CS2133: Computer Science II Assignment 6 solution


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1 Class Design (20 points)
Design a class hierarchy (classes and/or interfaces) to support a program dealing with geographic
objects. Support the following classes (at least):
• Countries
• States/Provinces
• Cities
• Boundary Segments
• Rivers
Support the following operations, where applicable, plus any others that seem useful (arguments
have been omitted, but you will have to include them):
• area()
• capital()
• getCities()
• getCountry()
• distance() – between cities
• boundaryLength() – total length of boundary
• neighbors() – objects sharing boundaries
• borderOf() – the countries/states this separates
Write out the class definitions, instance variables and method definitions. Some of the instance
variables should probably be various kinds of Collections. You do not need to implement the
methods, but you should include comments inside each method that describe the approach you would
take (alternately, you can actually implement them – that might be simpler for some methods). Use
interfaces and superclasses where appropriate. Supply javadoc comments for all classes, interfaces,
and methods. The system you write should compile, even if it doesn’t actually work (because the
methods are just stubs with comments). Identify all of the classes as belonging to the package
“geography”, and put the .java files in a directory called geography, so that javadoc functions
properly. Note that this means that the compiler must be run from outside the geography directory,
and you should type “javac geography/*.java”, say, to compile your code. This is annoying, and
one of the reasons I dislike Java’s package system. (You would do the same thing to run a program
in a package, but in this particular case you are not writing a program, so the issue won’t come
Note: This problem is deliberately openended. Don’t panic! Be creative!
Extra credit: Be especially creative!
2 Permutations (30 points)
Implement a class that works like an iterator and generates all possible permutations of a list. It
cannot actually be an Iterator, because the official Java Iterator interface looks like the following:
public interface Iterator {
public boolean hasNext();
public E next();
public void remove();
The next() method of a Java iterator returns an element of a collection, but our permutation
generator must return a whole list. Nevertheless, we will adopt the mechanics of iterators. Create
a Permutations object that implements the following three methods (at least):
public class Permutations {
public Permutations(List list);
public boolean hasNext();
public List next();
Notice the difference? We should be able to call the constructor with an arbitrary list. Then,
as long as hasNext() returns true, we should be able to call next() and get a new permutation of
our list.
The easiest way to generate permutations is (not surprisingly) recursively. The algorithm for
creating a Permutations object is as follows:
• (Base case) If I am a Permutations object of list length 0, do nothing, except to note that I
should always return false when hasNext() is called.
• (Recursive case) Remove and remember the first element (c) from the list.
• Create and remember a new Permutations object (P) with the leftover list.
• Obtain and remember the first permutation (L) from this new object, or an empty list if it
has none (because it is size 0).
• Initialize an index counter (i) to 0.
Each time the next() method is called on a Permutations object, it should do the following:
• Return a copy of L with c inserted at position i. Increment i.
• Once i becomes too large, set L to P.next() and reset i to 0.
• If P has no next permutation, then this object is finished as well. hasNext() should return
false from here on out.
Here’s how it works for the list [0, 1, 2]:
• For each permutation of [1, 2],
• Insert 0 into each position in the list.
Thus successive calls to next() return [0, 1, 2], [1, 0, 2], [1, 2, 0], [0, 2, 1], [2, 0, 1] and [2, 1, 0].
After this last list is returned, hasNext() should return false.
Hint: The list you return should be a newly-created one, either a LinkedList or an ArrayList
(your choice), with elements copied over. Don’t try to use the same list that you were given in the
constructor, because you’d be disassembling it and reassembling it at multiple levels of recursion,
and it’s almost impossible to keep it straight and do it right.
Extra Credit: You should really think about doing this one, because it’s a great way to test
your Permutations object. Use your Permutations object to implement the exponential NP sort
that we talked about in class. Generate all of the permutations of a list in turn, checking each one
to see if it’s sorted. Stop when you find the sorted list. How long a list can you sort using this
algorithm, before the time it takes becomes intolerable?
3 Huffman encoding and decoding (50 points)
Your final major program for CSII will be to create a pair of command-line programs to compress
and decompress arbitrary files. This will require some bit-level operations, creating a Comparable
binary tree class that will be used to create bit encodings, and using various Collections classes for
counting, sorting and mapping.
Huffman codes have been around since the early fifties, and are still used for data compression.
Modern compression methods use Huffman codes as part of the algorithm, and then layer other
compression techniques on top. Huffman codes are general-purpose – they can be used to compress
any arbitrary byte stream – though they are generally less efficient then special-purpose approaches
that apply only to specific kinds of data.
The basic idea behind Huffman codes is to represent bytes as variable-length bit strings, rather
than having every byte be represented by eight bits. If commonly-occurring bytes require only two
or three bits instead of eight, while very uncommon bytes are represented with ten or fifteen, it
adds up to a win in file size.
Coding and decoding Huffman codes is based on building a binary tree structure known as a
Huffman tree. The leaves of the tree represent the bytes of the original file. The path through a
tree from leaf to root (for encoding) or from root to leaf (for decoding) yields a sequence of bits that
code for that particular byte. The tree is built in such a way that common bytes are located near
the root, while rare ones are located far down the tree. The easiest way to illustrate the process is
with an example.
Suppose the byte sequence we wish to encode is [-35, 41, -35, 41, 116, -35, 22, -35, 116] (bytes
in Java are always signed, so they range in value from -128 to +127). The first step is to count
the number of occurrences of each byte value: [-35:4, 22:1, 41:2, 116:2]. Now create Huffman leaves
for each byte, putting them into a priority queue sorted according to their frequency count. Then
repeatedly pull pairs of nodes out of the priority queue and connect them via a new parent node.
This node’s value should be the total of the values of its children. Put the node back into the
priority queue, and continue the process (illustrated in Figure 1) until you have a single node. You
now have a Huffman tree built according to byte frequency.
To encode a byte, start at the leaf of the tree represented by that byte and traverse up the tree
until you reach the root. Every branching where you came from the left is represented by a ’0’,
while every branching where you came from the right is a ’1’ (make sure you build the codes up
in the correct order, from right to left). Thus the bit strings for our example are: [-35:0, 116:10,
22:110, 41:111]. Notice how common values are represented with short strings and uncommon ones
with long, just as we intended. The bit sequence of our original byte string (9 bytes of 8 bits each)
was 72 bits long; our encoded string is 17 bits: 01110111100110010.
Decoding a string of bits is simply reversing the process. Starting from the root of the tree and
taking each bit in turn from the bit string, follow the corresponding branch through the tree until
you end at a leaf. The byte represented by that leaf is the one you want. In our example, the first
bit of the code is 0. We take the left branch from the root and end up at the -35 leaf. There’s our
first byte. The next bit is a 1; we take the right branch at the root and we are not yet at a leaf.
The next bit is 1; we take the right branch again. Still no leaf. The next bit is 1 again, and now
we’ve arrived at the 41 leaf, our second byte. Starting from the root again, the next bit is 0, which
leads us to -35, our third byte. And so on.
The whole idea for the encoder, then, is to read in a file, construct a Huffman tree based on
the frequency of bytes in a file, run through each byte in the file and figure out its Huffman bit
sequence, concatenate all the bits together, and save the tree and the bit sequence to disk in a new,
smaller file. Decoding is basically the reverse: read in the Huffman tree and bit sequence, then
use the tree to decode the sequence into an array of bytes. Save the bytes to disk and you have
reconstructed the original file.
One more thing to worry about: how to go from a sequence of bits to a byte, and vice versa?
We will have a lecture about bit twiddling and bitwise logical operations Individual bits can be
manipulated and extracted by ANDing and ORing with a single bit in a particular position. I
suggest that you take a look at this code and figure out how it works, but in any case, I’m providing
it for your use (Figure 2). Notice that we’re using integers to represent bits – 32 times more space
than we need! But it’s the easiest alternative.
The first step is to read in all of the bytes of a file (specified as a command line argument),
using a FileInputStream. You can call the stream’s available() method to find out how big your
byte array must be, and then simply call the read method with your byte array as an argument.
Now construct your Huffman leaf nodes. This class should contain a pointer to a parent and
two children (labeled “zero” and “one”). It should also have a variable to represent the node’s
frequency count, and one to represent a particular byte. Leaf nodes will have null children and
a filled-in byte variable, internal nodes will have null byte variables, and the root of the tree will
have a null parent. Remember that this class must implement Comparable, so that it can be used
inside a PriorityQueue. I suggest creating 256 Huffman leaves, one set to each possible byte, and
with initial counts of zero. These can be stored in a HashMap, keyed by bytes.
Figure 1: The process of building a Huffman tree.
import java.util.*;
public class Twiddle {
public static byte[] bitsToBytes(List l) {
byte[] toReturn = new byte[l.size() / 8];
int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < l.size(); i += 8) { for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { toReturn[index] = (byte)(toReturn[index] | (l.get(i+j) << (7-j))); } index ++; } return toReturn; } public static List bytesToBits(byte[] b) {
ArrayList toReturn = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < b.length; i++) { for (int j = 7; j >= 0; j–) {
toReturn.add((b[i] & (1 << j)) >> j);
return toReturn;
Figure 2: The Twiddle class.
Proceed byte by byte through your file data and increment the count of the corresponding
Huffman leaf each time you encounter a particular byte. After you have done so, each Huffman leaf
knows its frequency within the file. Add all of the leaves to a PriorityQueue (a slight optimization
is to add only those leaves with a count greater than zero).
Construct the tree by removing two nodes from the PriorityQueue, combining them with a new
parent node, and adding the parent node back into the queue, as illustrated in Figure 1. Once only
one node is left, you have the fully-built Huffman tree.
For each byte in your file in turn, retrieve the corresponding Huffman leaf from the HashMap,
and obtain the bit string by traversing up the tree. I suggest writing a recursive method within
your Huffman node class to do so. These bit sequences, when attached one after the other in a list,
can then be turned back into an array of bytes. Warning: Think about what happens if your bit
string is not evenly divisible by 8. You will need to pad your bit string so that it is. You will also
have to devise a mechanism so that this bit padding does not confuse the decoder.
Now you can write your compressed file to disk using an ObjectOutputStream. Write your
Huffman tree, any other information you need (like perhaps the length of the file), and then the
byte array. Call it the same name as the original source file, but with the suffix “.huff” attached.
Decompression works much the same, in reverse. Create an ObjectInputStream, read in the
Huffman tree and any additional information you saved, then the array of bytes. You can use the
available() method (after you’ve read in the objects) to see how large the array needs to be, and
the readFully() method to get a hold of the bytes. Turn the bytes into a bit stream, and then
use the Huffman tree, starting from the root, to figure out which byte is represented by the bit
sequence. Again, a recursive decoding method is recommended. Create a byte array to hold each
new byte as you decode it, until you have decoded the entire bit stream (and handled the padding
appropriately). Write this file to disk.
Turning in
You know the drill. You should have a number of .java files from Problem 1, and they should
be in a package directory so that javadoc can be run on them. Call the package (and the directory) “geography” – please don’t follow the Java standard and call it something absurd like
“edu.okstate.cs.cs2133.assn6.geography”! Problem 2 will have a file called Permutations.java, at
the least. Problem 3 will have Huff.java (the encoding program), Puff.java (the decoding program),
your Huffman tree class (perhaps called HuffmanNode.java or something like that), and my Twiddle.java file (or one of your own), as well as any other classes you write. Zip all of your .java files
into a zip file called assignment 6 your name.zip and upload it to the Dropbox at oc.okstate.edu.
Ensure that everything can be compiled and run from the command line. This assignment is due
Wednesday, November 16, at noon.