CS194-15 Assignment 3: Optimizing Image Blur solution


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1 Image Blur Kernel

This assignment asks you to optimize a simplified version of the image blur
kernel introduced in the second assignment. Unlike in assignment 2, the blur
now works on only square grayscale images instead of rectangular three-channel

The included file “blur.cpp” contains a naive implementation of blur
and test code for checking whether your blur implementation returns the same
result as the naive implementation, and the time it takes to run each of them
on a square 3000 × 3000 sized image.

The provided code can be compiled with the command:
g++ −msse −O2 bl u r . cpp −o bl u r
and run with the command:
. / bl u r

1.1 Explanation of Kernel
void simple_blu r ( f l o a t ∗ out , i n t n , f l o a t ∗ frame , i n t ∗ r a d i i ){
f o r ( i n t r =0; r<n ; r++)
f o r ( i n t c =0; c<n ; c++){
i n t rd = r a d i i [ r ∗n+c ] ;
i n t num = 0 ;
f l o a t avg = 0 ;
f o r ( i n t r2=max ( 0 , r−rd ) ; r2<=min ( n−1, r+rd ) ; r2++)
f o r ( i n t c2=max ( 0 , c−rd ) ; c2<=min ( n−1, c+rd ) ; c2++){
avg += frame [ r2 ∗n+c2 ] ;
out [ r ∗n+c ] = avg/num;

The above naive implementation takes four arguments:
• float* out: A n × n sized array of floats where the output of the blur will
be stored.
• int n: The width (and height) of the image to be blurred.

• float* frame: A n × n sized array of floats representing the frame to be
blurred stored in row-major order.
• int* radii: A n × n sized array of ints representing the radii to be used for
blurring at each pixel, also stored in row-major order.

The outer two loops iterate over each pixel in the frame. rd contains the radii
to use to compute the blur for the current pixel (r, c). num keeps track of the
number of pixels in the neighbourhood of the current pixel.

For pixels away
from the border of the image, num will be equal to (2 × rd + 1)2
, but num will
be smaller for pixels along the borders of the image. The inner two loops iterate
over each pixel in the neighbourhood of the pixel (r, c) with r2 lying within
[r − rd, r + rd] and c2 lying within [c − rd, c + rd]. The min and max operations
ensure that the neighbourhood does not extend past the boundaries of the image.

Within the two inner loops we accumulate the sum of the pixel values in avg
and accumulate the number of pixels in the neighbourhood in num. Finally the
computed blurred pixel value (avg/num) is stored in the output array out.

2 Your Job

Your assignment is to optimize the image blur kernel above to run as fast as
possible. You may use whatever techniques you want, but there are two that will
be required, vectorization and parallelization. Space is provided within blur.cpp
for you to insert your implementations.

2.1 Vectorization
Intel and AMD processors come with a special set of instructions, called SSE
instructions, for directly controlling the simd functional units. SSE intrinsics
are a pleasant C wrapper for these instructions, so that the user does not need to
write assembly code to gain access to this functionality. Using SSE intrinsics you
will be able to perform four additions simultaneously! Using the information in
the “Intel Intrinsics Guide” take advantage of the SSE instructions to vectorize
the image kernel.

2.1.1 For Your Report
1. Submit your code as vector_blur.cpp. (40 points)
2. How many times faster did your vectorized version run? (4 points)
3. What intrinsic instructions did you use? (4 points)

4. Describe how you organized your kernel using those intrinsic instructions.
(4 points)
5. Did you consider the unaligned/aligned loads? How did/would you address that? (4 points)

2.2 Parallelization
Using the parallelization framework of your choice (OpenMP or PThreads),
take advantage of the multiple cores available on your machine to parallelize
the vectorized version of your blur kernel from section 2.1.

2.2.1 For Your Report
1. Submit your code as parallel_blur.cpp. (40 points)
2. Create a scaling plot with the number of times faster than the naive version
on the vertical axis, and the number of threads used on the horizontal axis.

Vary the number of threads from 1 to 16. (16 points)
3. Describe the organization of your parallel kernel. (4 points)
4. Did you consider load balancing? How did/would you address that? (4

2.3 Fastest Implementation
1. Submit your fastest configuration as fastest_blur.cpp. (10 points)
2. How much faster is it compared to the naive implementation? (2 points)
3. Describe the configuration you used. (4 points)

2.4 Bonus: Algorithmic Improvements
There are two critical concerns that must be addressed to optimize any piece of
code. The first concern is whether the code is executing more instructions than
necessary to compute the result. The second concern is whether your machine
is executing as many instructions as possible per clock cycle. The previous
questions have been focusing on the latter concern but this question focuses on
the former.

The naive implementation of the blur given to you performs many more
additions than is necessary. Devise an algorithm that performs substantially
less additions to compute the same result. A hint is to look up 2D cumulative
sum online.

2.4.1 For Your Report
1. Describe how to improve the algorithm. (4 points)
2. Implement your efficient algorithm and submit it as better_blur.cpp. (15
3. How much faster is it than the naive implementation? (2 points)