CSCI-570 Final Project solution


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I. Project Description

Implement the two solutions to the Sequence Alignment problem – the basic version using
Dynamic programming, and the memory efficient version which combines DP with
Divide-n-conquer. Run the test set provided and show your results.

A. Problem review
Suppose we are given two strings 𝑋 and 𝑌, where 𝑋 consists of the sequence of
symbols 𝑥1
, 𝑥2
, … , 𝑥m and 𝑌 consists of the sequence of symbols 𝑦1
, 𝑦2
, … , 𝑦n
Consider the sets {1, 2, … , 𝑚} and {1, 2, … , 𝑛} as representing the different
positions in the strings 𝑋 and 𝑌, and consider a matching of these sets; Recall that
a matching is a set of ordered pairs with the property that each item occurs in at
most one pair.

We say that a matching 𝑀 of these two sets is an alignment if there
are no “crossing” pairs: for (𝑖, 𝑗), (𝑖’, 𝑗’) ϵ 𝑀 if 𝑖 < 𝑖’ , then 𝑗 < 𝑗’. Intuitively, an
alignment gives a way of lining up the two strings, by telling us which pairs of
positions will be lined up with one another.

The similarity between 𝑋 and 𝑌 is based on the optimal alignment between 𝑋
and 𝑌. Suppose 𝑀 is a given alignment between 𝑋 and 𝑌:
1) First, there is a parameter δ > 0 that defines a gap penalty. Each
position of 𝑋 or 𝑌 that is not matched in 𝑀 is a gap, and we incur a cost
of δ for it.

2) Second, for each pair of letters 𝑝, 𝑞 in our alphabet, there is a mismatch
cost of αpq for matching 𝑝 with 𝑞. Thus, for each (𝑖, 𝑗) ϵ 𝑀, we pay the
appropriate mismatch cost αpq where p = xi and q = xj
. One generally
assumes that αpp = 0 for each letter 𝑝—there is no mismatch cost to line
up a letter with another copy of itself—although this assumption will
not be necessary in anything that follows.

3) Finally, the cost of 𝑀 is the sum of all of its gap and mismatch costs,
and we seek an alignment having the minimum cost.

B. Input string Generator
In order to potentially work with long strings as test inputs, we use a string
generation method. Thus, any input to the program would be generated using a
provided text file as follows:
1. First line has a base string – let’s call it 𝑠0
2. Next 𝑗 lines consist of numbers that correspond to j steps we execute
iteratively, each generating a new string, say strings 𝑠1
, s2
, …, sj
across the j steps, as follows. In step 1, we take the given integer n1
in line 1 (among the j lines), and insert a copy of 𝑠0 within itself,
right after its index n1 (assuming 0-indexing). This gives us the
string s1

Then, in step 2, we see the integer n2
in line 2, and insert s1
within itself right after its index n2
, giving us string s2
. Repeating
this for j steps gives us sj which is the first string in our input for the
alignment problem. Note that each step doubles the length of the
string generated, thus, len(sj) = 2
j * len(s0). See an illustrative
example given below.

3. The subsequent lines contain a base string t0 followed by k lines each
containing a number. We use them as above to iteratively generate strings t1
, …, tk
, with tk being the second string input for the alignment problem.

Thus, this text file could be used as an input to your program and your program
should use the generation method above to get the actual input strings to be
aligned. Note that 𝑗 need not equal 𝑘 for the string generation shown above.

Consider the following input as example:
Following is the step by step process on how the final two strings are generated.
First base string: ACTG
Insertion after index 3: ACTGACTG
Insertion after index 6: ACTGACTACTGACTGG
Thus, using the inputs above, the generated strings are
C. Values for Delta and Alphas
Values for α’s are as follows. δ is equal to 30.
A 0 110 48 94
C 110 0 118 48
G 48 118 0 110
T 94 48 110 0

D. Programming/Scripting Languages
Following are the list of languages which could be used:
1. C
2. C++
3. Java
4. Python2
5. Python3
E. Bounds
1) Basic Algorithm
0 <= 𝑗, 𝑘 <= 10
1 <= 𝑙𝑒𝑛(𝑠0), 𝑙𝑒𝑛(t0) <= 2000
The values will also ensure that 1 <= 𝑙𝑒𝑛(𝑠j), 𝑙𝑒𝑛(tk) <= 2000
2) Memory Efficient Algorithm
0 <= 𝑗, 𝑘 <= 20
1 <= 𝑙𝑒𝑛(𝑠0), 𝑙𝑒𝑛(t0) <= 20000
1 <= 𝑙𝑒𝑛(𝑠j), 𝑙𝑒𝑛(tk) <= 20000

II. Final output and submission format
A. Your program should take 2 arguments
1. input file path
2. output file path (If path is valid and file not found, your program
should create it)

Note: As mentioned in Part II-B, input file will have data to generate input strings.
Since Gap penalty (δ) and Mismatch penalties (αpq) are FIXED, you have to
hardcode them in your program.

You are not allowed to use any libraries that may be directly applicable to sequence
alignment problem.
B. Implement the basic version of the solution. Your program should print the
following information at the respective lines in output file:
1. Cost of the alignment (Integer)
2. First string alignment ( Consists of A, C, T, G, _ (gap) characters)
3. Second string alignment ( Consists of A, C, T, G, _ (gap) characters )
4. Time in Milliseconds (Float)
5. Memory in Kilobytes (Float)

Note: There can be multiple solutions which have the same cost. You can print ANY of them as
generated by your program. The only condition is, it should have a minimum cost.
E.g., For strings A and C, alignments A_, _C and _A, C_ both have
alignment cost 60 which is minimum (indeed, in this case, they represent the same
matching in two different ways). You can print any one of them.
C. Implement the memory efficient version of this solution and repeat the tests
as in Part B and produce output in the same format.

D. Plot the results of Part B and Part C using a line graph:
(Please use the provided input files in the ‘datapoints’ folder for generating the data
points to plot the graph.)
1. Single plot of CPU time vs problem size for the two solutions.
2. Single plot of Memory usage vs problem size for the two solutions.
Units: CPU time – milliseconds, Memory in KB, problem size m+n

III. Submission
A. You should submit the ZIP file containing the following files.
a. Basic algorithm file
Name of the program file should be ‘basic.c’ / ‘basic.cpp’ / ‘’ /
‘’ (Python 2) / ‘’ (Python 3)
b. Memory efficient algorithm file
Name of the program file should be ‘efficient.c’ / ‘efficient.cpp’ /
‘’ / ‘’ (Python 2) / ‘’ (Python 3)
c. Summary.pdf
It must contain following details
1. datapoints output table (which are generated from provided input
2. Two graphs and your insights from them
3. Contribution from each group member, e.g., coding, testing,
report etc. if everyone did not have equal contribution.
(Please use the provided Summary.docx file, fill in the details and upload
it as PDF)
d. 2 Shell files ‘’ and ‘’ with the commands to compile and
run your basic and efficient version. These are needed to provide you
flexibility in passing any additional compiler/run arguments that your
programs might need. See More Hints (VII part E for more details)
Execution: ./ input.txt output.txt
./ input.txt output.txt
B. The name of your zip file should have the USC IDs (not email ids) of everyone
in your group separated by underscore. The zip file structure will look like
– 1234567891_1234567892_1234567893
– Summary.pdf

IV. Grading
Please read the following instructions to understand how your submission will be
A. Correctness of algorithms – 70 points
1. Both programs (basic/ efficient) are correctly outputting file having all
5 lines in correct order: 15 points
2. Basic Algorithm: 25 points
3. Memory Efficient Algorithm: 30 points
Note: The goal of Part A is to check the correctness of alignment having minimum
cost. Memory and Time will be evaluated in Part B.
B. Plots, analysis of results, insights and observations: 30 points
1. Your program will be run on the input files (provided by us in the ‘data
points’ folder) to generate output files. The memory and time in the
output files should reasonably match what you submitted in the
2. Correctness of the graph
3. Correctness of analysis/ insights
Note: Unlike Part A, evaluation of Part B is subjective so it will be done manually.
So it is alright if your graphs/data points have ‘some’ outliers etc.
V. What is provided to you in the zip file?
A. SampleTestCases folder containing sample input and output files
B. Datapoint folder containing files to generate graph data points.
C. Summary.docx file as template
A. Regarding Input and string generation
1. We will never give an invalid input to your program. Input strings will only
contain A, C, G, T. The insertion indices in the input will be valid numbers.
2. The string generation mechanism is the same irrespective of the basic or the
efficient version of the algorithm.
3. The entire program (string generation, solution, write output) should be written in a
single file. You may break those functions in different classes to make the code
modular, but there should be only one file for consistency of submissions.
B. Regarding Algorithm and output
1. We strongly recommend to refer to lecture slides for the algorithm overview, and
textbook. In our prior experience, students opting for the latter reported lots of
difficulties in implementation.
the standard ones. If you are really unsure, ask us on piazza.
3. Samples for time and memory calculation are provided. Please use them for
4. Your solutions for the regular and memory-efficient algorithms should be in two
different programs.
5. There can be multiple valid sequences with the same optimal cost, you can
output any of those. All of them are valid.
6. You should code both the basic version and memory-efficient algorithm.
Even though the memory-efficient version will pass all the bounds of the
simple version, you must not use the memory-efficient version in both of the
sub-problems, otherwise the plots will not show the expected distinctions.
7. Your program must not print anything when it runs, only write to the output file.
8. There is no specific requirement for the precision of Time and Memory
float values.
9. Time and Memory depend on so many factors such as CPU, Operating System,
etc. So there might be differences in the output. Therefore, it will be evaluated
subjectively. There must be a clear distinction in behavior between programs
whose Time/ Memory complexity is O(n) vs O(n2
) vs O(logn) etc.
C. Regarding the plot
1. Both the graphs are line graphs. X-axis represents problem size as m+n, where
m and n are lengths of the generated input strings. Y-axis of Memory plot
represents memory in KB. Y-axis of Time Plot represents time in milliseconds.
The 2 lines in the graph will represent stats of basic and memory-efficient
2. You can use any libraries/packages in any language to plot the graphs.
3. You do not have to provide code for generating the plots. Only add images in
the Summary.pdf
D. Regarding Submission
1. Only 1 person in the group should submit the project. We will get the USC IDs
of all the other team members from the filenames.
2. To allow for grading the whole class in a reasonable amount of time, we will
kill your program if it is stuck on a single input file for long (~few minutes).
E. Regarding Shell File
To make the evaluation seamless on our end, please make sure you also have a shell script
named ‘’ and ‘’ with the commands required to run your program. For
example, the contents of this file can be one of the following:
C gcc basic.c
./a.out “$1” “$2” gcc efficient.c
./a.out “$1” “$2”
C++ g++ basic.cpp
./a.out “$1” “$2” g++ efficient.cpp
./a.out “$1” “$2”
Java javac java Basic
“$1” “$2” javac java Efficient
“$1” “$2”
python 2.7 python2 “$1” “$2” python2 “$1” “$2”
python 3 python3 “$1” “$2” python3 “$1” “$2”
Note that the above are just examples. You can modify them as per your convenience.
The goal is to have a language-independent mechanism to get your outputs.
Also note that for python2 or python3, it is important to have 2 or 3 suffix at the end.
F. Sample code for memory and time
import sys
from resource import * import time
import psutil
def process_memory():
process = psutil.Process() memory_info =
memory_consumed = int(memory_info.rss/1024) return
def time_wrapper(): start_time =
time.time() call_algorithm()
end_time = time.time()
time_taken = (end_time – start_time)*1000 return time_taken
private static double getMemoryInKB() {
double total = Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory(); return
private static double getTimeInMilliseconds() { return
double beforeUsedMem=getMemoryInKB(); double startTime
= getTimeInMilliseconds();
alignment = basicSolution(firstString, secondString, delta, alpha);
double afterUsedMem = getMemoryInKB(); double endTime =
double totalUsage = afterUsedMem-beforeUsedMem; double totalTime =
endTime – startTime;
#include <sys/resource.h> #include
<errno.h> #include <stdio.h>
extern int errno;
// getrusage() is available in linux. Your code will be evaluated in Linux OS.
long getTotalMemory() { struct rusage
int returnCode = getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &usage); if(returnCode == 0) {
return usage.ru_maxrss;
} else {
//It should never occur. Check man getrusage for more info to
// printf(“error %d”, errno); return -1;
int main() {
struct timeval begin, end; gettimeofday(&begin, 0);
//write your solution here
//Please call getTotalMemory() only after calling your solution function. It calculates max memory
used by the program.
double totalmemory = getTotalMemory(); gettimeofday(&end, 0);
long seconds = end.tv_sec – begin.tv_sec;
long microseconds = end.tv_usec – begin.tv_usec; double totaltime =
seconds*1000 + microseconds*1e-3; printf(“%f\n”, totaltime);
printf(“%f\n”, totalmemory);