CS 5513- Homework 3 solution


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REQUIRED PROBLEM: Suppose that the popular student newspaper, The Daily, has
decided to obtain an online presence by posting the latest news and feature articles online and
allowing readers to post comments on these news and feature articles. For this purpose, The
Daily obtained 3 sites (computer nodes): gpel9.cs.ou.edu, gpel10.cs.ou.edu, and
gpel11.cs.ou.edu. The editor of this newspaper wants you to create the database backend for a
news article and feature article archiving system (using MongoDB) using the three sites, and
ensure that the news archiving system is highly available and flexible so that news and features
can be inserted at any time without having to bring the system down, and so that even in the
face of network failures, readers can still access portions of the news archive. The editor of
this newspaper tells you that the following queries will be frequently issued:
1. Insert an (news or feature) article into the archive.
2. Retrieve the latest news from the archive.
3. Retrieve the top 10 most read news in the past month.
4. Add a comment to an article.
5. Add a story to the ‘similar stories’ section of all articles that contain a given word and
that have been published within the past 2 years.
Every news or feature article has a unique ID (article_id). For each article, its attributes that
must be available in the archive at the time of implementation are the following, where
attributes of the form attribute_name(attr_1, attr_2,…) denote composite attributes, and
attribute_name{…} denote multi-value attributes:
 Article: article_type, article_section, article_id, post_on_date(day, month, year, time),
reporter_name, similar_stories{…}, num_times_read, article_text,
comments{(comment_id, article_id, user_id, posted_on_date(day, month, year, time),
comment_text, score)}
An example entry in the archive:
‘news article’, ’Sports’, 75, (31,12,2017,(23:59:59)) ,
‘Bridgette Nolan’,{‘thedaily.com/sports/oklahomafootball-sooners-land-kentucky-graduate-transfer.html’,
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‘thedaily.com/sports/oklahoma-football-sooners-look-tofill-void.html’}, 11357, ‘Despite the Cowboys’ last
loss last season, they have several options to replace
their linebacker…’, {(12, 75, ‘dtillman@gmail.com’,
(31,12,2017,(09:29:31)), ‘Keep up the work with your
fake news!’, -99 )}
where the format of the date is (31,12,2017,(23:59:59)) meaning December 12th, 2017 at
Using the above scenario, perform the following tasks (a-g) using MongoDB on the GPEL
a) Produce a dataset (real or synthetic) for the task (or use case) discussed above and write
it to a file named articleData.txt. You can choose whatever human-readable format for
your data. You can obtain this dataset directly from another source, or you can generate
it yourself with a program. This dataset should have a size of at least 50 entries. Once
you generate this dataset, print out its first 5 entries. Do not print out the whole dataset.
b) Using the programming language of your preference (Java, Python, etc.), write a
program ‘txt_parser’ that takes your dataset file articleData.txt as input, and then
generates a MongoDB script named ‘dataInsertion.js’ that contains the “MongoDB
commands” to create the collection(s) that implement the database, and then inserts
every data entry contained in articleData.txt into the database.
c) Run the ‘txt_parser’ program and generate your ‘dataInsertion.js’ script. Then populate
your MongoDB database by running ‘dataInsertion.js’ at the MongoDB shell.
d) Create the necessary indexes to support your queries. Justify your decision for creating
e) Implement the five queries (1-5) described above using only the MongoDB query
language (not Java, Python or any other programming language). Run each of your
queries one time. Provide screenshots of the output of each run.
f) Design a suitable replication scheme to answer your queries. This replication scheme
must use at least three GPEL machines (for example: gpel9.cs.ou.edu, gpel10.cs.ou.edu
and gpel11.cs.ou.edu). You need to describe and justify your replication design in
detail. Then, implement your design in MongoDB. Your implementation must include
the code to set up the replication scheme. For this task, you only need to implement
replication; you do not need to implement sharding. You also need to provide a
screenshot of the output of the command rs.status() when you run it in your replica set.
This is to ensure that your replica set has been properly configured.
g) In this task, you will do a simple simulation of the failure of the primary node. To do
this, perform the following sub-tasks:
i. Connect to the machine running the primary of your replica set and stop the
MongoDB process running on that machine, using kill instrustion. Do not
attempt to shut down or restart the entire GPEL machine (you do not have user
privileges to do so).
ii. Immediately connect to another active MongoDB server in your replica set and
run the command rs.status(). Take a screenshot that shows that no primary has
yet been elected.
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iii. Wait until a primary has been elected, and then run your queries one time each
again with the remaining nodes. Provide screenshots for the output of each run.
BONUS PROBLEM (optional) (10 points) your answer to this bonus problem will be graded
only if you also completed ALL the tasks of the required problem in this homework
Select a commercial or open-source graph NoSQL system of your choice. Read its
documentation and perform the following two tasks:
1) Describe the system’s data model in detail.
2) Describe in detail an appropriate use case for that system and justify it based on your
description of the system. Explain in detail why that use case is not appropriate for a
relational database system.
Note that the intention of this problem is for you to understand the fundamental and/or
innovative database concepts implemented by that NoSQL system. The intention of the
problem is not for you to only report the query syntax of the system. You need to provide
references for your answers to this problem. The PDF files for the references must be submitted
as a part of your submission (submit them as separate PDF files; do not submit them as one
ZIP file).
Important notes:
 To use MongoDB in OU’s system, you need an account in the gpel machines in the
School of Computer Science (CS). If you do not have an account on these machines,
contact the CS system administrator, Mr. John Muller (jmuller@ou.edu).
 For launching a MongoDB server in a machine, you need to ensure that the port is free
and that it is not being used by another process (of possibly another user) at the moment
you want to start the MongoDB server. To avoid conflicts with other users, it is
recommended that you use the ports 2xxxx to 2xxxx + 3, where ‘xxxx’ are the last 4
digits of your OU ID.
 All of your files must be well documented. Your work will be graded based on
correctness as well as documentation.
 Before working on this homework assignment, you should have reviewed the Lecture
Topic 7 “NoSQL Systems” slides posted on the course website and the references listed
 Submit all your files and results.
 Keep a soft copy of all your files and results in your directory. To check if your program
works correctly, we will have online demonstration. The exact time and date for the
online demonstration will be announced later. You MUST NOT modify your files or
results after you turned them in. You will get a zero grade for this homework
assignment if you violated this rule.
1. David Hows, Eelco Plugge, Peter Membrey, and Tim Hawkins. The Definitive Guide
to MongoDB. A complete guide to dealing with Big Data using MongoDB. Appress,
nd edition, 2015. Available at the OU Digital Library.
2. The MongoDB manual https://docs.mongodb.org/manual/
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3. MongoDB use cases description https://docs.mongodb.org/ecosystem/usecases/product-catalog/