CS480 Assignment 4 solution


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Category: You will Instantly receive a download link for .ZIP solution file upon Payment


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In this assigment, you will implement a TicTacToe board analyzer. If you are not familiar with the game TicTacToe, please use your favorite search engine to learn about the game.

You are provided three files:

* [games.py](games.py) contains algorithms for playing games (Chapter 5) and a few game representations.
* [utils.py](utils.py) contains a few functionalities needed by the games.py file.
* [run.py](run.py) is a skeleton code for printing questions and answers.

Note: The games.py and utils.py were copied from https://github.com/aimacode/aima-python.

Your tasks are:

1. Modify the provided files as needed to compute (and print) the answers to the questions provided in the run.py file.

1. Submit your assignment using git add, commit, push commands as needed.

1. On Blackboard: submit a link to your github repository.

Hint: See the games notebook: https://github.com/aimacode/aima-python/blob/master/games.ipynb

Deadline: 10:00pm (Central US) on October 6th. The GitHub will automatically create a snapshot of your repository at 11:45pm. The standard late submission policy applies: 5-minute grace period; 1 point per late minute after 10:05pm.