CS:3620 — Homework 1 solved


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This homework is about using the Linux operating system and its shell. In
addition, in task8 you will have to write some C code. This homework is
composed of 9 tasks.
Please, ask general questions about the homework on ICON, so that everyone
can benefit from the answers.
General Requirements Submit your homework as a single tar file.
When unpacked, the tar file must have the following directory structure
(substitute hyour HawkIDi with your actual HawkID):
hyour HawkIDi

All the .sh files must have the executable bit set. No other file should
be present in the archive.
When writing your code, you can ignore hidden files and file links, since
we did not discuss these topics during the lectures.1 You can assume that
your code will be executed using as current working directory the corresponding task1, …, task8 directory. For instance, your script for task1 will be
executed by running:
cd hyour HawkIDi/task1/
1For more information about these topics you can read: https://en.wikipedia.
systems, and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hard_link.
Write a bash script accepting two arguments: hdirectoryi and hextensioni.
The script must print to stdout the path of all files in hdirectoryi (and,
recursively, its sub-directories) with a name ending with hextensioni. You
can choose to print either relative paths (i.e., relative to the script current
working directory) or absolute paths2
I suggest using the command find or grep, or a combination of both.
Write a bash script accepting one argument: hdirectoryi. The script must
print to stdout the content of any file in hdirectoryi (and, recursively, its
sub-directories) with an name ending with .txt. Assume that any file with a
name ending in .txt contains only printable characters and use the command
cat to print its content.
Write a bash script accepting one argument: hdirectoryi. The script must
print to stdout two numbers, separated by one space. The first number must
be equal to the number of files contained in hdirectoryi (and, recursively,
its sub-directories). The second number must be equal to the number of
directories contained in hdirectoryi (and, recursively, its sub-directories),
including hdirectoryi itself.
I suggest using the command wc, together with other commands.
Write a bash script accepting two arguments: hdirectoryi and hname tagi.
The script must create a tar archive containing, recursively, all files and
directories in hdirectoryi (including hdirectoryi itself). The generated
archive must be saved in the current working directory, using the following
hname tagi hcurrent timei.tar
Where hname tagi is the string specified by the user as the second argument
2you can convert relative paths to absolute paths by using the command realpath
and hcurrent timei is the current Unix time3
in seconds (I suggest using
the command date, with proper parameters, to retrieve this value).
Write a bash script accepting two arguments: hsource directoryi
and hdestination directoryi. The script must copy to
hdestination directoryi all the executable files (i.e., the files with
the user’s executable bit set) found in hsource directoryi (and, recursively,
its sub-directories). Assume that hdestination directoryi already exists.
I suggest using find (specifying the arguments: -perm -u+x) together
with xargs or a loop.
Write a bash script accepting three arguments: hstdout filei,
hstderr filei, and hcwdi, followed by an arbitrary number of other arguments specifying a subcommand and its arguments. The script will run
the specified subcommand with all the specified arguments, redirecting the
subcommand’s stdout to hstdout filei and the subcommand’s stderr to
hstderr filei, and setting the subcommand’s current working directory to
For instance, if the script is invoked in the following way:
./script.sh /tmp/stdout /tmp/stderr /bin ls -l -a
the command ls will be run with the arguments -l and -a. When run, ls’s
current working directory must be /bin, the stdout output must be saved
in hstdout filei, and the stderr output must be saved in hstderr filei.
The script must not change its own current working directory. The script
should print to stdout the exit code of the executed subcommand. Nothing
else should be print to stdout or stderr.
To refer to all the arguments specified by the user after the argument
hcwdi, I suggest using the bash array variable “${@:hni}” (substituting hni
with a proper number). I suggest using a subshell4 not to change the script
Write a bash script accepting an arbitrary number of arguments specifying a
subcommand and its arguments (similar to what is required for task6). The
script will run the specified subcommand with all the specified arguments,
monitoring its execution using strace. For instance, if the script is invoked
in the following way:
./script.sh ls -l -a
it will execute strace in the following way:
strace ls -l -a
The script must redirect the stderr ouput from strace and the executed
subcommand properly. Specifically, the script must not print the mentioned
stderr output, but process it as specified below.
When the executed subcommand finishes, the script has to print to
stdout a list of all the system calls executed by the subcommand (in no
particular order, but with no repetitions). For instance, if the script is
invoked in the following way:
./script.sh uname -m
The output should be:
x86 64
arch prctl
exit group
I suggest redirecting stderr to a temporary file. By running the subcommand with strace, stderr will contain all the executed syscalls (and their
You can then process the content of this temporary file to extract just the
syscall names, by splitting every line, using the character “(” as delimiter.
To do so, I suggest using awk5
. Once you have a list of the executed syscalls,
you can use sort and uniq to remove repetitions.
Write a C program printing to sdout all its arguments (including argv[0])
hex-encoded. You must save your code in a file called task8.c. You must
include a script called compile.sh that, when invoked, compiles the code in
task8.c and generates an executable file called task8. Do not include this
executable file in your submission tar file. You must come up with your own
hex-encoding function. Do not just copy it from StackOverflow!
Examples (assuming you are opening your program from bash)
If the program is invoked in the following way:
The output should be:
If the program is invoked in the following way:
./task8 firstargument
The output should be:
If the program is invoked in the following way:
./task8 ‘first argument with spaces’
The output should be:
If the program is invoked in the following way:
./task8 hello $’anewline\nishere’
The output should be:
I suggest reading the top answer here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/