CSCI 4273/5273 Programming Assignment 3 solution


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Goal: The goal of this programming assignment is to design and implement three system-level
libraries that provide support for implementing a network system. This assignment requires
familiarity with pthreads thread package. Please review pthreads before attempting this assignment.
Grade: 8% of your final grade is allocated for this assignment.
Team: You may work on this assignment in teams of up to two students. You will be using
the libraries you build as part of this assignment for your programming assignment 4, which
will also be a team assignment.
Good performance is a crucial requirement in the implementation of a computer network.
While the old programming adage “first get it right and then make it fast” is valid in many
computing software, it is usually necessary to “design for performance” in computer networks.
It is therefore important to understand various factors that impact network performance.
Recall that a network system is comprised of several layers with one or more protocols
at each layer. There are several common functonalities needed in the implementation of
all or most of these protocols. For example, all protocols need to manipulate messages by
adding/stripping headers, several protocols need to implement timeout mechanisms, etc. The
goal of this assignment is to design and implement a suite of three libraries that support the
implementation of these common functionalities. The underlying idea is that you implement
these common functionalities carefully and efficiently once, and “efficient” protocol implementation is then simply a matter of using these libraries appropriately. We will design and
implement three network libraries:
1. Thread pool library
2. Message Library
3. Event Scheduler Library
Thread Pool Library
A network system is typically comprised of several threads running concurrently. Each thread
incurs overhead in terms of thread creation and destruction as well as memory needed for
its stack. A thread pool is a set of threads that are created during initialization and remain
available to execute a function whenever needed. Our goal is to design and implement a class
ThreadPool that manages a set of threads. This class provides five (public) member functions
(you may add more (private) functions as needed for your implementation):
ThreadPool(size t threadCount)
∼ThreadPool( )
int dispatch thread(void dispatch function(void*), void *arg)
bool thread avail( )
The first function is a constructor function that creates a ThreadPool object consisting of a
set of threadCount threads (default value: 10). The second function is the destructor function.
The third function dispatches a thread from the thread pool to execute the dispatch function().
After completing the execution of the dispatch function(), the thread returns to the thread
pool. The dispatch function() function has one parameter, arg. Finally, the fourth function
returns true if a thread is currently available in the thread pool, and false otherwise.
Message Library
All network protocols need to manipulate messages by adding/striping headers. Our goal
is to design and implement a class Message that manages messages. This class provides the
following (public) member functions (again, you may add more (private) member functions
as needed for your implementation):
Message( )
Message(char* msg, size t len)
∼Message( )
void msgAddHdr(char *hdr, size t len)
char * msgStripHdr(int len)
int msgSplit(Message& secondMsg, int len)
void msgJoin(Message& secondMsg)
size t msgLen( )
void msgFlat(char *buffer)
The first two functions are constructor functions that create a message object and the third
function is the destructor function. The fourth function (msgAddHdr()) attaches a header
(hdr) of len bytes to the front of the message object. The fifth function (msgStripHdr())
strips len bytes from the front of the message object. It returns a pointer to the location of the
stripped bytes (header). The sixth function (msgSplit()) splits a message into two messages.
The original message is reduced to length len bytes from the beginning and the secondMsg is
the remaining part of the original message. This functiom returns 1 on success and 0 on failure.
The seventh function (msgJoin()) joins the original message with secondMsg. The secondMsg
will be an empty message (message with length zero bytes) after the function returns. The
eighth function (msgLen()) returns the length of the message. Finally, the last function copies
the message to the buffer. This function assumes that there is sufficient memory allocated in
The first rule in implementing a message library is to avoid copying data from one buffer
into another. In fact, if this is the only rule your implementation adheres to, your implementation will probably be quite efficient. The reason is that every time you copy data—where
copying data implies a loop that loads every word of one buffer into a CPU register and then
stores it into another memory location—you dramatically affect the end-to-end throughput
of the network. So, it is critical that operations that manipulate messages do not touch the
data in a message (as much as possible), but rather, only manipulate pointers.
Event Scheduler Library
Another common function that protocols need is to schedule events to occur at some time in
the future. For example, a protocol implementing reliable message delivery needs to schedule
a retransmission event to occur at some future time. Our goal is to design and implement a
class EventScheduler that provides the following (public) member functions (again, you may
add more (private) member functions as needed for your implementation):
EventScheduler(size t maxEvents)
∼EventScheduler( )
int eventSchedule(void evFunction(void *), void *arg, int timeout)
void eventCancel(int eventId)
The first function is a constructor function that creates an EventScheduler object that can
schedule up to maxEvents (default value: 10) events. The second function is the destructor
function. The third function schedules an event to execute the function evFunction( ) with
one argument arg after a delay of timeout time units (microseconds/milliseconds/seconds
depending on the granularity of the timer provided in the threads package you use). This
function returns an integer that is used as the event id of the event scheduled. Finally, the
third function cancels a previously scheduled event whose event id is eventId.
Assignment submission
1. Submission deadline is Friday, October 31 midnight. No extensions will be given unless
there is a valid excuse.
2. Submit a single zip file via the submission link on Moodle. Your zip file must include a
README file. Include all files that are needed for compiling and running your program.
3. DO NOT include any object files in your submission.
4. In the README file, provide the following information: Your name; instructions on how
to compile and run your program; current status of your program: whether it compiles
or not, known bugs/limitations/unusual features, what parts of the program work, etc.;
any other information that will be useful in grading your program.
5. Some test programs will be provided. Please include your output for all test programs
in the zip file.