CSCI240 MIPS Programming – Homework 1 solution


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Program1 (65 points)
Write a MIPS assembly language program that will cover the following steps:
Prompts the user to enter a first integer in the range [-30, -10]
Prompts the user to enter a second integer > 5
Compute (int1+ 32*int2 – 28) // don’t use subi; don’t use mul, muli
Print the value of the result together with a result message
The program should enforce the rule that the two entered integers must be in the mentioned
intervals. If the entered integer is not in the specified range, the program prompts again
the user to enter an integer in the specified range.
Create a sentinel (sentinel value 999) that will allow the user to exit the program.
Name your program: yourlastname_h1.s
Upload the homework on Blackboard under MIPS_H1
Program 2 (35 points)
Write a MIPS assembly language program that accomplishes the following tasks:
The program will prompt the user to enter 10 values that will represent the elements of
an array.
Compute and display the sum and minimum of these elements.
Display the elements of the array on one column, in reverse order.
Name your program: yourlastname_h2.s
Upload the homework on Blackboard under MIPS_H1
No cheating and/or plagiarism are allowed.