CSCI4211:Assignment 3 solution


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Ethernet-based Self-Learning using SDN Controller

In this project you will learn how to use Mininet to create virtual networks and run simple experiments. You will also learn about the SDN Controllers and OpenFlow protocol. There are 4 sections in this programming assignment. Please read the description and requirements carefully.
1 Design
The topology in Figure 1 has three hosts h1, h2, and h3 connected to switch s1. The switch is connected to the controller c0. Switch s1 maintains a flow table which contains matchaction rules that are are added/removed/updated by the controller. At the beginning, there are no rules installed in the flow table. When packets are sent by hosts to one another, the controller extracts information from these packets and builds certain internal data structures (such as a hashmap, etc.) to represent the topology. The controller will use these internal data structures to decide what rules should be installed in the switch’s flow table.
Controller c0
Switch s1
h1 h2 h3
2 3p ort #
Figure 1: Figure for Section 1
As an example, consider host h1 wants to send a packet to h2. When switch s1 receives this packet from h1, it checks if there is any corresponding match-action rule (or flow entry) for this packet in its flow table. If there is no entry, the switch will encapsulate the packet and send it inside as an OFPacketIn message to the controller c0. On the other hand, if
there is a flow entry, switch s1 will execute the action associated with the rule. However, as discussed earlier, the flow table is initially empty. Therefore, the switch will forward the packet to the controller. When the controller receives the OFPacketIn message from switch s1, a packet-in event is triggered. Two tasks are performed due to a packet-in event: 1) using the information from packet headers/event, the controller may update its internal state (e.g. it learns something new about the topology), 2) using the internal state, it makes a decision on what action(s) s1 should take to send this packet to h2. If the controller knows what interface s1 should forward the packet to, it will inform s1 and also install a flow entry which could be used for future packet transmissions of similar kind. If the controller does not know what interface s1 should forward to, then it will instruct the switch to flood the packet to all the interfaces except the one. This flooding instruction is a one-time action without installing any rules in the switch. Your task is to come up with an Ethernet-based self-learning algorithm at the controller that does not unnecessarily flood packets. More specifically, you need to decide what kind of internal data structures should be maintained by the controller to represent the topology and later make decisions on how to forward packets. These internal data structures are populated by the controller by extracting information from the packet-in events (e.g. packet headers). Name your submission file as q1 pseudo code.txt – it should include:
1. Detailed information of the data structures and its purpose.
2. Pseudo code which specifies how your algorithm works, how the internal data structures are used and updated, which fields from the packets/events are used by your logic. Please be clear, concise and explicit!
HINT: Try to test your algorithm under multiple scenarios such that the controller is able to learn the whole topology quickly without unnecessarily flooding packets. For example, one such scenario could be h1 sends a packet to h2, then h2 sends a packet to h1, then h3 sends a packet to h1. Another direction to think about is if your algorithm should be source-based, destination-based, or a combination of multiple packet header fields.
2 Implementation
In this section, you should implement a controller module that uses the same algorithm/pseudo code that you proposed in the earlier section. However, we will test it on a new topology (see Figure 2 for topology). Note, if your proposed algorithm in the previous section is correct, it should work for this new topology as well without any modification. A Mininet-based Python script (proj3 is provided which constructs the required topology. For your implementation, you can either use Python-based POX controller or Java-based Floodlight controller.
Controller c0
h1 h2 h3
1 2
s2 s3
1 2 3
L1 L2
Figure 2: Figure for Section 2
• POX Controller: To run your module in POX, you should put ethernet file in the directory pox/pox/samples. You will then run the controller and your module using the following commands: you@yourmachine$ cd pox you@yourmachine$ ./ samples.ethernet learning • Floodlight Controller: To run your own module in Floodlight, put file in src/main/java/net/floodlightcontroller/ethernetlearning/ .
We need to tell Floodlight to load the module on startup. First we have to tell the loader that the module exists. This is done by adding the fully qualified module name on it’s own line in src/main/resources/META-INF/services/net.floodlightcontroller.core.module.IFloodlightModule. We open that file and append this line to the file: net.floodlightcontroller.ethernetlearning.EthernetLearning
Then we tell the module to be loaded. We modify the Floodlight module configuration file to append the EthernetLearning module. The default one is src/main/resources/ The key is floodlight.modules and the value is a comma separated list of fully qualified module names.
floodlight.modules = , net. floodlightcontroller.ethernetlearning.EthernetLearning Proceed with re-building the controller using: you@yourmachine$ cd floodlight/target you@yourmachine$ ant
Finally, run the controller by using the floodlight.jar file produced by ant from within the floodlight directory:
you@yourmachine$ java -jar target/floodlight.jar Floodlight will start running and print log and debug output to your console.
3 Link Latency and Throughput
After completing Section 2, consider the same topology in Figure 2. The names of hosts, switches and the controller in Mininet match as depicted in the figure. The hosts are assigned IP addresses through; the last number in the IP address matches the host ID. Link labels are depicted in Figure 2. To run Mininet with the provided topology (written in a Python script proj3 using sudo privileges: > sudo python proj3 To answer this section, you are allowed to use tools such as ping and iperf. Is it possible for you to estimate the throughput and latency of individual links between switches, viz, L1, L2, L3 and L4? If your answer is yes, please provide the estimated throughput and latency for each of the four links and describe the process in estimating them. If your answer is no, then justify your response. Feel free to state any reasonable assumptions you want to make in answering this section. Write your response in a file named q3 topo response.txt and if there are any other supplementary files you would like to submit, please name such files with q3 topo as prefix along with a descriptive file name (e.g. q3 topo .).
4 Building your own Topology
As shown in Figure 3, data center networks typically have a tree-like topology. End-hosts connect to top-of-rack switches, which form the leaves (edges) of the tree; one or more core switches form the root; and one or more layers of aggregation switches form the middle of the tree. In a basic tree topology, each switch (except the core switch) has a single parent switch. Additional switches and links may be added to construct more complex tree topologies (e.g., fat tree) in an effort to improve fault tolerance or increase inter-rack bandwidth. In this section, your task is to create a simple tree topology by updating the skeleton code provided in the q4 tree file. You will assume each level i.e., core, aggregation, edge and host to be composed of a single layer of switches/hosts. For creating this topology, you should consider that links at the same levels have some specified performance parameter. For example, all links between hosts and edge switches will have the same predefined performance parameter. Here there are 3 types of links, the links between core and aggregation switches, the links between aggregation and edge switches, links between edge switches and host. Your logic should support whatever bandwidth and
Figure 3: Figure for Section 4
delay parameter you set for each link. The parameters are given in the q4 tree file. After building your topology, try pinging all hosts to see if the connections are working. Store the output to q4 tree topo output.txt file. Submit both the files for this section – q4 tree and q4 tree topo output.txt.
Methods you need in creating and testing a topology:
• Topo: the base class for Mininet topologies • addSwitch(): adds a switch to a topology and returns the switch name • addHost(): adds a host to a topology and returns the hostname • addLink(): adds a bidirectional link to a topology (and returns a link key, but this is not important). Links in Mininet are bidirectional unless noted otherwise. • Mininet: main class to create and manage a network • start(): starts your network • pingAll(): tests connectivity by trying to have all nodes ping each other • stop(): stops your network • net.hosts: all the hosts in a network • dumpNodeConnections(): dumps connections to/from a set of nodes.
Setting up the Environment
We recommend two ways to install the experiment testbed.
1. Setting up a Virtual Machine (VM) on your local/personal machine This is the easiest and fastest way to get started as this VM will have all the necessary software/tools installed. • You can download the VM using the following link: Link: • You will find Mininet-VM.ova file downloaded. • You can use any virtualization system of your choice, but we recommend installing VirtualBox. It is free and runs on Windows, Linux and macOS. VirtualBox Download Link: (we have tried and tested on the latest version of Virtual Box 5.2.8) • Install Oracle VM VirtualBox and start it. • In the File menu, select Import Appliance. • The Appliance Import wizard is displayed in a new window. • Click Choose, browse to the location containing Mininet-VM.ova file, and click Open, and click Continue. • The Appliance Import Settings step is displayed. • Click Import and then select the imported virtual machine. • Click the Start button. • If you get a prompt to change the network settings, click Change Network Settings. It should open up a window with the network adapter settings. We recommend you to set “Attached to” parameter to Bridged Adapter and set “Name” to the network interface that you use to connect to the Internet. Then click OK. • The VM may take sometime to boot up. Login credentials to the VM: username: mininet password: mininet • You are all set, enjoy! 2. Connect to a VM installed in CSE Lab machines You can use virtual machines that are spread across a cluster of network-accessible machines run by CSE Labs. Send an email to the with your group number requesting access to a remote VM. You’ll get a reply with unique passwords for your group to access the remote VM along with the instructions of how to connect to it.
What to Submit? You should upload the project files to the Moodle site. Your submission should be one zip file using the format groupID (e.g. group3 for Group 3). This file should contain the following:
1. q1 pseudo code.txt
2. For POX based code – ethernet For Floodlight based code –
3. q3 topo response.txt and other supplementary files for Section 3.
4. q4 tree q4 tree topo response.txt
5. README or comments you would like the TA to know