CSC205 Assignment 1: Python Basics solution


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2D Computer Graphics and Image Processing
This assignment is an exercise focusing on the basic functionalities of Python. Throughout the course of four assignments, students will learn to implement parts of the bouncing
ball example shown in class. This assignment, however, may seem disconnect from the rest,
as it is intended to allow students to learn what it is like to do some basic programming in
Python, where all or most of the low-level operations are already packaged as open source
libraries for you.
Instructions are provided first for a reason.
Please read the instructions carefully.
2D Computer Graphics and Image Processing Assignment 1: Python Basics
1 Instructions
1.1 Submission package
Within the homework assignment package, there should be a,
which contains the directory structure and empty files for you to get started. Please edit
the contents within the file for code, and then create a zip archive with the file name, and submit it. Do not use other archive formats such
as rar or tar.gz.
All assignments should be submitted electronically. Hand written reports are not accepted. You can, however, include scanned pages in your report. For example, if you are not
comfortable with writing equations, you can include a scanned copy.
1.2 Code
All assignments should be in Python 3. Codes that fail to run on Python 3 will receive 20%
deduction on the final score. In other words, do not use Python 2.7.
For this assignment, you should not need to create additional files. Fill in the skeleton
files in the submission package. Do not change the name of these scripts. We will run, for
to test if your code runs as the assignment specifications.
It is strongly encouraged to follow PEP8. It makes your code much more readable, and
less room for mistakes. There are many open source tools available to automatically do this
for you.
1.3 Delayed submission
In case you think you will not meet the deadline due to network speed or any other reasons,
you can send an email with the SHA-256 hash of your .zip archive first, and then submit
your assignment through email later on. This will not be considered as a delay.
Delayed submissions are subject to 20% degradation per day. For example, an assignment
submitted 1 minute after the deadline will receive 80% of the entire mark, even if it was
perfect. Likewise, an assignment that was submitted one day and 1 minute after the deadline
will receive 60%.
1.4 Use of open source code
Any library under any type of open source license is allowed for use, given full attribution.
This attribution should include the name of the original author, the source from which the
code was obtained, and indicate terms of the license. Note that using copyrighted material
without an appropriate license is not permitted. Short snippets of code on public websites
such as StackOverflow may be used without an explicit license, but proper attribution should
be given even in such case. This means that if you embed a snippet into your own code,
you should properly cite it through the comments, and also embed the full citation in a
LICENSES file. However, if you include a full, unmodified source, which already contains the
license within the source file, this is unnecessary. Please note that without proper attribution,
it will be considered plagiarism.
2D Computer Graphics and Image Processing Assignment 1: Python Basics
In addition, as the assignments are intended for you to learn, (1) if the external code
implements the core objective of the task, no points will be given; (2) code from other
CSC205 students will count as plagiarism.
2 Loading a text file (1 mark)
Read file input.txt and put each line of text into a Python list.
3 Parsing and printing output (4 marks)
Implement print info function. The output should be looking something like the following:
Canvas size is 100 x 100
Circle of thickness 3 and radius 10 at (50, 50)
Line of thickness 2 from (20, 20) to (80, 43)
Polygon Line of thickness 1 passing through, (30, 30), (50, 40), (80, 20)
Polygon Fill for lines passing through, (10, 10), (50, 90), (90, 10), (10, 10)
We will test with a different input file, so don’t just print the above! You’ll need to be able
to parse: circle, line, polyline, polyfill. Each will contribute to one mark.
4 Writing to text file (2 marks)
Add an additional line that would be interpreted as
Circle of thickness 5 and radius 20 at (50, 50)
at the end, and write to output.txt. In other words, if you use output.txt as input to
your solution, it should print
Canvas size is 100 x 100
Circle of thickness 3 and radius 10 at (50, 50)
Line of thickness 2 from (20, 20) to (80, 43)
Polygon Line of thickness 1 passing through, (30, 30), (50, 40), (80, 20)
Polygon Fill for lines passing through, (10, 10), (50, 90), (90, 10), (10, 10)
Circle of thickness 5 and radius 20 at (50, 50)
Adding a line would be one mark, and successful writing to a file would be the other.