CS 4640 Assignment A6: Segmentation solution


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For this problem, handin Matlab .m files for the functions described by the headers below. Note that one of these is a driver which creates inputs for each function and runs the function on those inputs to obtain the output. Some notes: • Indent headers correctly (5 spaces indented lines) • Do not exceed 72 characters per source line • CS4640 A6 driver: should show that each function works None of the functions should write to the interpreter, draw, etc. function D = CS4640_Hough_model(im) % CS4640_Hough_model – create a Hough shape model % On input: % im (MxN array): binary image with shape % On output: % D (kx2 array): Hough model (offsets to anchor point) % Call: % S_model = CS4640_Hough_model(S_im); % Author: 1 % % UU % Spring 2018 % function [H,H2] = CS4640_Hough_detect(im,D) % CS4640_Hough_detect – detect a Hough shape model % On input: % im (MxN array): binary image with shape % D (kx2 array): Hough offset model % On output: % H (M1xN1 array): Hough accumulator array (note it is bigger % than MxN % since it has to allow for the largest offset % H2 (MxN array): part of accumulator overlapping with original % image % Call: % [H,H2] = CS4640_Hough_detect(im,D); % Author: % % UU % Spring 2018 % function [lines_im,lines] = CS4640_lines(im,mag_thresh,ori_thresh) % CS4640_lines – produce straight line setgments for image % On input: % im (MxN array): binary line image % mag_thresh (float): edge magnitude threshold % ori_thresh (float radians): max distance for similar % orientations % On output: % lines_im (MxN array): image of lines (they are numbered) % lines (kx3 array): line segments % col 1: row value % col 2: col value % col 3: line index % Call: % [line_im,lines1] = CS4640_lines(im,1.5,0.96); 2 % Author: % % UU % Spring 2018 % function segs = CS4640_kmeans(im,k) % CS4640_kmeans – segment image using kmeans % im (MxNxP array): input image % k (int): number of clusters % On putput: % segs (MxN array): segmented image % Call: % s = CS4640_kmeans(v1,4); % Author: % % UU % Spring 2018 % function CS4640_A6_driver % CS4640_A6_driver – driver for A6 functions % On input: % N/A % On output: % N/A % Call: % CS4640_A6_driver % Author: % % UU % Spring 2018 % 3