CSC4130 Assignment 4 solution


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1 Description

This assignment aims to help students get familiar with React (i.e., a user
interface framework) and how to utilize D3 and React to build a visual interface with multiple views.
Figure 1: The result of assignment 4.

2 Install React and D3

Open the terminal and go to the Assignment 4 folder. Then use the following
terminal commands to install React and D3 on your computer.
npm install
npm i d3
After that, type the following terminal command to run the program.
npm start
(a) (b)
(c) (d)

Figure 2: Multiple-view interaction in the designed interface. (a) When a
mouse hovers to a bar in the bar chart, the hovered bar will be highlighted
by adding a grey bounding box, (b) users click a bar in the bar chart, the
clicked bar will be highlighted by adding a black bounding box, and the
corresponding points in the scatter plot will be shown, (c) users click multiple
bars in the bar chart and the corresponding points in the scatter plot will be
shown, and (d) users click the clicked bar again, the points belong to the bar
will not be visualized.

3 Requirement

• Given a .csv file stored in the public folder, you need to visualize the
data into two forms (i.e., scatter chart and bar chart), as shown in
Figure 1.

• When users use a mouse to hover a bar in the bar chart, the hovered
one will be highlighted by adding a grey bounding box, as shown in
Figure 2 (a). Hover means that the mouse moves to a bar and there
are no mouse press and release actions.

• When users use a mouse to click a bar, the bar will be highlighted by
adding a black bounding box. In addition, in the scatter plot, we only
show the points belonging to the clicked bar, as shown in Figure 2 (b).

• Users can click multiple bars, the bars will be highlighted by adding
black bounding boxes to each. In addition, in the scatter plot, we only
show the points belonging to the clicked bars, as shown in Figure 2 (c).

• After clicking, users can click the clicked bar again, then the highlight
will be removed, and the corresponding points in the scatter plot will
not be visualized, as shown in Figure 2 (d).

Implementation Hints

• Following assignment 3, the Barchart and ScatterPlot.js still have the
functions called initVis and updateVis, which are inline functions in a
functional component. The renderVis is embedded into updateVis.

• In this template, we use React functional component, so you need to
think about when and how to call initVis and updateVis in the two
functional components, i.e., BarChart and ScatterPlot.

• Use React.useState() to bind and filter data.
• Use React.useEffect() to render data when dependency/dependencies
• Under different rendering conditions, consider which dependency/dependencies should be passed into useEffect().

• You are allowed to use React class component to complete this assignment.

Online Resources
• useState
• useState Guide
• useEffect
• useEffect Explanation
• React and D3
• D3 with React

4 Evaluation
In total, there are 100 points in this assignment. A detailed evaluation is
provided here.
1) In ScatterPlot.js, initialize the scatter plot and update rendering result
• Initialization (5pts).
• Update (5pts).
2) In BarChart.js, initialize the bar chart and update rendering result
• Initialization (5pts).
• Update (5pts).
3) In BarChart.js, complete the click function (20pts).
• Check current category/categories (5pts).
• Obtain filtered category/categories (10pts).
• Change React state using the selected category/categories (5pts).

4) In App.js, create three states, i.e., data, selectedData, and filterCategory (15pts).
• Each state is for 5pts.
5) In App.js, render and update visual results when dependency/dependencies change (30pts).
• Each one is for 15pts.
6) In App.css, stylize the hover and click actions (10pts).
• Hover is for 5pts.
• Click is for 5pts.

7) Submission (5pts). Please compress your code and a readme file (optional) into a zip file and submit the zip file to OneDrive. The readme file
can include descriptions that can help the instructor run the interface successfully.
Note that a penalty of 10 pts will be given to those students
who submit the assignment between Nov 30 at 12:00 AM and Nov
30 at 11:59 PM. A penalty of 20 pts will be given to those students
who submit the assignment between Dec 1 at 12:00 AM and Dec
1 at 11:59 PM. Submissions after Dec 2 at 12:00 AM will not be