CSc 4222/6222 – Assignment #3 solution


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1. Barack often sends funny jokes to Hillary. He does not care about confidentiality of these messages but
wants to get credit for the jokes and prevent Bill from claiming authorship of, or modifying them. He can
achieve this by using public-key cryptography and digitally signing his jokes and send each one with its
signature. However, as public-key cryptography is computationally intensive and drains the battery of
Barack’s device, he comes up with an alternative approach. First, he shares a secret key k with Hillary, but
not with Bill. Next, together with a joke x, he sends over the value d = h(k||x), where each h is a
cryptographic hash function. Does value d provide assurance to Hillary that Barack is the author of x and
that x was not modified by Bill?
2. Alice and Bob shared an n-bit secret key some time ago. Now they are no longer sure they still have the
same key. Thus, they use the following method to communicate with each other over an insecure channel
to verify that the key KA held by Alice is the same as the key KB held by Bob. Their goal is to prevent an
attacker from learning the secret key.
i. Alice generates a random n-bit value R.
ii. Alice computes X = KA ⊕ R, where ⊕ denotes the exclusive-or Boolean function, and sends X
to Bob.
iii. Bob computes Y = KB ⊕ X and sends Y to Alice.
iv. Alice compares R and Y. If R = Y, she concludes that KA = KB, that is, she and Bob have indeed
the same secret key.
Show how an attacker eavesdropping the channel can gain possession of the shared secret key.
3. Suppose you could use all 128 characters in the ASCII character set in a password. What is the number
of 8-character passwords that could be constructed from such a character set? How long, on average, would
it take an attacker to guess such a password if he could test a password every nanosecond?
4. If a password is salted with a 24-bit random number, how big is the dictionary attack search space for a
200,000 word dictionary?
5. Eve has just discovered and decrypted the file that associates each userid with its 32-bit random salt
value, and she has also discovered and decrypted the password file, which contains the salted-and-hashed
passwords for the 100 people in her building. If she has a dictionary of 500,000 words and she is confident
all 100 people have passwords from this dictionary, what is the size of her search space for performing a
dictionary attack on their passwords?
6. Dr. Blahblah has implemented a system with an 8-bit random canary that is used to detect and prevent
stack-based buffer overflow attacks. Describe an effective attack against Dr. Blahblah’s system and analyze
its likelihood of success.
7. In the Tim Lloyd logic bomb attack on Omega Engineering, what type of vulnerability was the existence
of the user, “12345,” an example of?
8. Viruses that perform no explicit malicious behaviors are called bacteria or rabbits. Explain how such
seemingly benign viruses can still have negative impacts on computer systems.
9. You are given the task of detecting the occurrences of a polymorphic virus that conceals itself as follows.
The body, C, of the virus code is obfuscated by XORing it with a byte sequence, T, derived from a six-byte
secret key, K, that changes from instance to instance of the virus in a random way. The sequence T is derived
by merely repeating over and over the given key K. The length of the body of the virus code is a multiple
of six – padding is added otherwise. Thus, the obfuscated body is T ⊕ C, where T = K || K || … and ||
denotes string concatenation. The virus inserts itself to the infected program at an unpredictable location.
And infected file contains a loader that reads the key K, unhides the body C of the virus code by XORing
the obfuscated version with the sequence T (derived from K), and finally launches C. The loader code, key
K, and the obfuscated body are inserted at random positions of infected programs. At some point of the
execution of the infected program, the loader gets called, which unhides the virus and then executes it.
Assume that you have obtained the body C of the virus code and a set of programs that are suspected to be
infected. You want to detect the occurrences of this virus among the suspected programs without having to
actually emulate the execution of the programs. Give an algorithm to do this in polynomial time in the
length of the program. Assume that the loader of the virus is a short piece of code that can be commonly
found in legitimate programs. Therefore, it cannot be used as a signature of our virus. Hence, looking for
the loader is not an acceptable solution. Remember, the loader is in binary, and as such, extracting
information from it is nontrivial, i.e., wrong.
10. Suppose you want to use an Internet café to login to your personal account on a bank web site, but you
suspect that the computers in this café are infected with software keyloggers. Assuming that you can have
both a web browser window and a text editing window open at the same time, describe a scheme that allows
you to type in your userID and password so that a keylogger, used in isolation of any screen captures or
mouse event captures, would not be able to discover your userID and password.