CS512 – Assignment 6 solution


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Write a Python program to use the scheme of DE-BPSO (combination of Differential evolution and Binary Particle Swarm Optimization) to predict a linear model for an HIV inhibitor (Pill). You can either choose a linear model such as “Multiple Linear Regression”, “Support Vector Machine”, or “Partial Least Square Regression”, or a none-linear model such “Artificial Neural Network”. The algorithm of DE-BPSO is:


Step 1:

              // Create the initial velocity (call it matrix V) that is between 0 and 1 (not binary)

              for (i=0; i<50; i++)

                             for (j=0; j<385; j++)


                                           V[i,j] = random number between 0 and 1;



Step 2:

              // Create the initial population (call it matrix X) based on the values of the initial velocity

              for (i=0; i<50; i++)

                             for (j=0; j<385; j++)


                                           if (V[i,j] <= Lambda)  // Note: The value of Lambda is 0.01

                                                          X[i,j] = 1;


                                                          X[i, j] = 0;




Step 3:

              // Find the fitness of each row of the 50 models in the first population




Step 4:


              // Since you only have the first population at this time, your local best

              // matrix (call it matrix P) become the same as the first population

              // Therefore:

                             P = X 

              // The row with the best fitness in P becomes the global best. Let’s call that row Row “G”

              // Therefore:

                             G = the row in P with the best fitness





Step 5:

              // This section is going to be repeated until the end of the program

              // In this section we need to find the next velocity matrix

              // We are using Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm to find the new velocity matrix

              for (i=0; i<50; i++)

                             for (j=0; j<385; j++)


                                           Randomly select 3 rows from the populations and call them as r1, r2, and r3

                                           Let r = r3 + F * (r2 – r1) // the value of F should be set to 0.7

                                           // Do the cross mutation of row “i” and “r”

                                           if ((random between 0 and 1) < CR) // not binary, CR = 0.7

                                                          V[i,j] = r[j]


                                                          V[i,j] = V[i,j] // remains unchanged





Step 6:

              // This section creates the new population. The value of Alpha

              // starts from 0.5 and is decremented to 0.33. The value of beta is 0.004

              for (i=0; i<50; i++)

                             for (j=0; j<385; j++)


                                           if ( (alpha < V[i,j]) && (V[i,j] <= 0.5*(1+alpha))

                                                          X[i, j] = P[i,j];

                                           else if (  (0.5*(1+alpha)) < V[i,j]) && (V[i,j] <= (1-beta))

                                                          X[i,j] = G[j] // the global vector value

                                           else if  (1-beta) < V[i,j]) && (V[i,j] <=1))

                                                          X[i.j] = 1 – X[i,j]


                                                          X[i,j] = X[i,j]; // remains unchanged




Step 7:

              // calculate the fitness of the new population

              // update the local best matrix as you did in the previous assignment

              // update the global best row if necessary

              // stop if the number of iterations have reached the maximum

              // otherwise decrement alpha and go to step 5
