CS322 Assignment 4: X86-64 Code Generation solution


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In this final assignment, you are going to implement a code generator for converting IR1 programs to X86-64
assembly code. This assignment carries a total of 10 points. There is also an extra credit part, which carries
an additional 3 points.
Download and unzip the file hw4.zip. You’ll see a hw4 directory with the following items:
– hw4.pdf — this document
– CodeGen0.java — a starter version of the code generator program
– X86.java — utility support library for generating X86-64 code
– IR1Grammar.txt — the IR1 language’s grammar
– lib.c — contains the pre-defined functions used in IR programs
– ir/ — contains the IR1 definition file and an IR1 parser
– tst/ — contains a set of test programs
– Makefile — for building the code-gen
– gen, run — scripts for generating and running assembly programs
For this assignment, you are implementing a naive code generator, i.e. one that does not use register
allocation at all. As discussed in class, the idea behind a naive generator is very simple:
• Registers are used only as temporary storage to support instruction’s execution, and for passing parameters from caller to callee, as required by X86-64’s ABI. Registers’ usages are not traced.
• Every parameter, variable, and temp has a memory storage in a stack frame.
• Each IR operation instruction is translated into an assembly code block with three parts:
– Loading operands from their memory storage to registers.
– Performing the instruction’s operation.
– Storing the result to the destination’s memory storage.
At the beginning of the code block, all registers are available; and at the end, all are released.
Two related issues need to be discussed further.
Stack Frame Size Since there are no values held over in registers, there is no need to perform register
savings at function call points. The only need for a stack frame is to store parameters, variables, and temps
of a function. Therefore we can use the following formula to compute frame size (Note: In IR1 all stored
values are integers):
frameSize = (paramCount + varCount + tempCount) * intSize
There is only one small problem. While paramCount and varCount can be directly obtained from the
params and locals components of an IR1.Func node, to get a precise tempCount, the generator has
to traverse the instruction list of the function to check for all temp occurrences. A simpler solution exists.
We can use the instruction count as an approximation for tempCount. This is a safe approximation, since
each instruction can write to at most one temp. (This approach may waste some memory; we ignore that.)
With this approach we can modify the formula to:
frameSize = (paramCount + varCount + instCount) * intSize
The X86-64 ABI requires that the end address of a stack frame be a multiple of 16, which means that when
control is transferred to a new function’s entry point, %rsp + 8 is also a multiple of 16 (since a return
address has been pushed on to the stack after the end of the caller’s frame). Therefore, you need to include
the following statement in the code generator to adjust the frame size when necessary:
if ((frameSize % 16) == 0)
frameSize += 8;
Note that frameSize defined here does not include the return-address slot.
Variable Storage Mapping Every reference to a parameter, a variable, or a temp in an IR program is
linked to a load or a store from/to its memory storage in the target program. The code generator needs a
simple mapping function from names to stack offsets. The solution is to collect all parameters, variables,
and temps into a single ArrayList, and map their indices to stack offsets with formula: offset = idx
* intSize. (For example, variable with index 2 will map to offset 8; hence its memory storage will be
8[%rsp].) Parameters and variables can be added to the list using the params and locals components,
while temps can be added incrementally when they are encountered in instructions.
The CodeGen Program Structure
A starter version of the code-gen program is provided in CodeGen0.java. The program is organized in a
standard syntax-directed form, i.e., a set of code-gen routines, one for each IR1 syntax node. At the top,
the main() method handles the input of an IR1 program, and invokes the code-gen routine, gen(), on the
top-level IR1.Program node. It, in turn, calls the gen() routine on each of the IR1.Func nodes in the
Here are some highlights of code-gen issues regarding individual IR1 nodes. In the CodeGen0.java program
file, you’ll find more detailed code-gen guidelines.
• IR1.Func — Function is the main code-gen unit. For a function node, the generator creates a list,
allVars, and initializes it with its params and locals. It computes the function’s frame size and
generate code to allocate a new frame on the stack. It also generates code to move the incoming
actual arguments from argument registers to their frame locations. Finally, it generates code for the
function’s instructions by recursively invoking the gen() routine on their corresponding nodes.
• IR1.Binop — The code generator needs to separate arithmetic operations from relational operations.
For arithmetic operations, corresponding X86-64 instructions exist. However, the division operation
needs to be singled out, since it requires two specific registers (RAX+RDX). For relational operations,
the corresponding X86-64 code should consist of three instructions:
cmp # compare
set # set flag
movzbl # expand single-byte result to long (for memory storage)
Also remember that left and right operands are switched under Linux/Gnu assembler.
• IR1.Call — To prepare for a call, the code generator needs to generate code for loading arguments
from their storage locations into the designated argument registers, i.e. RDI, RSI, RDX, RCX,
R8, and R9. If there are more than 6 arguments in the IR program, the code generator just quits.
• IR1.Return — For a return node, the code generator needs to generate an instruction for popping
off the function’s frame, and then the ret instruction. It may also need to generate code for loading
return value to the return-value register RAX.
• For IR1 nodes with a dst component (e.g. IR1.Binop, IR1.Unop, IR1.Move, and IR1.Load), if
the dst’s name is not in the allVars list, add it in.
• For IR1.Src nodes (e.g. IR1.Id, IR1.Temp, IR1.IntLit, IR1.BoolLit, and IR1.StrLit),
the code-gen routine is called to reg(), indicating that it generates code for loading the source into
a register.
X86-64 Utility Support Library
The program file X86.java contains an x86-64 utility support library, which has two main parts: register
and operand representations and code emission routines. Study this program carefully, since you’ll be using
many of the representations and the utility routines defined here.
One set of useful definitions is the classified registers:
// Indices of standard argument registers
static Reg[] allRegs = {RAX, RBX, RCX, RDX, RSI, RDI, RBP, RSP,
R8, R9, R10, R11, R12, R13, R14, R15};
static Reg[] argRegs = {RDI, RSI, RDX, RCX, R8, R9};
static Reg[] calleeSaveRegs = {RBX, RBP, R12, R13, R14, R15};
static Reg[] callerSaveRegs = {RAX, RCX, RDX, RSI, RDI, R8, R9, R10, R11};
The code emission routines are just formatted versions of System.out.print(). They are defined for
different instruction cases. You should select the proper one to use for each individual case. These routines’
type signatures are listed below.
static void emit(String s) {…}
static void emit0(String op) {…}
static void emit1(String op, Operand rand1) {…}
static void emit2(String op, Operand rand1, Operand rand2) {…}
static void emitLabel(Label lab) {…}
static void emitString(String s) {…}
Your Task (10 points)
Your task is to complete the implementation of the code generator. Copy CodeGen0.java to CodeGen.java
and edit the new program. Read the provided guidelines carefully. Another useful information source are the
.s programs in the tst directory. In those programs you can see instruction-by-instruction corresponding
examples of IR1 code and X86-64 code.
Extra Credit Work (Up to 3 points)
The extra credit work is to improve this code generator in anyway you can. Here are a few ideas.
• Precise temp count — Instead of using instruction count as an approximation, compute a precise temp
count for each function.
• Literal operands — In the current generator, operands are always loaded into registers. A small
optimization is to check for integer and boolean literals, and use them directly in instructions when
• Register Tracking — After load values in registers, keep them there; spill them back to memory only
when necessary (e.g. when there is no more registers available). This work requires tracking register
usage and tracking variable locations. Note that you don’t have to have variable liveness information
for this optimization to work (as discussed in class). Without liveness information, variables may stay
in registers longer than necessary. This optimization is much more challenging than the previous two
optimizations. You should do this one only if you have extra time.
If you choose to do any extra work, please clearly indicate in your program’s comment block what you have
Requirements, Grading, and What to Turn In
This assignment will be graded mostly on the correctness of the generated X86-64 code. The provided
.s.ref files are for reference only. Your code generator does not need to match them. However, when
running your generated .s programs with the run script, their output should match those in the .out.ref
The minimum requirement for receiving a non-F grade is that your CodeGen.java program generates at
least one correct X86-64 program for an IR1 input.
Submit your program, CodeGen.java, through the “Dropbox” on the D2L class website.