CSC410 Assignment 6 next larger power of two of an integer solution


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Problem 1 (50 points)
The next larger power of two of an integer n is the smallest power of two that is larger than n:
∀n > 0, p is the next larger power of two of n ⇐⇒ (n ≤ p < 2n) ∧ p is a power of 2
A naive way of finding the next larger power of two would be to compute every power of two in a loop until
it we reach the first that is greater than n. However, it can efficiently be computed for an integer represented
on a machine using only bit operations in constant time.
For example, this can be done using only 10 bit-manipulation operations for integers represented on 16
unsigned int n; // Integer represented on 16 bits
n |= n >> 1; // Divide by 2^k for consecutive doublings of k up to 16,
n |= n >> 2; // and then or the results.
n |= n >> 4;
n |= n >> 8;
The goal of this problem is for you to write the procedure that synthesizes this efficient implementation of
the next larger power of two for any integer representation size up to 64 bits. The number of operations
needed will vary, but you can assume that the shape of the solution will stay the same. Since we know the
shape of the solution, but not the exact ingredients, syntax guided synthesis is particularly useful to solve
this problem.
Solving this problem would involve you providing three key ingredients to the (synthesis) solver: the
correctness specification of the problem, a sketch, and the syntax rules defining how to complete the sketch.
The correctness specification is a formula that defines the function we are looking for. The sketch is a partial
program with holes that can be completed using the syntax rules, and it defines the state space in which the
solver will search for a solution.
You are provided with a file q1.rkt, in which all the functions that we will list below appear either
commented out or with an empty body1
. Your task is to modify this file. Carefully read the code provided
before starting to implement your solutions! The program synthesized by your solution should be similar to
the example above. Other types of solutions are not relevant.
The following list explains what functions should be written by you for each of the components of the
syntax guided synthesis problem, with constraints on how you should write them.
Correctness specification You have to specify the problem by completing two functions:
• specification: Write the body of the function specification. It has to take two inputs, a function
f and an argument x such that specification(f, x) ⇐⇒ f(x) is the next larger power of two of x.
For that, you can write a function isPowerOfTwo : int → bool that checks if its argument is a power
of two, preferably using bitvector operations.
• constraint: In the bitvector representation, the range of integers that can be represented is limited, so
you should not try to synthesize a function that satisfies the specification for any integer, but rather for
integers that can be represented by a bitvector of type bvrepr?. What is that range? Be careful with
the fact that the representation also contains unsigned integers. Encode this restriction in a function
constraint: int → bool.
The synthesized solution f will satisfy:
∀x ∈ N, constraint(x) =⇒ specification(f, x)
That is, f will be synthesized such that specification(f, x) is true for any integer x that satisfies constraint(x).
Sketch To specify the search space for the solution, you need to write a sketch of the solution and provide
syntax rules that define how the sketch can be completed. The sketch is a function next-power using the
syntax Body? in its definition.
• Write a first syntax rule BitVector? such that a hole (BitVector?) will be filled with any bitvector
of type bvrepr?. Your rule is used in the definition of the two helpers given to you in the code.
• Write another syntax rule Body? that describes the grammar generating a sequence of bitwise or/shift
operations. No predefined constant or predefined choice of operator can appear in the rule.
You can use the syntax rules BVLogic? and BVArith? that are given to you as helpers.
1A global parameter repr size is declared at the beginning of the file; it is the current representation size. The bitvectors
of size repr size are of type bvrepr?.
• Write the complete sketch of your function in next-power. The body can use only:
– the input variable and the bitvector type bvrepr?,
– the rules previously defined (you might have to use an integer constant to set the inlining bound
or depth of the rule),
– the programming construct let,
– and conversion operators such as integer->bitvector and bitvector->integer.
Solve Once all the components have been provided, the solver can find a solution f that satisfies the
specification in the space described by the sketch and the syntax rules. You don’t have to write anything
here, the synthesize construct is already provided in the file q1.rkt:
(define-symbolic x integer?)
(define solution
#:forall (list x)
#:assume (assert (constraint x))
#:guarantee (assert (specification next-power x))))
Once you have completed the file, executing racket q1.rkt should print out a solution for the representation size that is defined at the beginning in repr size. Performance is not an issue in this assignment.
Your program should return an answer for any representation size up to 64. You have to use the names we
provide for each function and each rule, but you can add your own if you need to define other functions/rules.
Submit the q1.rkt file. You shouldn’t have changed the name of the functions, so we can automatically
test your file and verify that you respected the constraints on what you can put in the different rules and
functions. We will test your program with repr size varying between 8 and 64.
Hints and remarks
• You can check that a positive number is a power of two in C using bitwise logical operations:
x & (x – 1) == 0 // true if x is a power of two
• In Racket/Rosette, you need to explicitly convert the integers to bitvectors to use the bitwise operators.
The implementation in C seen above can be written in a very straightforward manner:
(define (next-power i)
(let ([v (integer->bitvector i 16)])
(let ([v (bvsub v (bv 1 16))]) ;; n–
(let ([v (bvor v (bvashr v (bv 1 16)))]) ;; n = n | n >> 1
(let ([v (bvor v (bvashr v (bv 2 16)))]) ;; n = n | n >> 2
(let ([v (bvor v (bvashr v (bv 4 16))])) ;; n = n | n >> 4
(let ([v (bvor v (bvashr v (bv 8 16)))]) ;; n = n | n >> 8
(let ([v (bvadd v (bv 1 16))]) ;; n ++
(bitvector->integer v)))))))))
• Think about you can use the integer hole ?? to construct a bitvector constant. Simply writing (bv
(??)) will not work.
Problem 2 (50 points)
The goal of this problem is to synthesize a function from input/output examples. The function that needs to
be synthesized takes three integer arguments and returns one integer. We do not know the formal specification
of the function, but we have the following set of input-output examples (written as (input → output)).
(2, −4, −1) → −4 (5, 3, −10) → 3 (9, −3, 4) → 2
(12, −4, 2) → 8 (1, −4, 7) → −2 (0, 4, 1) → 4
(−3, 3, 10) → 8 (−10, 9, 3) → 9 (13, 9, 0) → 10
A solution is a function that satisfies, for each input/output pair, f(input) = output. You are provided
with a file q2.rkt. Your task is to write a sketch, a specification and an expression grammar in q2.rkt such
that the code provided at the end of the file prints the solution. The function should be defined using only
+, -, min and max operators, integer constants and as many variables as you need.