CS5343 Project #3 solution


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In this project you will modify the author’s BinarySearchTree code
to implement some new methods.


Modify the author’s BinarySearchTree code to implement the methods
shown below.

Each method is 10 points.

a) nodeCount
Recursively traverses the tree and returns the count of nodes.

private int nodeCount( BinaryNode<AnyType> t )
if( t == null)
return 0;
return 1 + nodeCount(t.left) + nodeCount(t.right);

b) isFull
Returns true if the tree is full. A full tree has every node
as either a leaf or a parent with two children.

private boolean isFull(BinaryNode<AnyType> t)
if(t.left == null && t.right == null)
return true;
else if(t.left != null && t.right != null)
return isFull(t.left) && isFull(t.right);
return false;

c) compareStructure
Compares the structure of current tree to another tree and returns
true if they match.

For example, these two trees have the same structure:
5 10
/ \ / \
3 8 5 15
/ \ / \
1 4 2 7

private boolean compareStructure(BinaryNode<AnyType> t, BinaryNode<AnyType> s)
if(t == null && s == null)
return true;
else if(t != null && s != null)
return (compareStructure(t.left, s.left) && compareStructure(t.right, s.right));
return false;

d) equals
Compares the current tree to another tree and returns true
if they are identical.

private boolean equals(BinaryNode<AnyType> t, BinaryNode<AnyType> s)
if(t == null && s == null)
return true;
else if(t != null && s != null)
return (t.element == s.element && equals(t.left, s.left) && equals(t.right, s.right));
return false;

e) copy
Creates and returns a new tree that is a copy of the original tree.


f) mirror
Creates and returns a new tree that is a mirror image of the original tree.
For example, for the tree on the left, the tree on the right is returned:

100 100
/ \ / \
50 150 –> 150 50
/ \
40 40
\ /
45 45

g) isMirror
Returns true if the tree is a mirror of the passed tree.

h) rotateRight
Performs a single rotation on the node having the passed value.
If a RotateRight on 100 is performed:

100 50
/ \ / \
50 150 –> 40 100
/ \ \
40 45 150

g) rotateLeft
As above but left rotation.

i) printLevels – performs a level-by-level printing of the tree.

j) main – demonstrate in your main method that all of your new methods work.


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