Question 1 (12 points)
Based on the tiny database of 5 transactions in Table 1, use the Apriori algorithm to find
the frequent patterns with relative min sup = 0.6.
• Get a better understanding as well as hands-on experience of the Apriori algorithm.
• For this question, you are required to simulate the basic Apriori algorithm and write
down all intermediate as well as final results. No programming is needed.
• Use the abbreviations we give you (C1, L1…) to denote which list you are writing
about. You may use a table to contain all lists, or just write them one by one.
• For each itemset you write down in the Li lists, put its corresponding absolute support
after it, with a colon between them, such as L1 = {m : 4,…}.
• Do not forget to write down the actions (pruning, self-joining or db-scanning) you take
to generate F1 and C2.
Trans. Items
1 b,d,f,g,l
2 f,g,h,l,m,n
3 b,f,h,k,m
4 a,f,h,j,m
5 d,f,g,j,m
Table 1: A tiny transaction database
a. (20
, L1) List all candidate 1-itemsets (C1). What will you do to get rid of non-frequent
1-itemsets (Choose one from pruning, self-joining and db-scanning)? List all frequent
1-itemsets (L1).
b. (20
, L1) What will you do to generate all candidate 2-itemsets (C2) (Choose one from
pruning, self-joining and db-scanning)? List all itemsets in C2.
c. (10
, L1) Take the same action you choose for computing L1 from C1, and list all frequent
2-itemsets (L2) computed from C2.
d. (30
, L1) To generate all candidate 3-itemsets (C3) from L2, what is the extra action
you need to consider besides the one you take from L1 to C2 in sub-question b (Choose
one from pruning, self-joining and db-scanning)? List all itemsets in C3. Are they all
e. (20
, L2) Is there any frequent 4-itemset? Why?
f. (20
, L3) According to your simulation, what part of Apriori involves the heaviest computation? Under what circumstances will this be extremely bad? Hints: For the first
question, you can still choose from the three steps hinted before and explain. For the
second question, think about the impact of min sup.
Question 2 (13 points)
Based on the same database Question 1, use the Frequent Pattern Growth algorithm with
relative min sup = 0.4 to find the frequent patterns.
• Get a better understanding as well as hands-on experience of the FP-Growth algorithm.
• For this question, you are required to simulate the basic FP-Growth algorithm. No
programming is needed.
• You are required to generate some tables and figures. You can use any software to
do that. Only for sub-question b, you are also allowed to draw the Header Table and
FP-tree by hand and then scan or take picture. But be sure to make the picture clear
in your Answer Document.
• For sub-question a, generate a table to present the results.
• For sub-question b, put the Header Table and FP-tree side by side, preferably with
Header Table on the left (just like those in the slides). Use a colon to separate an item
and its corresponding count in the FP-tree.
• For sub-question c, for each of the items, write down its Conditional Pattern Base
followed by the frequent patterns computed based on it. In order to generate the
correct frequent patterns, please first generate the Conditional FP-trees. But you do
not need to show the Conditional FP-trees in the Answer Document.
a. (20
, L2) Generate an ordered list of frequent items based on the raw transaction database.
Hints: Reorder items within each transaction according to their frequencies in the whole
b. (50
, L2) Generate Header Table and FP-tree based on the frequent item list. Link nodes
to the corresponding positions in the Header Table.
c. (40
, L2) Generate Conditional Pattern Bases and Conditional FP-trees for items m, h, b, j
based on the FP-tree, and list the frequent patterns computed based on each of the
Conditional FP-trees. (You only need to show the Conditional Pattern Bases and the
frequent patterns.)
d. (20
, L3) Why do we order the items in each transaction by their frequency before
constructing the FP-tree? Hints: Think about the purpose of FP-tree and how this
order will a↵ect its structure.
Question 3 (10 points)
Based on the frequent patterns computed in Question 1, find closed patterns, maximal patterns and association rules.
• Get a better understanding of closed patterns, maximal patterns and association rules.
• For this question, you will be doing some counting. No programming is needed.
• For sub-question c, show the relative support and confidence of each association rule
you find.
a. (30
, L1) List all closed patterns among the frequent patterns computed in Question 1.
b. (30
, L1) List all maximal patterns among the frequent patterns computed in Question
c. (20
, L2) List at least 2 association rules with min conf = 0.6 from the frequent
patterns computed in Question 1.
d. (20
, L3) Under what circumstances should we prefer maximal patterns than closed
patterns? What about the other way around? Hints: Think about the di↵erences
between the two special frequent patterns.
Question 4 (15 points)
This is a set of true or false questions. Please answer the following questions.
• Have a better understanding of some basic concepts about frequent pattern mining.
• For each sub-question, choose true (T) or false (F) and provide a brief explanation
of your choice. You will not get credit without explanation.
a. (30
, L3) A max-pattern must be a closed pattern. If yes, briefly explain your idea;
otherwise, give a counter example.
b. (30
, L2) At each step of Apriori, we will generate all non-repeated (k+1)-itemsets joined
by each pair of k-itemsets that agree on (k 1) items, and then test the frequency of
those (k + 1)-itemsets on the transaction database to remove all infrequent ones.
c. (30
, L2) For FP-Growth, in order to mine all frequent patterns, we have to recursively
generate conditional frequent bases and conditional FP-trees until the FP-tree generated has only one node.
d. (30
, L1) CLOSET is based on Apriori, while MaxMiner is based on FP-Growth.
e. (30
, L3) To measure the correlations between frequent items, Lift is always better than
Confidence (as defined in association rule). Use examples to analyze.
Machine Problem (MP, 50 points)
Computing frequent patterns by hand is so tedious – this is where computers come into use!
In this MP, given preprocessed data of the paper titles collected from computer science
conferences from 5 domains, you are required to 1) implement a frequent pattern mining
algorithm to mine frequent patterns from each of the 5 domains, so as to find ‘meaningful’
patterns for each domain; 2) mine closed/maximal patterns based on the frequent patterns
you find, so as to understand the di↵erent definitions and applications of closed/maximal
patterns; 3) find association rules using Weka. You can find from the course website.
• Get deeper understanding and working experience of Apriori and FP-growth algorithms
through implementation.
• Explore how frequent pattern mining can be applied to text data to discover meaningful
phrases and summarize topics within documents.
• Get hands-on experience of mining association rules using Weka.
• This is the first MP (not a mini one) we have in this course. It consists of several
programming tasks, which usually take more time than written assignments, so please
start early.
• This is an individual assignment, which means it is OK to discuss with your classmates
and TAs regarding the methods, but it is not OK to work together or share code.
• Similar libraries or programs of frequent pattern mining algorithms can be found online, but you are prohibited from using these resources directly. This means you can
not include external libraries, or modify existing programs, since the purpose of this
MP is to help you go through frequent pattern mining step by step.
• You can use Java/C++/Python/Matlab as your programming language. No other
languages are allowed.
• For your answers in the Answer Document, you should include 1) brief explanation
about the algorithms you use in Step 1 and Step 2; 2) answers to all questions in
Question to ponder ; 3) a list of the names of your source files and their corresponding
steps (the steps are listed below). Put all of them after the answers to the written
• Put all your codes in a separate folder with the name NetId assign3 codes. Do
not use sub-folders inside this folder. All of your codes should have been successfully
compiled before submission. Do not include files other than the codes you write. Put a
single readme.txt file in the code folder to briefly describe the functionalities of your
codes and how to run them.
• Put the results you generate in another folder with the name NetId assign3 results.
Create sub-folders with names: patterns (which should include files pattern-0.txt⇠
pattern-4.txt), closed (which should include files closed-0.txt⇠closed-4.txt)
and max (which should include files max-0.txt⇠max-4.txt).
• Your Answer Document, with the name NetId assign3 answer.pdf, should be at the
same level as your code folder and result folder. Compress these (two folders and one
file) three together into a zip file, and name it NetId Submit this zip
file through Compass2g.
• Copying source code from other students will give you 0 grade. We will run plagiarism
detection software. Please do not cheat.
Description of Data Preprocessing
• We use paper titles collected from conferences in computer science of 5 domains: Data
Mining (DM), Machine Learning (ML), Database (DB), Information Retrieval (IR)
and Theory (TH). The raw data is named as paper raw.txt. Each line contains two
columns, the PaperID and the Title of a paper, separated by a tab. Recall the example
in class. You can consider each line in the file as one transaction. Each term in the
title is then equivalent to an item in a transaction. We provide this file to give you a
basic idea about what the task is and what data you are using. You will not work on
this file directly.
• For this assignment, we have pre-processed the raw data by removing stop words,
converting the words to lower cases, and lemmatization. The results are in paper.txt.
In this file, each line is a list of terms. Terms are separated by one space. Again, this
file is for you to understand the task, and you will not work on this file directly.
• To make computation easier, we generate a vocabulary from paper.txt, and name it
as vocab.txt. Each line in this file has two columns: the first column is the term
index and the second column is a unique term extracted from paper.txt; columns are
separated by Tab. Each term in paper.txt appears exactly once in vocab.txt. With
this vocabulary, we can always map between each term and its corresponding unique
indexing number.
You do not need to know how this vocabulary is generated, but you
do need this file to show mined patterns as required in Step 1 and Step 2 of the MP.
• Recall we have papers from 5 domains. We want you to mine frequent patterns for
each of the 5 domains so as to find ‘meaningful’ patterns of each domain. However,
the terms of 5 domains are mixed together in paper raw.txt and paper.txt. In
order to separate them, we apply LDA with 5 topics to assign one topic to each term.
Then we re-organize the terms and create one file topic-i.txt for each topic i, where
i = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. Each line in file topic-i.txt corresponds to one paper title in the
dataset. File topic-i.txt only contains paper titles with at least one term assigned
with topic i by LDA, and within each paper title in topic-i.txt, terms assigned with
topics other than topic i are removed. Note that we do not know which topic-i.txt
corresponds to which of the 5 domains now, and we will use frequent pattern mining
to figure it out. These topic-i.txt are the files you are going to work on to mine
frequent patterns.
Step 1: (250
, L3) Mining frequent patterns for each topic.
In this step, you need to implement a frequent pattern mining algorithm. We recommend you to choose from Apriori and FP-Growth. Note that you need to figure out
min sup by yourself.
You need to run your code on 5 files corresponding to 5 topics (topic-0.txt⇠topic-4.txt).
Your output files should be put into one directory named as patterns. The i-th file is
named as pattern-i.txt. The output should be of the form ( [s] (space) [t1 (space)
t2 (space) t3 (space) …] ). Frequent patterns in each file should be sorted from high
to low by Support.
A sample output is given in with the name sample.txt. Note that in
pattern-i.txt files, the term indexes should be mapped back to words based on
vocab.txt. This requirement is the same for the next step.
Question to ponder A: How do you choose min sup for this task? Explain your criteria;
any reasonable choice will be good.
Step 2: (200
, L3) Mining closed/maximal patterns.
In this step, you need to implement an algorithm to mine closed patterns and maximal
patterns. You can write the code based on the output of Step 1, or implement a specific
algorithm to mine closed/maximal patterns, such as CLOSET, MaxMiner, etc.
The output should be of the same form as the output of Step 1. Closed patterns are
put into a directory named closed. The i-th file is named as closed-i.txt. Max
patterns are put into a directory named max. The i-th file is named as max-i.txt.
Within each file, the term indices should be mapped back to the words.
Question to ponder B: Can you figure out which topic corresponds to which domain
based on patterns you mine? Write down your observations.
Question to ponder C: Compare the results of frequent patterns, closed patterns and
maximal patterns, is there any di↵erence? If so, what kind of patterns give more
satisfying results? Write down your analysis.
Step 3: (50
, L2) Mining association rules by Weka.
In this step, you will use Weka to mine association rules. In class, we have demonstrated
how to do this. You can download the slides Weka-Associate from the course schedule
page or watch the online lecture video to review the process. To make things easier,
we also provide detailed procedures here.
(a) Generate .arff files.
We have provided you with the code Put it in the
same folder as topic-i.txt and vocab.txt. In the command line, type python It will generate one .arff file corresponding to each
topic-i.txt file. (If you are MacOS/Linux user, you can easily do this. Otherwise, you can use the EWS machines with Linux OS on campus.)
(b) Get Association rules by Weka.
i. Download Weka from here and install.
ii. Double click on Weka application icon.
iii. Choose Explorer.
iv. Click on Preprocess tag.
v. Click on Open file, choose topic-i.arff , click on Choose and wait until
Weka finishes loading the data.
vi. Click on Associate tag. Click on Choose and select FPGrowth as the mining
vii. Click on the parameter line. You need to modify lowerBoundMinSupport and
minMetric to generate at least 10 association rules. You may keep the default
values for other parameters. (Hint: lowerBoundMinSupport is the min sup
and minMetric is the min conf of the association rules.)
viii. Copy and paste the association rules generated by Weka.
Question to ponder D: What are the di↵erences between phrases which satisfy only
the min sup criterion and phrases (association rules) which satisfy both min sup and
min conf criteria? Compare the results of Step 1 and Step 3 and write down your