CSC248 Lab Assignment – Review of OOP solution


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1.1 Class Land has the following attributes and methods:
• id
• owner name
• house type
• area

i. Write the Land class and the following methods:
a) Default constructor.
b) Normal constructor that set all data with values given through the
c) Mutator/Setter method
d) Retriever method for each attribute.

e) Printer method using toString()defined method.
f) A processor method to calculate and return the tax amount. The tax of this
type of land depends on its area, and the type of the house built on the land
as shown in the following table:
House Type Description Tax rate (RM/m3
T Terrace 10
S Semi-Detached 15
B Bungalow 20
C Condominium 30

Details of land
ii. Write an application program that performs the following:
a) Declare array of object for Land objects.
b) Given the input file named customerData.txt that includes the
customers data such as id, owner name, house type and area. The following
input text fil includes all record of customer for the Land class:
Write a program that reads each record from customerData.txt and
store onto array of object Land.

c) Display a menu selection to select the following process:
Menu Selection
1. Sorting using Bubble Sort
2. Sorting using Insertion Sort
3. Searching using Binary Search
Your Option: XX

****Details explanation:
1-Sorting using Bubble Sort – Sort the list based on the tax price and display
the list
2.Sorting using Insertion Sort – Sort the list based on id and display the list
3.Searching using Binary Search-Search the item from the list based on id
and display the information detail.