CSc 352: Assignment 11 solution


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The purpose of this assignment is to get some experience write bash shell scripts.
General Requirements
1. Your programs should indicate if they executed without any problems via their exit
status, i.e., the value returned by the program when it terminates:
Execution Exit Status
Normal, no problems 0
Error or problem encountered 1
2. Under bash you can check the exit status of a command or program cmd by typing the
command “echo $?” immediately after the execution of cmd. A program can exit with
status n by executing “exit(n)” anywhere in the program, or by having main() execute
the statement “return(n)”.
3. Remember your code will be graded on lectura using a grading script. You should test
your code on lectura.
Unlike previous assignments, this program will be a bash shell script. Since bash scripts are
interpreted I cannot provide you with an example executable as I have when you were writing C
programs. Also, it is more important than ever that you test your code on lectura since different
implementations of bash might not work exactly the same.
I have placed, in /home/cs352/fall18/assignments/assg11/prob1 an example output file to use for
testing. In file exampleOut is what your output should look like when you test the executable
anagrams2 using the test directory testcases. Both the executable and test directory are
also provided in the same location.
Submission Instructions
Your solutions are to be turned in on the host Since the assignment will
be graded by a script, it is important you have the directory structure and the names of the files
exact. Remember that UNIX is case sensitive, so make sure the capitalization is also correct. For
all our assignments the directory structure should be as follows: The root directory will be named
assg#, where # is the number of the current assignment. Inside that directory should be a
subdirectory for each problem. These directories will be named prob# where # is the number of
the problem within the assignment. Inside these directories should be any files required by the
problem descriptions.
For this problem the prob1 directory will contain a bash script named testCode. Be sure to set
it’s executable bit on and that its first line tells the shell it should be run as a bash script.
To submit your solutions, go to the directory containing your assg11 directory and use the
following command:
turnin cs352f18-assg11 assg11
prob1: testCode
In this problem you will write a bash script for testing C programs.
You will write a bash script “testCode”. This script will test a specified program using a
reference executable and test files found in a specified directory. One way to use the script would
be to specify those two arguments on the command line as:
testCode program_name test_case_dir
For example
testCode anagrams2 testcases
The relevant files in test_case_dir will be named test_program_name*, where *, like the bash
wildcard, is any string, including nothing. It should be OK if there are other files in that directory
(e.g., test cases for a different program). These should simply not be used. Finally, the reference
executable must be called ex_program_name and should also exist in the directory test_case_dir.
In our example the test cases would be named things like test_anagrams2_01,
test_anagrams2_02, test_anagrams2bigTest, and the reference executable would
be named ex_anagrams2. All these files would live in the directory testcases. Note, that
we specified a relative path to a directory here, but an absolute path should also work. The
program being tested (program_name, or in or example, anagrams2) should be located in the
current directory, not the directory with the test cases.
Command line arguments are convenient in many cases, but we might want to test the script
itself using input from standard input. Hence you also need to implement the following. If the
command is invoked with no arguments, you must read the arguments from stdin one line at a
time. They should be assumed to be in the same order as the arguments are listed. (i.e. The
program name is read first and then the test case directory.) If you do not get enough arguments
after all that, print an error message and exit with a status of 1. You do not need to worry about
the possibility of too many arguments.
Your script should run the reference executable as well as the specified executable for each
testcase. These programs should be run using redirection to have them use the testcase as their
stdin. You do not need to include any command line arguments for these programs. You need to
run the executable (the one in the current directory, not the reference executable) in such a way
that if there is an infinite loop it will time out (see below). You need to report “time out”
termination as well as abnormal execution (see below), or, if things go well enough so that those
issues are not relevant, then you want to analyze stdout, stderr, and return codes. Finally, you
will run valgrind and check for both memory errors and memory leaks (see below).
 Error output
Your script should report issues regarding not being able to continue (e.g., it cannot find
the reference executable) to standard error, and exit with non-zero status. These errors
should not be confused with errors in the program (e.g., not matching the reference
executable output). Errors in the program being tested go into the report to standard
output described next. If your script successively tests the program, even if it finds that
there are problems with it, then you should return zero.
 Standard output
For each test case you will print one or more result lines to stdout. The grading script will
ignore blank lines or changes in white space, but make sure the text of the outputs are
correct. If the program times out (see below) on a test case, then all that is printed is:
*** testcase: test_xxx_01 [ FAILED – Timed out ]
Note that test_xxx_01 is the name of the file without any “/”. When a program crashes for
some reason (see below) on a test case all that is printed is:
*** testcase: test_xxx_01 [ FAILED – Abnormal termination ]
If a program terminates normally, then print how it did for each thing being tested. For
*** testcase: test_xxx_01 [ stdout – PASSED ]
*** testcase: test_xxx_01 [ return code – PASSED ]
*** testcase: test_xxx_01 [ stderr – FAILED ]
*** testcase: test_xxx_01 [ valgrind – FAILED ]
*** testcase: test_xxx_01 [ memory free – PASSED ]
Where you print “PASSED” or “FAILED” based on whether the program passes or fails
that part of the test. Here are the criteria for each part:
stdout – passes if the stdout’s match (use –Z flag for diff)
return code – passes if the return codes match
stderr – passes if either both the reference executable and the program tested write
something to stderr or they both write nothing to stderr
valgrind – passes if valgrind says there are no memory errors
memory free – passes if valgrind says all the memory has been freed upon program exit.
 A few hints for some of the trickier parts
You probably want to use the program “timeout” to run your program (see man
“timeout”). We will assume a timeout of 2 seconds for this assignment. If timeout
successfully runs the program, it will report the return code of the program that it run, so
you can use that for the return code checks. But, if the program that timeout is running
for you times out, timeout will exit with 124. Finally, if the program exits abnormally due
to a system signal (we have not studied this yet), it will return 128+NUM, where NUM is
the signal number. You do not need to fully understand this convention. You can just
assume that a return greater than 128 means your program died for some reason. But you
do need to check for it because your program might die, for example, due to a segfault.
(The signal there is SIGSEGV which is 11, so the return would be 139). Such return
codes from timeout covers the “Abnormal termination” case.
For this script, you should use grep to pull what you need from the output of valgrind.
You may want to look at the man page for grep or look it up online. You don’t need to
know much about grep to have enough knowledge for this assignment.
When using timeout if your program crashes, timeout will send an error message that
you’ll want to ignore. Unfortunately you’re probably already redirecting the output from
your program, so how do you say to not print these messages? It turns out this works:
} &> /dev/null
The part might (should) include redirections for the output from
the code you’re running. The { } tell bash to just redirect the output from timeout to
 Script failures
We expect error messages on standard error, and non-zero termination, for:
o Failure to read (either as parameters or from stdin) a program name and a test case
o The test directory doesn’t exist.
o Cannot execute the reference executable
o Cannot execute the program to be tested
 More hints
o There is an exit command not mentioned in the slides which you might find
useful. (see man page)
o You will need to use redirections to create files to do some of these tasks. Assume
your script can write to the directories. Choose files names that you might expect
not to collide with existing files. There is no way to guarantee this and we won’t
worry too much about this. Just don’t redirect to a file named after one of our
program names (e.g. don’t redirect to anagrams2 or something like that). You will
want to look at the man page for test to see how for empty files.
o Finally, remember if you want to suppress the output of a command you can
redirect to /dev/null