CSC115 Assignment 7 BST map and a hash map solved


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 Implementing a BSTMap
 Introduction to Hash Map ADT with separate chaining
 More practice with generics
 More practice with the Map ADT
 Introduction to performance measurement
In this assignment you will implement a BST map and a hash map that both implement the Map
ADT. The hash map will use Java’s built in List/ArrayList as the underlying storage (table field).
Each element in the maps will contain both a key and a value associated with that key. The
elements in the hash map will be stored according to the hash code of the key and the size of the
underlying table in the hash map.
Quick Start
1. Read this entire document first once through!
2. Read the comments in carefully and implement the methods until all
tests pass in
Part I – BSTMap
You have been provided with a working implementation of a Binary Search Tree. You will use
the BST to implement the Map ADT in the file The Map interface is specified in, and provides two main operations:
• get(key) – return the value stored at key
• put(key,value) – insert the key/value pair into the map. If the key already exists, update
the value stored at key to be the new value.
You have to write very little code to accomplish this – simply create an instance of your
BinarySearchTree in the BSTMap constructor and then use methods you have already
completed in the BinarySearchTree to provide the services required by the Map1
(In your instructor’s sample solution, all methods except containsKey are only one line.
containsKey contains six lines.)

1This is a common practice. You can read about it here:
Part II – HashMap
Your hash map implementation will make use of built-in Java generic List ADT to allow users of
the tree to specify the type for both the key and the value. Your hash map will use separate
chaining to handle collisions therefore the table field in HashMap is a List of Lists, where each
sublist is a List of Entries:
private List< List<Entry<K,V>> > table;
The constructor is provided for you. You will notice, it initializes the table as a new ArrayList of
the specified tableSize and subsequently initializes every element in that table to a new empty
You will need to implement the four methods, containsKey, get, entryList and put. For the
methods that require you to search through the table and/or through a List within the table, we
suggest you use the built-in Java Iterator class.
You can use the List iterator method to get an iterator for that list.
//gets the list at specified index in table
List<Entry<K,V>> list = table.get(index);
// gets an Iterator that can iterate over the above list
Iterator<Entry<K,V>> iter = list.iterator();
You can then call the Iterator methods to iterate over (traverse) the list.
Examples calls to useful iterator methods:
See the Java API for full Iterator method documentation:

Part III – Performance Testing (optional – not bonus)
We have provided you with a Map implementation using linked lists (called
In class, we discussed how it is that we expect the binary search tree implementation of Map and
HashMap to perform less computation for the same tasks which use a list. You will be using
your and from Assignment 9 in this comparison. Copy
these files into your working Assignment 7 directory.
In this assignment we will use a very simple approach to comparing the three implementations:
we will count the number of times loops execute in the get and put methods. (or depth of the
recursion depending on your implementation)
We have added four methods to support performance testing to the Map interface, and the
implementation of those methods are given to you in and
You must add to code to your, and to
support this performance testing as follows:
1) Update your
a. Add fields and methods for findLoops and insertLoops to
adding the code shown here:
long findLoops;
long insertLoops;
public BinarySearchTree () {
root = null;
count = 0;
public long getFindLoopCount() {
return findLoops;
public long getInsertLoopCount() {
return insertLoops;
public void resetFindLoops() {
findLoops = 0;
public void resetInsertLoops() {
insertLoops = 0;
b. Look at the implementation of to see how we counted the loop
iterations. In particular, look at how the fields getLoops and putLoops are used.
Change your to count the loops (or recursive calls) in the
insert and find methods.
2) Update
a. Add these four new methods from interface to adding the
code shown here:
public long getGetLoopCount() {
return bst.getFindLoopCount();
public long getPutLoopCount() {
return bst.getInsertLoopCount();
public void resetGetLoops() {
public void resetPutLoops() {
3) Update
a. Again, look at the implementation of to see how we counted the
loop iterations. In particular, look at how the fields getLoops and putLoops are
used. Change your to count the loops in the put and get methods.
4) Once you’ve done that, compile and run it as follows:
java Performance linked 0
You should see something resembling:
Doing initial tests:
Your solution should match exactly for linked and be comparable for BST and Hash.
— Instructor’s solution:
[128 linked] put loop count: 499500
[128 linked] get loop count: 1000000
[128 bst ] put loop count: 11079
[128 bst ] get loop count: 12952
[128 hash ] put loop count: 1
[128 hash ] get loop count: 0

–Your solution:
[128 linked] put loop count: 499500
[128 linked] get loop count: 1000000
[128 bst] put loop count: 11079
[128 bst] get loop count: 12952
[128 hash] put loop count: 1
[128 hash] get loop count: 0
It is possible that your BinarySearchTree and HashMap implementations will have slightly
more or slightly fewer loops, but you should be within, say, 2% of your instructor’s solution.
Once you are satisfied your loop counting is correct, perform some experiments described in the
next section to compare the two implementations and document the results in performance.txt
If you run:
java Performance linked 1000
it will gather information about the linked list implementation over 1000 put and gets.
If you run:
java Performance bst 1000
it will gather information about the binary search tree implementation over 1000 puts and gets.
If you run:
java Performance hash 1000
it will gather information about the hash table implementation over 1000 puts and gets.
In the supplied performance.txt file, you must copy and paste the results you obtain when
running the various tests described in the file.
 You need to run the linked implementation lists of size 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000 and
 You need to run the binary search tree implementation for trees of size 10, 100, 1000,
10000, 100000, 300000 and 1000000.
 You need to run the hash map implementation for hash maps of size 10, 100, 1000,
10000, 100000, 300000 and 1000000.
For example, here is the output produced by one run of the instructor’s solution where there are
10000 insertions (or puts) of random values into the BST, and then 10000 searches (or gets) of
random values from the BST:
> java Performance bst 10000
bst map over 10000 iterations.
[1489713840577 bst ] put loop count: 146936
[1489713840577 bst ] get loop count: 166935
The very large numbers represent the random seed used to generate random values for insertion
into, and lookup from, the BST. The counts are the number of loop iterations performed in BST
methods (i.e., insert and find) in order to implement the put and get in the Map (in this case a
Map based on tree – i.e., the BST).
Similarly, here is the output produced by one run of the instructor’s solution where there are
10000 puts of random values into the HashMap, and then 10000 gets of random values from the
> java Performance hash 10000
hash map over 10000 iterations.
[1562196577084 hash] put loop count: 53
[1562196577084 hash] get loop count: 104
Submit only the BSTMap and files via ConneX.
Do not change or submit any other files.
Please be sure you submit your assignment, not just save a draft. ALL late and incorrect
submissions will be given a ZERO grade.
If you submit files that do not compile, or that do not use the correct method names you will
receive a zero grade for the assignment. It is your responsibility to ensure you follow the
specification and submit the correct files.
Your code must not be written to specifically pass the test cases in the testers, instead, it must
work on all valid inputs. We will change the input values, add extra tests and we will inspect
your code for hard-coded solutions.
A reminder that it is OK to talk about your assignment with your classmates, and you are
encouraged to design solutions together, but each student must implement their own solution.
We will use plagiarism detection software on your assignment submissions.