CS1301 – HOMEWORK 06: FILE I/O solution


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The goal of this homework is for you to showcase your knowledge about how to properly manipulate
files. Refer to the rubric to see how points will be rewarded for each function. You have been given
HW6.py to fill out with instructions in the docstrings. However, below you will find more detailed
information to complete your assignment. Read it thoroughly before you begin. You have until
Thursday, October 12th to complete this assignment. Don’t forget to include your name and your
collaboration statement. Re-download your submission from T-Square after you submit it to
make sure that your code runs successfully.
CS1301 – HOMEWORK 06: FILE I/O 2
Part 1: CSV and Data Analysis
You have been provided with a comma-separated values file (a .csv). In this section of the assignment
you will be reading this file and writing functions to get statistics and data from it. You are not required to
use the csv module, but it might be useful to do so. In order to get some more practice with CSV in
Python, these resources might be helpful:
● https://pythonprogramming.net/reading-csv-files-python-3/
● https://docs.python.org/3/library/csv.html
Description of the Dataset:
The file, data.csv, contains ~900 entries. It has the Real Estate data from house sales in Sacramento
over a two-month period. This data is in no way representative of larger data sets, but it has very good
and interesting data we can use. It includes the following variables/columns: street, city, zip,
state, beds, baths, sq__ft, typ, sale_date, price, latitude, and longitude.
Do not modify in any way the dataset that has been given to you as small changes might make your
assignment fail test cases. For the purpose of this assignment you can assume that the strings of the
house types are case sensitive. This means that the for example the house type ‘Condo’ is not the same
as ‘condo’.
Complete the following functions:
Function name: affordable_homes
Parameters: max_price (int), min_size (int), num_homes (int), out_file (string)
Return value: None
Description: You will write to the file, outFile, a certain number of homes, given by the parameter
num_homes, that cost strictly less than the max_price and are strictly greater than the min_size. If
no homes meet the qualifications, then leave out_file empty. The homes that meet the
qualifications will be written to out_file in order from cheapest to most expensive in the following

Notes on Formatting:
1. Every line of the file must end in a newline character ‘\n’ including the last line of the file.
2. The Cost line must be indented by a tab character ‘\t’ from the left side of the file, and each
monetary amount must be preceded by a dollar sign.
3. Run HW6_test.py to verify that your formatting is correct.
CS1301 – HOMEWORK 06: FILE I/O 3
Test Cases:
>>> affordable_homes(200000, 1000, 2, ‘homes.txt’)
>>> affordable_homes(100000, 1100, 5, ‘homes.txt’)
Function name: home_profile
Parameters: address (string), redo_file (boolean)
Return value: None
Description: Write a profile of the home whose address (string) is passed into the function to a file
named profileFile.txt. Assume the address given is always valid. If the boolean value
redo_file is True, then start the file over (begin at a blank file and write the house description to
the initially empty file). If redo_file is False, then simply append the description of the address
passed in to the bottom of the file. Write the address of the home to profileFile.txt in the
following format:
CS1301 – HOMEWORK 06: FILE I/O 4
Notes on Formatting:
1. Every line of the file must end in a newline character ‘\n’.
2. The last line of the file must end in two newline characters (to make a distinction between houses
when more than one description is contained in the file) ‘\n\n’.
3. Run HW6_test.py to verify that your formatting is correct.
Test Cases:
>>> home_profile(‘3820 NATOMA WAY’, True)
>>> home_profile(‘2015 PROMONTORY POINT LN’, False)
>>> home_profile(‘1500 ORANGE HILL LN’, True)
CS1301 – HOMEWORK 06: FILE I/O 5
Function name: sold_day
Parameters: day (string)
Return value: int
Description: Write a function called sold_days that will take in a three letter abbreviation of a day of
the week. Count up how many houses were sold on that day of the week. Return the number of
houses sold on that day as an int. If an invalid string is passed in as the day, return -1.
Test Cases:
>>> test1 = sold_day(“Tue”)
>>> print(test1)
>>> test2 = sold_day(“Mon”)
>>> print(test2)
>>> test3 = sold_day(“Tuesday”)
>>> print(test3)
CS1301 – HOMEWORK 06: FILE I/O 6
Part 2: Writing to Files
Function name: make_roster
Parameters: students (str), filename (str)
Return value: None
Description: Take in a string of students. The format of the students will be “First Last, First Last,
First Last”. Write the names of the students to the file specified by the parameter. Write each line in
the format “Last, First”. Each student should be in a different line, and the students should be sorted
alphabetical by last name. Make sure there is no newline character after the last student
Test Cases:
>>> make_roster(“Caroline Kish, David Wang, First Last”, “out1.txt”)
>>> make_roster(“Rodrigo Mejia, Daniel Marcos, Daniel Barrundia”, “out2.txt”)
CS1301 – HOMEWORK 06: FILE I/O 7
Function name: choose_group
Parameters: aList(str), num (int), filename (str)
Return value: Boolean (True or False)
Description: Write a function that takes in a list of student names. You will form a group of size num
from the group of names. You will choose the last num students in the list. You will write out the
names of the students who will form the group to the filename passed in. This will be the format:
Team: [Name1], [Name2], …, [NameNum]
If there are not enough students for a group, write ‘Not enough people for a group.’ to the file. If there
are zero people on a team, then leave the file empty. Finally, return True if there are enough people
to form a group and False otherwise.
Notes on Formatting:
1. The file will only be one line no matter how many names there are so it should contain no newline
characters (‘\n’).
Test Cases:
>>> test_01 = choose_group([“Cathy”, “Kelly”, “Caroline”, “Elena”], 4,
>>> print(test_01)
>>> test_02 = choose_group([“David”, “John”, “Daniel”, “Cory”], 10,
>>> print(test_02)
>>> test_03 = choose_group([“Betty”, “Veronica”, “Jughead”, “Archie”, “Zack”], 2,
>>> print(test_03)
CS1301 – HOMEWORK 06: FILE I/O 8
Part 3: Reading Files
Assume the text files in this section are formatted in the following way:
Student 1
Test 1: score
Test 2: score

Student 2
Test 1: score
Test 2: DNT
Test 3: score

The student’s name will be followed by a variable number of tests, each on its own line. After the test
number and a colon, if the student took that test then the float of their score is given. If the student did not
take a certain test, DNT will be written instead.
Function name: get_roster
Parameters: file_name (str)
Return value: roster (list)
Description: Read in a file (that has the same format shown above). Generate a list with every
student’s name. Make sure the names do not contain newline characters (\n) and are in the order
they appear in the file. Assume the passed in filename is a valid file.
Test Cases:
>>> test1 = get_roster(“scores1.txt”)
>>> print(test1)
[‘Iron Man’, ‘Hulk’, ‘Captain America’]
>>> test2 = get_roster(“scores2.txt”)
>>> print(test2)
[‘Batman’, ‘Wonder Woman’, ‘Superman’]
CS1301 – HOMEWORK 06: FILE I/O 9
Function name: tests_missed
Parameters: file_name (str)
Return value: tests_missed (list)
Description: Read in a file (that has the same format shown above). For every DNT scores, add the
test number to a list. Return the list at the end. The order of tests should be the same order as the
DNT scores are encountered. If multiple people did not take the same test, the test number should
be included in the list multiple times. Assume the passed in filename is a valid file.
Test Cases:
>>> tests_missed(“scores1.txt”)
[4, 5]
>>> tests_missed(“scores2.txt”)
[4, 5, 2, 3, 5]
Function name: find_avg
Parameters: file_name (str), student_name (str)
Return value: student_avg (float)
Description: Read in a file (that has the same format shown above). Find the student specified by the
parameter. Generate the average of all the student’s score and return the average. If the student has
a DNT, disregard that score (do not use that to compute the average). Round the answer to 2
decimal places. Assume not two students have the same name and every student will have at least
one valid test. If the name of the student passed in is not in the file, return 0. Assume the passed in
filename is a valid file.
Test Cases:
>>> find_avg(“scores1.txt”, “Iron Man”)
>>> test1 = find_avg(“scores1.txt”, “Iron Man”)
>>> print(test1)
>>> test2 = find_avg(“scores2.txt”, “Wonder Woman”)
>>> print(test2)
>>> test3 = find_avg(“scores1.txt”, “Superman”)
>>> print(test3)
CS1301 – HOMEWORK 06: FILE I/O 10
Grading Rubric
– affordable_homes: 15 pts
– home_profile: 10 pts
– sold_day: 10 pts
– make_roster: 15 pts
– choose_group: 10 pts
– get_roster: 10 pts
– tests_missed: 10 pts
– find_avg: 20 pts
– Total 100/100 pts
The following file(s) have been provided to you. There are several, but you will only edit one of them:
1. HW6.py
This is the file you will edit and implement. All instructions for what the methods
should do are in the docstrings.
2. HW6test.py
This is a file containing tests for you to use if you will like to debug and test your
code. You are not required to edit, submit, or even use this file.
You must submit all of the following file(s). Please make sure the filename matches the filename(s)
below. Be sure you receive the confirmation email from T-Square, and then download your uploaded
files to a new folder and run them.
1. HW6.py
If this file does not run (if it encounters an error while trying to run), you will get no
credit on the assignment.