CSCI-2270 Assignment 6 Binary Search Tree Online Movie Service – Part 2 solution


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● Delete a node in a BST
● Traverse a BST
● Delete a BST
Online Movie Service (From Assignment 5)
You must have everything from Assignment 5 working to complete this assignment.
Make a copy of your Assignment 5 code to use as a starting point for this assignment.
Program Specifications
● Add the following functionality to your Assignment 5 Binary Search Tree
1. Delete a movie.
When the user selects this option, they should be prompted for the title of the
movie to delete. Your code should then search the tree for that movie node,
remove it from the tree, re-assign pointers to bypass the removed node, and
free the memory used by the node. If the node to be deleted has both left
and right children, replace the deleted node with the node with the
minimum value in its right subtree. If the movie is not found in the search
process, print “Movie not found.” and do not attempt to delete. A movie node
should also be deleted when the quantity goes to 0 for any movie.
Be sure to test your program for movie nodes with 0 children, 1 child, or 2
2. Count movies in the tree.
When the user selects this option, your program should traverse the tree in
any order, count the total number of movie nodes in the tree, and print the
3. Delete the tree in the destructor using a postorder traversal.
When the user selects quit, the destructor for the MovieTree class should be
called. In the destructor, all of the nodes in the tree should be deleted.
You need to use a postorder tree traversal for the delete or you will get
segmentation fault errors. You may implement a helper function.
● Menu: After the tree has been built, display a menu with the following options:
(includes functionality from Assignment 5).
1. Find a movie. When the user selects this option from the menu, they should
be prompted for the name of the movie. Your program should then search the
tree and display all information for that movie. If the movie is not found in the
tree, your program should display, “Movie not found.” The findMovie method
included in the MovieTree.hpp header file is a void type. All movie information
should be displayed in the findMovie method. This should already be
implemented from Assignment 5.
2. Rent a movie. When the user selects this option from the menu, they should
be prompted for the name of the movie. If the movie is found in the tree, your
program should update the Quantity in stock property of the movie and display
the new information about the movie. If the movie is not found, your program
should display, “Movie not found.” Just like findMovie, rentMovie is also a void
type. Information about the movie rented should be displayed in the rentMovie
method. If the quantity of a movie reaches 0, delete the movie after displaying
the updated movie information. This should be mostly implemented from
Assignment 5.
3. Print the entire inventory. When the user selects this option from the menu,
your program should display all movie titles and the quantity available in
sorted order by title. See the lecture notes on in-order tree traversal and your
textbook for more information. This should already be implemented from
Assignment 5.
4. Delete a movie. When the user selects this option from the menu, they
should be prompted for the name of the movie. If the movie is found in the tree,
your program should delete the movie node from the tree. If the movie is not
found, your program should display, “Movie not found.”
5. Count movies in the tree. When the user selects this option, your program
should traverse the tree, counting the total number of movie nodes in the tree,
and print the count.
6. Quit the program. When the user selects this option, your program should
exit after freeing all dynamically allocated memory.
● Expected Output
Display menu
cout << "======Main Menu======" << endl; cout << "1. Find a movie" << endl; cout << "2. Rent a movie" << endl; cout << "3. Print the inventory" << endl; cout << "4. Delete a movie" << endl; cout << "5. Count movies" << endl; cout << "6. Quit" << endl; Find a movie cout << "Enter title:" << endl; Display found movie information cout << "Movie Info:" << endl; cout << "===========" << endl; cout << "Ranking:" << foundMovie-ranking << endl; cout << "Title:" << foundMovie-title << endl; cout << "Year:" << foundMovie-year << endl; cout << "Quantity:" << foundMovie-quantity << endl; If movie not found cout << "Movie not found." << endl; Rent a movie //If movie is in stock cout << "Movie has been rented." << endl; cout << "Movie Info:" << endl; cout << "===========" << endl; cout << "Ranking:" << foundMovie-ranking << endl; cout << "Title:" << foundMovie-title << endl; cout << "Year:" << foundMovie-year << endl; cout << "Quantity:" << foundMovie-quantity << endl; //If movie not found in tree cout << "Movie not found." << endl; Print the inventory //For all movies in tree cout<<"Movie: "<