CSCE5370 Assignment No. 3 for Ch. 4.2 and Ch. 5 solution


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1. (Ch. 04) Consider the join graph below and the following information: size(EMP) = 300, size(ASG)
= 400, size(PROJ) = 500, size(EMP ⋈ ASG) = 500, and size(ASG ⋈ PROJ) = 400. Describe an
optimal join program that minimizes response time (consider only communication) without
using semi-join.

2. Consider the join graph above in 1, and give a program (possibly not optimal) that reduces
each relation fully by semijoins. The final query result needs to be in Site 2.
Site 1 Site 3
Site 2

3. (Ch. 04) Consider the following query, the join graph and the distribution of the relations and/or
fragmentations to the sites depicted below. We assume all records have same size. size(EMP
⋈ ASG) = 3000, and size(ASG ⋈ PROJ) = 2000. The goal is to minimize communication cost. The
final query result needs to be in Site 2.

1) Which join do we need to perform first, either EMP ⋈ ASG or ASG ⋈ PROJ? Why?

2) Explain how to perform the first join in terms of which relation needs to be sent to which
site. You do not need to consider semijoin.

3) Explain how to perform the second join which is using the result of the first join in terms of
which relation(s) need(s) to be sent to which site(s). You do not need to consider semijoin.

4. (Ch. 05) For the following histories,
H1 = {W2(x), W1(x), R3(x), R1(x), W2(y), R3(y), R2(x), R3(z)}
H2 = {R3(y), R3(z), W2(y), R2(z), W1(x), R3(x), W2(x), R1(x)}
H3 = {W2(x), R3(z), W2(y), R1(x), R3(x), R2(z), R3(y), W1(x)}
H4 = {R2(z), W2(x), W2(y), W1(x), R1(x), R3(x), R3(y), R3(z))}

1) Provide all possible pair of conflicting operations.

2) Which histories are conflict equivalent? You need to provide a reason (or reasons) for your

5. (Ch. 05) Which of the above histories are serializable? You need to provide a reason (or
reasons) for your answer using serialization graph.
Relations Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 Total
EMP 2000 2000 2000 6000
ASG 3000 3000
PROJ 2000 2000
Total 2000 5000 4000 11000