CS 4640 Assignment A7: Segmentation II solution


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For this problem, handin Matlab .m files for the functions described by the headers below. Note that one of these is a driver which creates inputs for each function and runs the function on those inputs to obtain the output. Some notes: • Indent headers correctly (5 spaces indented lines) • Do not exceed 72 characters per source line • CS4640 A7 driver: should show that each function works None of the functions should write to the interpreter, draw, etc., unless explicitly required by the function description. function [x,y] = CS4640_ac_initial_box(r1,c1,r2,c2,gap) % CS4640_ac_initial_box – initialize rectangular snake points % On input: % r1 (int): upper left corner row % c1 (int): upper left corner col % r2 (int): lower right corner row % c2 (int): lower right corner col % gap (int): gap between snake pixels 1 % On output: % x (kx1 vector): x coordinates of snake points % y (kx1 vector): y coordinates of snake points % Call: % [x0,y0] = CS4640_ac_initial_box(5,5,25,25); % Author: % % UU % Spring 2018 % function [xs,ys] = CS4640_ac_initial_circle(M,N,r0,c0,radius,del_theta) % CS4640_ac_initial_circle – initialize circular snake points % On input: % M (int): row size of image % N (int): col size of image % r0 (int): row center of circle % c0 (int): col center of circle % radius (float): radius of circle % del_theta (float): step in theta for circle % On output: % x (kx1 vector): x coordinates of snake points % y (kx1 vector): y coordinates of snake points % Call: % [x0,y0] = CS4640_ac_initial_circle(31,31,16,16,9,0.1); % Author: % % UU % Spring 2018 % function [MO,im_ac,x,y] = CS4640_ac(im,x0,y0,alpha,beta,gamma,max_iter) % CS4640_ac – compute active contour % On input: % im (MxN array): gray-level image % x0 (Kx1 vector): x (row) locations for curve % y0 (Kx1 vector): y (col) locations for curve 2 % alpha (float): coefficient for D2 array % beta (float): coefficient for D4 array % gamma (float): coefficient for external force vector % max_iter (int): max number of iterations % On output: % MO (movie): movie of snake motion % im_ac (MxN array): binary array with final curve points % x (float): final x values of snake % y (float): final y values of snake % Call: % sq = zeros(31,31); % sq(11:20,11:20) = 100; % [sqc,xf,yf] = CS4640_ac(sq,x0,y0,1,1,0.2,5000); % Author: % T. Henderson % UU % Spring 2018 % function phi = CS4640_phi_circle(M,N,r0,c0,radius) % CS4640_phi_circle – create circular phi function % On input: % M (int): number of rows in array % N (int): number of cols in array % r0 (int): center of circular function % c0 (int): column of circular function % radius (int): radius of circle % On output: % phi (MXN array): each pixel has signed distance to circle % boundary % Call: % phi = CS4640_phi_circle(201,201,25,25,3); % Author: % % UU % Spring 2018 % function [MO,phi,tr] = CS4640_level_set(im,max_iter,del_t,r0,c0) 3 % CS4640_level_set – level set of image % On input: % im (MxN array): gray level or binary image % max_iter (int): maximum number of iterations % del_t (float): time step % r0 (int): row center of circular level set function % c0 (int): column center of circular level set function % On output: % MO (movie): movie of level set propagation % phi (MxN array): final phi array % tr (qx1 vector): sum(sum(abs(phi_{n+1}(r,c) – phi_{n}(r,c)))) % Call: % [MO,phi,tr] = CS4640_level_set(im,300,0.1,25,25); % Author: % % UU % Spring 2018 % function CS4640_A7_driver % CS4640_A7_driver – driver for A7 functions % On input: % N/A % On output: % N/A % Call: % CS4640_A7_driver % Author: % % UU % Spring 2018 % 4