CS433 Programming Assignment 3 solution


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CPU Scheduling (100 points):
Overall Goal
In this assignment you will write a simulator to analyze different CPU scheduling algorithms. A given number of simultaneous
processes will be simulated, each alternating between bursts of CPU and I/O waiting.
Simulation Overview
When conducting a simulation in which events occur at different times, there are two basic approaches:
1. Set up a for loop, in which each iteration of the loop corresponds to a particular time step, such as a tick of the system
clock. This approach works well when events occur at regularly occurring intervals, but is problematic when the events
are irregularly spaced, because the time step has to be small enough to match the resolution of the event timing, and
if nothing happens at many of the time steps, then those are just wasted cycles.
2. Set up a loop, but this time, each iteration jump forward in time to when the next meaningful event occurs. Some
time steps may be small ( even 0 if two or more things happen at the same time ) and some may be large. Some events
may trigger other events, which are then put on the schedule to be processed when their time comes. This approach is
called Discrete Event Simulation (DES) and will be used for this assignment.
For this assignment, you will need to use a priority queue (event queue) to store events in the DES simulation, where the
priority of an event is clearly the time of its happening. Attension: This prority queue is NOT the ready queue or any
queue in the computer system, but a queue we use to store events for the simulation. Priority queue is an important data
structure for CPU scheduling. While you may choose to implement it by yourself, it is recommended to use the priority
queue in the standard template library (STL). Documentation for STL, including tutorials and examples, can be found at
http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/. Because STL priority_queue requires its data type to be LessThan-Comparable, you may
need to implement the operator < for the event class. Besides priority queues, you may also use other data structures in the
STL for your program, for example queue, vector, and list. We next describe some details of the simulation.
Discrete Event Simulation
The general algorithm of a DES is a while loop which continues as long as there are events remaining in the event queue to
be processed. The queue must be populated with at least one initial event before the while loop commences. In this case,
the event queue will be populated with a number of “Process Arrival” events. The number of processes is specified by
a parameter on the command line. The while loop extracts the next event from the event queue, determines what type of
event it is, and processes it accordingly, for example, using a switch statement on the event type. Depending on the type
of event and other conditions, new events may be generated, which are then added into the event queue to be processed in
later iterations. There is also a time variable that is updated whenever an event is extracted from the event queue. For
example, if the current event has a time stamp of 2.00, then the current time is set to 2.00. Time for this particular simulation
will be measured in seconds, with millisecond accuracy, and will extend from 0 to just over 300 seconds, that is 5 minutes.
Alternatively you could store time as an integer number of milliseconds and convert to minutes, seconds, and milliseconds
when printing.
Event objects should contain the time at which the event is scheduled to occur, the type of event, and additional information
pertinent to the particular event. For this particular simulation, the events to be considered will include at least the following,
• Process Arrival event represents the start of a new process. When this event is handeled, the process is added to the
ready queue (a separate queue, don’t confuse it with the event queue), and then the simulation checks to see if the CPU
is idle. If it is, then a process can be selected from the ready queue and dispatched. (Dispatching a process involves
assigning that process to the CPU, creating an event for the time when its CPU burst will complete, and adding that
event to the event queue. )
• CPU Burst Completion event represents that a process has completed its time in the CPU. If this process has
not yet completed its total execution time, then a random I/O time is determined for this process’s next I/O burst.
We assume an infinite number of I/O devices, so a process can be immediately assigned to an I/O device without
waiting. An I/O completion event generated for the time when the I/O burst will complete is added to the event queue.
Alternatively, if this process has completed its total CPU time, then it can be removed from the system. In either case
the ready queue is checked, and if it is not empty, then a new process is selected and dispatched.
• I/O Completion event represents that a process has completed its I/O task. A new CPU burst time is randomly
determined, and then this process is moved to the ready queue. If the CPU is now idle, then a process from the ready
queue can be selected and dispatched.
• Timer Expiration If a scheduling algorithm is being simulated which limits the maximum time slice that a process
may receive, then a timer expiration event gets added to the event queue whenever a process is loaded onto the CPU.
If the timer expires before the process’ CPU burst completes, then the timer expiration event triggers a context switch,
moving that process from the CPU to the ready queue and selecting a new process from the ready queue to run next.
If the process finishes its CPU burst before the timer expires, then the timer expiration event is a null event, and can
just be discarded when it exits the event queue. ( Note: In a real system the duration of CPU bursts is not known
ahead of time, and so the issue of expired timers for which the process has already left the CPU needs to be handled.
In this case, because the CPU burst time is known in advance, you can intelligently place timer events in the event
queue only for processes whose next desired burst exceeds the time quantum used in the simulation. Also you do not
add a CPU Burst completion event for the process to be interrupted by timer expiration. ) Note that when limited
time slices are implemented, then the system must keep track for each process not only the total duration of its next
desired CPU burst, but also what fraction of that burst has already been satisfied by previous time slices.
At any given time, there is at most one process running in the CPU. When a process is ready to run, it is added into a
ready queue, from which a process can be selected by the scheduler to run. The actual data structure of the ready queue
may vary depending upon the particular scheduling algorithm being analyzed, for example a normal queue for FCFS and
a priority queue for SJF. A process in this simulation will be assumed to have an alternating sequence of CPU bursts and
I/O operations. The total number of processes to be included in the simulation will be provided as the first command line
argument. The data structure representing a process should contain following fields (possibly others as well) :
• Process ID: A unique process identifier by which the process may be referred to by other processes.
• Start time: The start time for processes will be randomly distributed over a five-minute time span.
• Total CPU duration: The total duration of a process will be randomly determined between 1 second and 1 minute. (
This includes the total of all CPU burst times, but no waiting times. ) This time will be determined as each process
is initially created.
• Remaining CPU duration: The remained CPU duration of the process. Whenever a process completes its CPU burst,
the burst time should be subtracted from the remaining CPU duration. When the remaining CPU duration reaches
zero, the process terminates.
• Average CPU burst length: The average CPU burst length is an process attribute determined at the creation time. It
is randomly chosen between 5 ms to 100 ms. It is used to determine the length of next CPU burst using a distribution
function matching that of Figure 5.2 from the textbook.
• Next CPU burst length: It will be randomly determined based on the average CPU burst length. Next CPU burst
time is determined when a process is moved into the ready queue, either the first time after initial process arrival, or
after completing an I/O burst. A function “CPUBurstRandom()” is provided in the assign3.zip file to generate random
CPU burst length. This function takes a parameter that is the average CPU burst length, and return a random burst
length in ms. To use this function, unzip the zip file, add the included “random.h” and “random.c” to the files of your
program, and include the header “random.h”.
• I/O burst time: I/O burst times will be randomly determined between 30 to 100 ms. These times will be generated as
each process completes a CPU burst and moves to the I/O queue.
• Priority: The process priority is used by the scheduler to decide which process should be running next in priority based
scheduling. The priority is usually represented by an in integer.
• Status: The status of a process can be one of ready, running, waiting or terminated.
• All programs should print your name as a minimum when they first start.
• You should at least analyze the First Come First Serve(FCFS) and the non-preemptive Shortest Job First(SJF) scheduling algorithms under at least three different load levels (e.g. 10, 20 and 100 processes). The implementation of the two
scheduling algorithms may be kept as two different files for better program organization.
• Your program should collect and print statistics for the process scheduling, for example start time, end time, service
time, turnaround time and waiting times for individual processes, and CPU utilization, throughput, average turnaround
and waiting time that are suitable for algorithm analysis.
Shortest Remaining Time Next:
Process 1:
arrival time: 0 s
finish time: 45 s
service time: 32 s
I/O time: 3.0 s
turnaround time: 45 s
waiting time: 10s
Process 2:
arrival time: 5 s
finish time: 140 s

CPU Utilization is 100%
Throughput is 1.5 jobs / s
Average turnaround time: 35.3 s

• In addition to a program printout, you need to write in the report to compare those scheduling algorithms under
different load levels, based on the statistics gathered in the simulations. For example, you can create a table for each
load level that compares the statistics of different scheduling algorithms. You should explain and discuss the results
and what conclusions you can draw from them. It should also include discussions about your implementations and any
assumptions you made.
Extra Credits
You may gain extra credits for this assignment by doing more work beyond the requirements, for example implementing other
scheduling algorithms such as preemptive Shortest Job First (STRF), Round Robin (RR) and multi-level feedback queues
etc. The extra credit depends on the amount of extra work you do but will be no more than 10 points. Clearly describe the
additional work you do in the report if you want to claim extra credits.