CS52800 Remote DNS Cache Poisoning Attack Lab solution


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1 Lab Overview
The objective of this lab is to gain first-hand experience on the remote DNS cache poisoning attack, also
called the Kaminsky DNS attack [1]. DNS [2] (Domain Name System) is the Internet’s phone book; it
translates hostnames to IP addresses and vice versa. This translation is through DNS resolution, which
happens behind the scene. DNS Pharming [4] attacks manipulate this resolution process in various ways,
with an intent to misdirect users to alternative destinations, which are often malicious. This lab focuses on
a particular DNS Pharming attack technique, called DNS Cache Poisoning attack. There are two main ways
to perform this attack, local (where the attacker and the victim DNS server are on the same network, where
packet sniffing is possible) and remote (where packet sniffing is not possible, so the attack becomes much
more challenging than the local attack). This lab will focus on the remote attack.
2 Lab Environment
The lab environment involves using one single physical machine, which runs three virtual machines:
1. A computer for the victim user
2. A DNS server
3. The attacker’s computer
These will be three different virtual machines, running the provided virtual machine image that you used for
the previous lab.
Import three virtual machines as described in CS528_Lab_0.pdf. Name one virtual machine Apollo
(this will be the victim DNS Server), name the second dns_user, and the third dns_attacker (or feel
free to pick your favorite names).
Figure 1 illustrates the setup of the lab environment. For the sake of simplicity, all these virtual machines
are on the same LAN, but for your final submission you are not allowed to exploit this fact in your attacks,
and the environment should treat the attacker machine as a remote machine, i.e., the attacker cannot sniff
the victim DNS server’s packets. While testing your attacker feel free to exploit the fact that the victim DNS
server is on the same LAN, but for your final submission you are not allowed to exploit this situation. In
these instructions, it is assumed that the user machine’s IP address is, the DNS Server’s IP
is and the attacker machine’s IP is However, in your lab, you can use
other IP addresses, as long as you make it clear in your report which address is for which machine.
2.1 Configure the Local DNS server Apollo
For this lab you will be using the BIND9 server program for your DNS server. This program is included in
the provided virtual machine image.
CS52800, Spring 2022: Remote DNS Cache Poisoning Attack Lab 2
Figure 1: The Lab Environment Setup
Step 1: Create the named.conf.options file. The DNS server needs to read a configuration file
/etc/bind/named.conf to start. This configuration file usually includes an option file, which is
called /etc/bind/named.conf.options. Please add the following entry to the options (inside the
options{} block):
dump-file “/var/cache/bind/dump.db”;
It should be noted that the file /var/cache/bind/dump.db is used to dump DNS server’s cache. Here
are some related commands that you may find useful:
% sudo rndc flush // Flush the DNS cache
% sudo rndc dumpdb -cache // Dump the cache to dump.db
Step 2: Start DNS server. We can now start the DNS server using the following command:
% sudo /etc/init.d/bind9 restart
% sudo service bind9 restart
2.2 Configure the User Machine
On the user machine, we need to use as the default DNS server. This
is achieved by changing the DNS setting file /etc/resolv.conf of the user machine:
nameserver # the ip of the DNS server you just setup
Note: Make sure that this is the only nameserver entry in your /etc/resolv.conf. Also note that,
CS52800, Spring 2022: Remote DNS Cache Poisoning Attack Lab 3
in Lubuntu, /etc/resolv.conf is be overwritten by the DHCP client. As a result you will need to
manually edit the resolv.conf file every time you reboot the client machine.
Note: Check that the DNS configuration is working by running:
% ping www.google.com -c 10
PING www.google.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from lga15s48-in-f196.1e100.net …

— www.google.com ping statistics —
10 packets transmitted, 10 received, 0% packet loss, time 9025ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 9.328/9.922/12.057/0.765 ms
If it does not work, wait a few minutes and try again. If it still does not work, you need to restart Apollo and
the user machine and reconfigure the user machine.
3 The Wireshark Tool
Wireshark is a very important tool for this lab and is already installed on the virtual machine. It is a
sophisticated tool for packet sniffing. Full documentation on Wireshark can be found here:
4 Lab Tasks
The main objective of “pharming” attacks is to redirect the user to another machine B when the user tries
to get to machine A using A’s host name. For example, assume www.example.edu is an online banking
site. When the user tries to access this site using the correct URL www.example.edu, if the adversaries
can redirect the user to a malicious web site that looks very much like www.example.edu, the user might
be fooled and give away his/her credentials to the attacker.
In this task, you will use the domain name www.example.edu as our attacking target. It should be noted
that the example.edu domain name is reserved for use in documentation, not for any real company. The
authentic IP address of www.example.edu is, and it’s name server is managed by the
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). When a user runs the dig command on
this name or types the name in the browser, the user’s machine sends a DNS query to the local DNS server,
which will eventually ask for the IP address from example.edu’s name server.
The goal of this lab is to launch a DNS cache poisoning attack on the local DNS server, such that when
the user runs the dig command to find out www.example.edu’s IP address, the local DNS server will
end up going to the attacker’s name server ns.dnslabattacker.net to get the IP address, so the IP
address returned can be any number that is decided by the attacker. As a result, the user will be led to the
attacker’s web site, instead of the authentic www.example.edu.
There are two tasks in this attack:
1. Cache poisoning. In this task, you need to poison the DNS cache of the user’s local DNS server
Apollo, such that, in Apollo’s DNS cache, ns.dnslabattacker.net is set as the name
server for the example.edu domain, instead of the domain’s registered authoritative name server.
CS52800, Spring 2022: Remote DNS Cache Poisoning Attack Lab 4
2. Result verification. In this task, you need to demonstrate the impact of the attack. More specifically, you need to run the command “dig www.example.edu” from the user’s machine, and the
returned result must be a fake IP address.
Figure 2: The complete DNS query process
Figure 3: The DNS query process when example.edu’s name server is cached
CS52800, Spring 2022: Remote DNS Cache Poisoning Attack Lab 5
4.1 Task 1: Remote Cache Poisoning (65 points)
In this task, the attacker sends a DNS query request to the victim DNS server (Apollo), triggering a DNS
query from Apollo. The query may go through one of the root DNS servers, the .COM DNS server, and
the final result will come back from example.edu’s DNS server. This is illustrated in Figure 2. In the
case that example.edu’s name server information is already cached by Apollo, the query will not go
through the root or the .COM server; this is illustrated in Figure 3. In this lab, the situation depicted in
Figure 3 is more common, so we will use this figure as the basis to describe the attack mechanism.
While Apollo waits for the DNS reply from example.edu’s name server, the attacker can send forged
replies to Apollo, pretending that the replies are from example.edu’s name server. If the forged replies
arrive first, it will be accepted by Apollo. The attack will be successful.
In a local DNS attack, the attacker and the DNS server are on the same LAN, i.e., the attacker can observe the
DNS query message. When the attacker and the DNS server are not on the same LAN, the cache poisoning
attack becomes more difficult. The difficulty is mainly caused by the fact that the transaction ID in the
DNS response packet must match with that in the query packet. Because the transaction ID in the query
is usually randomly generated, without seeing the query packet, it is not easy for the attacker to know the
correct ID.
Obviously, the attacker can guess the transaction ID. Since the size of the ID is only 16 bits, if the attacker
can forge K responses within the attack window (i.e. before the legitimate response arrives), the probability
of success is K over 2
16. Sending out hundreds of forged responses is not impractical, so it will not take too
many tries before the attacker can succeed.
However, the above hypothetical attack has overlooked the cache effect. In reality, if the attacker is not
fortunate enough to make a correct guess before the real response packet arrives, correct information will
be cached by the DNS server for a while. This caching effect makes it impossible for the attacker to forge
another response regarding the same domain name, because the DNS server will not send out another DNS
query for this domain name before the cache times out. To forge another response on the same domain
name, the attacker has to wait for another DNS query on this domain name, which means he/she has to wait
for the cache to time out. The waiting period can be hours or days.
The Kaminsky Attack. Dan Kaminsky came up with an elegant techique to defeat the caching effect [1].
With the Kaminsky attack, attackers will be able to continuously attack a DNS server on a domain name,
without the need for waiting, so attacks can succeed within a very short period of time. Details of the attacks
are described in [1]. In this task, you will use this attack method. The following steps with reference to
Figure 3 outlines the attack.
1. The attacker queries the DNS Server Apollo for a non-existing name in example.edu, such as
twysw.example.edu, where twysw is a random name.
2. Since the mapping is unavailable in Apollo’s DNS cache, Apollo sends a DNS query to the name
server of the example.edu domain.
3. While Apollo waits for the reply, the attacker floods Apollo with a stream of spoofed DNS response [6], each trying a different transaction ID, hoping one is correct. In the response, not only
does the attacker provide an IP resolution for twysw.example.edu, the attacker also provides
an “Authoritative Nameservers” record, indicating ns.dnslabattacker.net as the name server
for the example.edu domain. If the spoofed response beats the actual responses and the transaction ID matches with that in the query, Apollo will accept and cache the spoofed answer, and thus
CS52800, Spring 2022: Remote DNS Cache Poisoning Attack Lab 6
Apollo’s DNS cache is poisoned.
4. Even if the spoofed DNS response fails (e.g. the transaction ID does not match or it comes too late),
it does not matter, because the next time, the attacker will query a different name, so Apollo has to
send out another query, giving the attacker another chance to do the spoofing attack. This effectively
defeats the caching effect.
5. If the attack succeeds, in Apollo’s DNS cache, the name server for example.edu will be replaced
by the attacker’s name server ns.dnslabattacker.net. To demonstrate the success of this
attack, you need to show that such a record is in Apollo’s DNS cache. Figure 5 shows an example
of poisoned DNS cache.
Attack Configuration. You need to make the following configuration for this task:
1. Configure the Attack Machine. You need to configure the attack machine, so it uses the targeted DNS
server (i.e., Apollo) as its default DNS server. Please see Section 2.2 for the instruction.
2. Source Ports. Some DNS servers now randomize the source port number in the DNS queries; this
makes the attacks much more difficult. Unfortunately, many DNS servers still use predictable source
port number. For the sake of simplicity in this lab, we assume that the source port number is a fixed
number. We can set the source port for all DNS queries to 33333. This can be done by adding the
following option to the file /etc/bind/named.conf.options on Apollo:
query-source port 33333;
3. DNSSEC. Most DNS servers now adopt a protection scheme called “DNSSEC”, which is designed to
defeat the DNS cache poisoning attack. If you do not turn it off, your attack would be extremely difficult, if possible at all. In this lab, you will turn it off by changing the file /etc/bind/named.conf.options
on Apollo. Please find the line “dnssec-validation auto”, comment it out, and then add a
new line. See the following:
//dnssec-validation auto;
dnssec-enable no;
4. Flush the Cache. Flush Apollo’s DNS cache, and restart its DNS server.
Forge DNS Response Packets. In order to complete the attack, the attacker first needs to send DNS
queries to Apollo for some random host names in the example.edu domain. Right after each query is
sent out, the attacker needs to forge a large number of DNS response packets in a very short time window,
hoping that one of them has the correct transaction ID and it reaches the target before the authentic response
does. It is better to write C code to achieve this. To make your life easier, a sample code file called “udp.c”
has been provided. This program can send a large number of DNS packets. Feel free to use this sample code
when writing your attack programs.
1. When modifying the udp.c program, you need to fill each DNS field with the correct value. To
understand the value in each field, you can use Wireshark to capture a few DNS query and response
2. DNS response packet details: it is not easy to construct a correct DNS response packet. A sample
packet to help you is provided. Figure 4 is the screen shot of an example response packet:
is the local DNS server address, and is the real name server for example.edu.
The IP address in the example is old, in your case you should figure out the IP address of the name
CS52800, Spring 2022: Remote DNS Cache Poisoning Attack Lab 7
Figure 4: A Sample DNS Response Packet
server by running dig www.example.edu. The highlighted bytes are the raw UDP payload data,
and you need to figure out what they are. The details about how each byte works are explained clearly
CS52800, Spring 2022: Remote DNS Cache Poisoning Attack Lab 8
in Appendix A. There are several techniques used in the response packet, such as the string pointer
offset to shorten the packet length. You may not have to use that technique but it is very common in
real packets.
Check the dump.db file to see whether your spoofed DNS response has been successfully accepted by the
DNS server. See an example in Figure 5.
Figure 5: A Sample of Successfully Poisoned DNS Cache
Tasks. Implement and report the following:
1. Poison the cache of Apollo
2. Show the poisoned DNS cache (in dump.db)
3. Write the steps needed to achieve the above (Writing for the entire lab earns 15 points)
4.2 Task 2: Result Verification (30 points)
If your attack is successful, Apollo’s DNS cache will look like that in Figure 5, i.e., the NS record for
example.edu becomes ns.dnslabattacker.net. To make sure that the attack is indeed successful, run the dig command on the user machine (see Figure 1) to ask for www.example.edu’s IP address.
When Apollo receives the DNS query, it searches for example.edu’s NS record in its cache, and finds
ns.dnslabattacker.net. It will therefore send a DNS query to ns.dnslabattacker.net.
CS52800 , Spring 2022: Remote DNS Cache Poisoning Attack Lab 9
However, before sending the query, it needs to know the IP address of ns.dnslabattacker.net.
This is done by issuing a seperate DNS query. That is where we get into trouble.
The domain name dnslabattacker.net does not exist in reality. It was created for the purpose of
this lab. Apollo will soon find out about that, and mark the NS entry invalid, essentially recovering from
the poisoned cache. One may say that when forging the DNS response, we can use an additional record to
provide the IP address for ns.dnslabattacker.net. The sample response packet in Figure 4 actually
does that. Unfortunately, this additional record will not be accepted by Apollo. Please think about why
and give your explanation in your lab report (hint: think about the zones).
To solve this requires some extra configuration on Apollo to demonstrate the impact of a successful cachepoisoning attack (the attack is indeed successful, the problem is that we cannot show it):
Use A Fake Domain Name. This step requires some extra configuration on Apollo, so it recognizes
dnslabattacker.net as a real domain. We basically add the ns.dnslabattacker.net’s IP address to Apollo’s DNS configuration, so Apollo does not need to go out asking for the IP address of this
hostname from a non-existing domain. The instructions are provided in the following.
We first configure the victim DNS server Apollo. Find the file named.conf.default-zones in the
/etc/bind/ folder, and add the following entry to it:
zone “ns.dnslabattacker.net” {
type master;
file “/etc/bind/db.attacker”;
Create the file /etc/bind/db.attacker, and place the following contents in it. We let the attacker’s
machine and ns.dnslabattacker.net share the same IP (e.g Be aware that the
format of the following contents can be messed up in the PDF file if you copy and paste, and make sure
that the IP address in the file has to match the IP address of the attacker machine. We have linked the file
db.attacker in the lab’s web site.
$TTL 604800
@ IN SOA localhost. root.localhost. (
2; Serial
604800 ; Refresh
86400 ; Retry
2419200 ; Expire
604800 ) ; Negative Cache TTL;
@ IN NS ns.dnslabattacker.net.
@ IN A
@ IN AAAA ::1
Once the setup is finished, if your cache poisoning attack is successful, any DNS query sent to Apollo for
the hostnames in example.edu will be sent to, which is attacker’s machine.
We need to configure the DNS server on, so it answers the queries for the domain
example.edu. Add the following entry in /etc/bind/named.conf.local on
zone “example.edu” {
type master;
CS52800, Spring 2022: Remote DNS Cache Poisoning Attack Lab 10
file “/etc/bind/example.edu.db”;
Create a file called /etc/bind/example.edu.db, and fill it with the following contents. Please do
not directly copy and paste from the PDF file, as the format may be messed up. You can download the
example.edu.db file from the lab’s web site.
@ IN SOA ns.example.edu. admin.example.edu. (
@ IN NS ns.dnslabattacker.net.
@ IN MX 10 mail.example.edu.
www IN A
mail IN A
*.example.edu. IN A
When the configurations are finished, do not forget to restart both Apollo’s and the attacker’s DNS servers;
otherwise, the modification will not take effect. If everything is done properly, you can use the command
like “dig www.example.edu” on the user machine. The reply would be, which is exactly
we put in the above file.
Tasks. Implement and report the following:
1. Configure the attacker and Apollo correctly
2. Show the correct output of dig on a user machine
3. Write the steps needed to achieve the above (Writing for the entire lab earns 15 points)
4.3 Task 3: Attacking users (30 points)
So far we have seen the internals of the attack from the attacker and the vulnerable server’s perspective. In
this task we will launch an attack on the unsuspecting user.
The attacker’s machine has an in-built apache server running. The source code for the web-page hosted
on this webpage can be found at /var/www/. You will have to modify the index.html file to show
anything other than the standard webpage on dns attacker when querying wget localhost. The
objective of this task is to make the dns user open the web-page hosted by the attacker. Concretely, when
the dns user runs the following:
% wget http://test.example.edu
it must open the custom web page served by the attacker.
Based on your understanding of the assignment so far, you will need to modify the DNS record(s) used by
Apollo to get this working.
CS52800, Spring 2022: Remote DNS Cache Poisoning Attack Lab 11
Tasks. Implement and report the following:
1. Modify the default web-page hosted by dns attacker and show it on the same machine.
2. Configure Apollo, so that dns user sees this custom webpage on running wget
5 Importance of Reporting Results
The results from this lab are very binary in nature. Either your attacker is going to be able to successfully
poison the DNS cache, or it will not. Therefore, thorough documentation specifics of your process for creating your attacker are very important. A poorly documented attack program (even if it is able to successfully
poison the DNS cache) will not receive full credit.
Although you do not need to, you can install any additional libraries in the VM using [7].
6 Submission
Total points earnable: 140 points
6.1 What to Submit
Your submission directory should contain:
• All source files written by you to perform the lab tasks.
• A README text file describing how to compile and execute your source code.
• Report (Writing quality – 15points): A detailed report containing an explanation of the observations.
Name this report Analysis-lab2.pdf. Be sure to put your name in your report.
6.2 How to submit
Submit every time you have a stable version of any part of the functionality. Make sure to submit early to
make sure you do not miss the deadline due to any last minute congestion.
1. Login or ssh to your mcXX machine, e.g., mc19.cs.purdue.edu
2. In the parent directory of your submission directory, type the command:
turnin -c cs528 -p lab2 <submission-dir-name>
where <submission-dir-name> is the name of the directory containing your files to be submitted. For
example, if your program is in a directory /homes/abc/assignment/src, make sure you cd to
the directory /homes/abc/assignment and type:
turnin -c cs528 -p lab2 src
3. If you wish to, you can verify your submission by typing the following command:
turnin -v -c cs528 -p lab2
Do not forget the -v above, as otherwise your earlier submission will be erased (it is overwritten by a
blank submission).
CS52800, Spring 2022: Remote DNS Cache Poisoning Attack Lab 12
Note that resubmitting overwrites any earlier submission and erases any record of the date/time
of any such earlier submission.
NOTE: Do not submit your virtual machine disk image. Copy the files for submission off of your
virtual machine and into a directory on the mcXX machine.
[1] D. Schneider. Fresh Phish, How a recently discovered flaw in the Internet’s Domain Name System makes it easy for scammers to lure you to fake Web sites. IEEE Spectrum, 2008 http:
[2] RFC 1035 Domain Names – Implementation and Specification : https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1035
[3] DNS HOWTO : http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/DNS-HOWTO.html
[4] Pharming Guide : http://www.technicalinfo.net/papers/Pharming.html
[5] DNS Cache Poisoning: https://www.secureworks.com/blog/dns-cache-poisoning
[6] DNS Client Spoof: http://evan.stasis.org/odds/dns-client_spoofing.txt
[7] Update repositories in the VM: https://www.stephenrlang.com/2017/03/setting-up-the-old-releasesrepo-for-ubuntu/
CS52800 , Spring 2022: Remote DNS Cache Poisoning Attack Lab 13
A Details of DNS Response Packet
0x8e 0x01 transaction ID
0x84 0x00 flags:means a no-error answer
0x00 0x01 Questions No. (1 question session)
0x00 0x01 Answer No. (1 answer session)
0x00 0x01 Authority No. (1 authority session)
0x00 0x02 Additional No. (2 additional sessions)
query session: eggdd.example.edu:type A, class IN
0x05 5 characters follow
0x74 t
0x77 w
0x79 y
0x73 s
0x77 w
0x07 7 characters follow
0x65 e
0x78 x
0x61 a
0x6d m
0x70 p
0x6c l
0x65 e
0x03 3 characters
0x63 c
0x6f o
0x6d m
0x00 end of the string
0x00 0x01 type:A(address)
0x00 0x01 Class:IN
the Answer session:
0xc0 first two bits set to 1 to notify this is a pointer for a name string,
not a standard
string as before
0x0c the offset of the start point: here from transaction ID field to the
name string
12 bytes. The string will shows from the offset point to the end of the
0x00 0x01 type:A
0x00 0x01 Class:IN
0x02 0x00 0x00 0x00 time to live
0x00 0x04 DataLength:4 bytes
0x01 0x01 x01 0x01
Authoritative Nameservers session:
0xC0 first two bits set to 1 to notify this is a pointer for a name string,
not a standard
string as before
0x12 Offset 18 the string should be “/7example/3com/0”
0x00 0x02 type:NS
0x00 0x01 Class:IN
0x02 0x00 0x00 0x00 time to live
0x00 0x17 DataLength:23 bytes
The string represent “/2ns/14dnslabattacker/3net”
0x02 2 characters follow
0x6e n
0x73 s
0x0e 14 characters
0x64 d
CS52800, Spring 2022: Remote DNS Cache Poisoning Attack Lab 14
0x6e n
0x73 s
0x6c l
0x61 a
0x62 b
0x61 a
0x74 t
0x74 t
0x61 a
0x63 c
0x6b k
0x65 e
0x72 r
0x03 3 characters
0x6e n
0x65 e
0x74 t
0x00 end of the string
****************************additional session***************************************
first session :example.edu:type NS,class IN ns ns.dnslabattacker.net
notice: you can use the same pointer technique we
talked before to shorten
the packet, this is just to show you both ways work.
The string represent “/2ns/14dnslabattacker/3net”
0x02 2 characters follow
0x6e n
0x73 s
0x0e 14 characters
0x64 d
0x6e n
0x73 s
0x6c l
0x61 a
0x62 b
0x61 a
0x74 t
0x74 t
0x61 a
0x63 c
0x6b k
0x65 e
0x72 r
0x03 3 characters
0x6e n
0x65 e
0x74 t
0x00 end of the string
0x00 0x01 type:A
0x00 0x01 Class:IN
0x02 0x00 0x00 0x00 time to live
0x00 0x04 DataLength:4 bytes
0x01 0x01 0x01 0x01
second session: not related to the lab. Just set a rule that during the DNS
communication, the server won’t accept
the packet which is larger than a certain size
0x00 0x00 0x29 0x10 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x88 0x00 0x00 0x00
CS52800, Spring 2022: Remote DNS Cache Poisoning Attack Lab 15
Copyright © 2006 – 2014 Wenliang Du, Syracuse University.
Modifications by Purdue University made with permission.
The development of this document is/was funded by the following grants from the US National Science Foundation: No. 1303306 and 1318814. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the
Free Software Foundation. A copy of the license can be found at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/fdl.html.