time, and we know their majors, as follows:
Mathematics: {(10, 49),(−12, 38),(−9, 47)}
Electrical Engineering: {(29, 19),(32, 31),(37, 38)}
Computer Science: {(8, 9),(30, −28),(−18, −19),(−21, 12)}

• (5 points) Normalize the data, by following the formula on K-Nearest Neighbor lecture
slide, page 53.

• (10 points) Suppose we have a student whose coordinate is at (9, 18) with unknown
major. Using K-Nearest Neighbor with L2 distance metric, predict the student’s major
if we are using K = 1 (2 points) and if we are using K = 3 (2 points). Similarly, what
are the student’s major predictions if we use L1 distance metric with K = 1 (2 points)
and with K = 3 (2 points). For K = 3, if there is a tie, please choose the label of the
data point with closer distance.

Please compare the results between these 4 different
predictions (2 points). Do not forget to normalize/standardize the coordinate of the
student with unknown major using the mean and standard deviation of the students
with known major. Provide intermediate computations of how do you arrive at your

(b) (10 points) Suppose now we want to derive a probabilistic K-Nearest Neighbor for classification of an unlabeled data point x, which is D-dimensional. We have a (multi-dimensional)
D-sphere with center at x, allowing its radius to grow until it precisely contains K labeled
data points, irrespective of their class. At this size, the volume of the sphere is V .

there be a total of N labeled data points in the entire space (both inside and outside of the
sphere), with Nc data points labeled as class c, such that P
c Nc = N. Also, a subset of the
K data points inside of the sphere belongs to class c, there are Kc of them in total. We model
estimated density associated with each class as p (x | Y = c) = Kc
and the class prior as
p (Y = c) = Nc

• (5 points) Using the fact that P
c Kc = K, derive the formula for unconditional density
p (x).

• (5 points) Using Bayes rule, derive the formula for the posterior probability of class
membership p (Y = c | x).

3 Decision Tree

(a) (10 points) Suppose we did 80 observations resulting in the following tabulated data with
binary features, such as temperature, humidity, and sky condition, and we observe the occurrence of the rainy day, denoted by total rainy days per total observations (#Rainy/#Observations)
for each combination of features. Using this data, we want to grow a decision tree which
maximizes information gain, to predict the future occurrence of rainy days. These are some

• To avoid overfitting, please limit the decision tree’s maximum depth to 3, with the leaf
nodes are binaries (i.e. Rainy or not).

• For internal nodes, if there is a tie in information gain, please select based on the following
order: T emperature >> Humidity >> SkyCondition (for example if you have a tie
between T emperature and Humidity, then you will select T emperature as the predictor

• Decision at leaf nodes (either Rainy or not) will be based on the dominant observation;
in case of a tie, Rainy will be selected.

Please provide the intermediate computations (4 points), the predictor variable/feature that
you select for the split in each node of the tree based on information gain criteria (4 points),
and draw the resulting decision tree (2 points).

Temperature Humidity Sky Condition #Rainy/#Observations
Hot High Cloudy 9/10
Hot High Clear 5/10
Hot Low Cloudy 6/10
Hot Low Clear 3/10
Cool High Cloudy 7/10
Cool High Clear 2/10
Cool Low Cloudy 3/10
Cool Low Clear 1/10

1This problem is a rephrase of some materials from ”Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning” book by Christopher M. Bishop. However, even without having/reading the book, this problem should be fairly easy to solve, just
by following the description in this problem set.

(b) (10 points) In training decision trees, the ultimate goal is to minimize the classification
error. However, the classifaction error is not a smooth function; thus, several surrogate loss
functions have been proposed. Two of the most common loss functions are the Gini index
and Cross-entropy, see [MLaPP, Section] or [ESL, Section 9.2.3] for the definitions.

Prove that, for any discrete probability distribution p with K classes, the value of the Gini
index is less than or equal to the corresponding value of the cross-entropy. This implies that
the Gini index is a better approximation of the misclassification error.

Definitions: For a K-valued discrete random variable with probability mass function pi
, i =
1, . . . , K the Gini index is defined as: PK
k=1 pk(1 − pk) and the cross-entropy is defined as

k=1 pk log pk.

(c) (5 points) Suppose we have continuous attributes X1 and X2, and we have collected a labeled
dataset having these attributes with two class labels Y = c (depicted as red circles) and Y = t
(depicted as green triangles). We want to use decision trees for classification on this dataset.

The test for split at each internal node is using inequalities of the form Xi > s, and each
node is evaluated as either true or f alse. s is called a split point, which is any real number
chosen by the learning algorithm.

In this decision tree, each attribute is allowed to be tested
any number of times on any path in the tree. Consider the four cases depicted below (a), (b),
(c), and (d). Which of these dataset can be classified correctly with a tree depth less than 6?
(hint: draw the decision boundaries on each cases)
X1 X1 X1
X2 X2 X2
(a) (b) (c) (d)

4 Naive Bayes

(a) (15 points) Suppose a training set with N examples (X1, Y1),(X2, Y2), · · · ,(XN , YN ) is given,
where Xi = (xi1, · · · , xiD) ∈ R
D is a D-dimensional feature vector, and Yi ∈ {1, 2, · · · , K} is
its corresponding label.

Given the following assumptions:
• The label variable Y follows a categorical distribution, with parameter pk = P(Y = k),
for k = 1, 2, · · · , K.

• For each xj of the D features, we have that P(xj |Y = yk) follows a Gaussian distribution
of the form N (µjk, σjk).

• Naive Bayes assumption: for all j
0 6= j, xj and xj
0 are conditionally independent given
Y .

Please provide the maximum likelihood estimation for the parameters of the Naive Bayes
with Gaussian assumption. In other words, you need to provide the estimates for pk, µjk,
and σjk, for j = 1, . . . , D and k ∈ {1, 2, · · · , K}.

(b) (15 points) As a TA, you want to know if one student understand the knowledge covered
in Machine Learning class or not, given his/her answers of a quiz with D multiple choice

A binary label variable Y is used to indicate whether the student understand enough machine
learning knowledge(Y = 1) or not(Y = 0), where Y follows a Bernoulli distribution with
parameter π = P(Y = 1). For each problem, a binary feature variable Xj denotes whether
the answer to question j is correct(Xj = 1) or not(Xj = 0), where each feature Xj follows a
Bernoulli distribution given the label P(Xj |Y = yk) = θ
jk (1 − θjk)

Given a D-dimensional binary vector X = {X1, . . . , XD} and a label variable Y , you want to
know whether the student is good not not under Naive Bayes assumption.

Please show that P(Y |X) has the form as follows:
P(Y = 1|X) = 1
1 + exp(−w0 + w>X)
Specifically, you need to find the explicit form of w0 and w in terms of π and θjk, for j =
1, . . . , D and k ∈ {0, 1}.

5 Programming

5.1 Density Estimation
In this problem, you will write a MATLAB program to fit a density estimator using 1) Gaussian
kernel, 2) Epanechnikov kernel2
, and 3) histogram. You are NOT allowed to use any related
MATLAB toolbox functions for density estimations.

You can get newest version of Matlab from
The file hw1progde.mat contains two sets of data points, x tr and x te, which are i.i.d generated
from the same unknown univariate probability density of the unit interval, i.e., between 0 and 1.

(a) Fit the estimators at a variety of values of the bandwidth h on x tr with at least 5 different h.
You can select the values of bandwidth manually or by some methods such as cross validation.

(b) Randomly divide the test data x te into N = 19 subsets. Each of the subset contains 500
points. You need to carry out kernel density estimation for each subset. You should use the
same values of h from (a).

You are not supposed to get the true distribution of x, but you
can still compute the integrated variance of each of the three estimators, which is defined as
R 1

ˆfh,n(x) − ˆfh(x)
dx, where ˆfh,n(x) is estimators of n-th subset, and ˆfh(x) is the
empirical mean of all these N estimators.

You should approximate the integrals by summing
over 50 evenly spaced points in the unit interval. Plot the integrated variance as a function
of h.

(c) Compare the relative performance of the three methods based on your results.

5.2 Classification
In this assignment, you will experiment with three classification algorithms on real-world datasets.

You will use MATLAB’s functions to experiment with Decision Tree, but you need to implement
Naive Bayes and K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN) algorithms by yourself. You are NOT allowed
to use any related MATLAB toolbox functions for Naive Bayes and K-NN (e.g. knnclassify,
knnsearch). Below, we describe the steps that you need to take to accomplish this programming

Dataset: We will use the Tic-Tac-Toe Endgame Dataset (for all classification algorithms) and the
Nursery Dataset (ONLY for Naive Bayes) from UCI’s machine learning data repository. The training/validation/test sets are provided along with the assignment in Blackboard as hw1ttt,
hw1ttt, and hw1ttt for the Tic-Tac-Toe Endgame Dataset, and
hw1nursery, hw1nursery, and hw1nursery for the Nursery

For description of the datasets, please refer to
datasets/Tic-Tac-Toe+Endgame and

Please follow the steps below:
(a) Data Pre-processing The first step in every data analysis experiment is to inspect the
datasets and make sure that the data has the appropriate format. You will find that the
features in the provided dataset are categorical. However, some of the algorithms require the

features to be real-valued numbers. To convert a categorical feature with K categories to
real-valued number, you can create K new binary features. The ith binary feature indicates
whether the original feature belongs to the ith category or not.

For example, if you have
a feature called ’height’ with possible values ’low’, ’medium’, and ’high’, then you will have
three (3) binary features: if in a single data instance, you have a value of ’low’, then your
binary features will be 1-0-0; if value is ’medium’, then your binary features will be 0-1-0; if
value is ’high’, then your binary features will be 0-0-1. About the training labels, if there are
M labels in the dataset, then convert each of them into a number between 1,…,M.

For example
if there are 3 possible labels: ’positive’, ’neutral’, and ’negative’, then ’positive’ label will be
converted to 1, ’neutral’ label will be converted to 2, and ’negative’ label will be converted to
3. So, for a training dataset (* of size N, then train data will be a matrix of
size N × D (with D is the total number of binary features, as a result of this pre-processing)
and train label will be a column vector of dimension N × 1. This also applies to validation
dataset (* and testing dataset (* This pre-processed matrices and
vectors will be an input to part 5.2(b), 5.2(c), and 5.2(d).

Hint: One possible way of doing this pre-processing is by using MATLAB’s Map Containers

(b) Implement Naive Bayes Please fill in the function naive bayes in naive bayes.m file (in
Blackboard). The inputs of this function are training data and new data (either validation or
testing data). The function needs to output the accuracy on both training and new data (either validation or testing).

Note that some feature values might exist in the validation/testing
data, but do not exist in the training data. In that case, please set the probability of that
feature value to a small value, for example, 0.1. Since you will use Naive Bayes to operate
on 2 datasets later on, it is strongly recommended that you write an implementation of the
algorithm which is general-purpose, as less dependent on the dataset (size, etc.) as possible.

(c) Implement K-NN Please fill in the function knn classify in knn classify.m file (in Blackboard). The inputs of this function are training data, new data (either validation or testing
data) and K. Use the L2 norm distance in the K-NN algorithm. The function needs to
output the accuracy on both training and new data (either validation or testing). Do not
forget to standardize the data beforehand, similar to Problem 2(a), following the formula on
K-NN lecture slide, page 53.

(d) Performance Comparison Compare the three algorithms (K-NN, Naive Bayes, and Decision Tree) on the provided dataset.

K-NN: Consider K = 1, 3, 5, · · · , 15. For each K, report the training, validation and test
accuracy. When computing the training accuracy of K-NN, we use leave-one-out strategy, i.e. classifying each training point using the remaining training points. Note that we
use this strategy only for K-NN in this assignment. Operate ONLY on the Tic-Tac-Toe
Endgame Dataset.

Decision Tree: Train decision trees using function or fitctree
in Matlab. Report the training, validation and test accuracy for different split criterions
(Gini index and cross-entropy, using the SplitCriterion attribute), by setting the minimum number of leaf node observations to 1, 2, · · · , 10 (using the MinLeaf attribute).

basically, you need to report the results for 2 × 10 = 20 different cases. When training
decision trees, please turn off pruning using the Prune attribute. Operate ONLY on the
Tic-Tac-Toe Endgame Dataset.

Naive Bayes: Report and compare the training, validation, and test accuracy, both on
the Tic-Tac-Toe Endgame Dataset and the Nursery Dataset. If there is a significant
difference between the two datasets’ classification accuracy, could you guess why?

(e) Decision Boundary In this step, you need to apply K-NN on the hw1boundary.mat dataset
(provided in Blackboard) which is a binary classification dataset with only two features. You
need to run K-NN with K = 1, 5, 15, 25 and examine the decision boundary.

A simple way
to visualize the decision boundary, is to draw 10000 data points on a uniform 100 × 100 grid
in the square (x, y) ∈ [0, 1] × [0, 1] and classify them using the K-NN classifier. Then, plot
the data points with different markers corresponding to different classes. Repeat this process
for all k and discuss the smoothness of the decision boundaries as K increases.

Submission Instruction: You need to provide the followings:
• Provide your answers to problems 1-4, 5.1, 5.2(d), and 5.2(e) in PDF file, named as
CSCI567 hw1 fall15.pdf. You need to submit the homework in both hard copy (at CS
Front Desk with a box labeled as CSCI567-homework by 5pm of the deadline date) and
electronic version as pdf file on Blackboard. If you choose handwriting instead of typing
all the answers, you will get 40% points deducted.

• Submit ALL the code and report via Blackboard. The only acceptable language is MATLAB. For your program, you MUST include the main function called CSCI567 hw1 fall15.m
in the root of your folder. After running this main file, your program should be able
to generate all of the results needed for this programming assignment, either as plots
or console outputs. You can have multiple files (i.e your sub-functions), however, the
only requirement is that once we unzip your folder and execute your main file, your
program should execute correctly. Please double-check your program before submitting.

You should only submit one .zip file. No other formats are allowed except .zip file.
Also, please name it as [lastname] [firstname] hw1

Collaboration: You may collaborate. However, collaboration has to be limited to discussion only
and you need to write your own solution and submit separately. You also need to list with
whom you have discussed.