CS360 Assignment 5 solution


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1. [20 points] We define a new model of computation, Two-Stack Push Down Automata (2SPDA)as
machine that is exactly like a PDA, except that is has two stacks (at any point in time the machine
read-write head is pointed to the top of one of these stacks), and for every state and stack letter
there is an  transition that takes the head from its current stack to the other stack. A 2SPDA,
M = (Q, Σ, Γ, q0, Z0, δ, F) accepts a word, w, if there is a path of machine transitions that starts with
w on the machine input tape, the machine in state q0 both stacks having Z0, and reaches an accepting
state when it reaches the end of w. Prove 2SPDA’s have the same computing power as Turing machines.
Namely, a language can be computed by some 2SPDA if and only if it can be computed by some Turing
machine. More concretely, given any Turing machine, T, construct a 2SODA that accepts the same
language that T does, and given any 2SPDA, M = (Q, Σ, Γ, q0, Z0, δ, F), describe in detail a Turing
machine that accepts the language L(M).
2. Consider the following languages:
• L1 = {a
is an integer },
• L2 = {a
: n is an even number and k is a prime number, or, n is an odd number and k is not
a prime number }.
For each of these languages,
(a) [2 × 10 points] Describe a Turing machine M that decides it. Namely, a machine M that halts
on every input and L(M) = L.
(b) [2 × 5 points] Prove that L is not a regular language.
(c) [2 × 10 points] Find out whether L a CFL and prove your claim.
3. [Bonus 10 points]Prove that each of the following languages, L, is decidable. That is, that there
exist a Turing machine M that halts on every input, such that L(M) = L. Lπ = {a
n : in the decimal
expansion of π there is a run of at least n consecutive 7’s }.
4. [2 × 15 points] Prove that each of the following problems is not decidable:
(a) Input: A code P for a program. Decision: Does P halt on infinitely many inputs?
(b) Input: Codes for two programs P1, P2. Decision: Do these two programs compute functions with
the same domain? (Namely, is it the case that for every input I, P1 halts of I if and only if P2
halts on I?).