CS402 Assignment 1 – UDP Programming using Golang solved


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This assignment is intended to get you started with programming in the Go language: to solve this assignment you will need to install Go, figure out how to compile, run, and debug a Go program. The logic of the program itself is simple. Write a client program that takes 0 arguments, sends a UDP message to a “fortune” server, receives a UDP message in response, and prints out the contents of the server’s response to the screen. The server is listening on Clinet should send message to the server in the below format My name is xx, My roll no is x, What is the sum of numbers in my roll no? Server response: The sum of digits for rollno x calculated on ‘date’ at ‘system time’ is yy As an example, the output will be as follows: $>go run udpclient.go Connected to UDP Server Enter the message to UDP Server >> My name is ABC, My roll no is 1234, What is the sum of numbers in my roll no? SERVER RESPONSE: The sum of digits for rollno 1234 calculated on 09-03-2020 at 39:51:39 is 10 Grading – 10 Marks UdpClient.go – 9 Marks Readme.txt – 1 Marks Note: 1. Penalty of 10% per day will be issued if the deadline is not met 2. If found copied, you will fetch 0 score. 1 Submission Details: 1. Please read the questions carefully and complete it. 2. Make a directory with name and copy your all program (source code) and output file to that folder. 3. Implement the solution using GoLang. 4. Please take screen shot of output, name it with its question number and put it in a same folder. 5. Test well before submission. Follow some coding style uniformly. Provide proper comments in your code. 6. Submit only through moodle and well in advance. Any hiccups in the moodle/Internet at the last minute is never acceptable as an excuse for late submission. Submissions through email will be ignored. 7. Please attach a readme.txt file 8. Please zip your folder and submit to moodle within 10-09-2020 (23:55 PM) GoLang Reference: http://golang.org/doc/ http://www.golang-book.com/books/intro 2