CSC/BIF 243 Introduction to Object Oriented Programming Lab 08 solved


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Recall the simple math tools that let a first grader practice or be tested on mathematics.


In this Lab Assignment your task is to specify, design and implement a sophisticated math tool that include addition, subtraction and multiplication.

  • Specifications: Write your own specifications. You have the freedom of deciding on what is it that you want to implement in your tool. It could include practice and/or testing, number of question, range of numbers, validate input, …
  • Design: Write the design of your specifications. You may use psceudo-code and decide on functions that make the implementation easier,
  • Implementation: Implement your design in a python program. Use comments to explain your code and test your program.


  • A pdf file file that include your specification, design and any testing samples.
  • A phyton file of your Implementation and snapshots of a sample run.