1 Correlation Analysis (20 points)
Recently, two cargo ships that carried chemical substances collided in the Lake Michigan
at Illinois and some toxic substances entered the lake. The government asked researchers
of a research institute at Chicago to find a solution to reduce the amount of these toxic
substances and accordingly water pollution.
The researchers developed two chemical substances (substance A and substance B) to
decrease the water pollution. However, they did not know how to decrease water pollution
via these two substances.
Therefore, they decided to do some experiments by adding several
combinations of the two substances to samples of the lake water and measuring water pollution. Table 1 shows 40 variations of these experiments and their results on water pollution
(i.e. the percentage of toxic substances in the water— 0 would be clean water and 100 would
be the most possible toxic water).
Table 1: The impact of different combinations of substance A & B on water pollution
Experiment 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Substance A 2.84 9.34 7.59 0.21 7.31 2.77 4.41 7.34 9.94 7.17
Substance B 78.9 52.6 76.7 39.6 58.4 98.1 4.8 83.4 16.4 86.9
Water Pollution 11.5 17.7 73.4 11.2 74.9 6 15.2 64.9 14.1 76.8
Experiment 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Substance A 0.66 2.73 2.14 7.79 0.63 7.36 7.21 6.12 4.24 9.79
Substance B 61.6 67.2 85 61.4 11.3 13 88 35.4 53.3 16.8
Water Pollution 11.3 9.4 13.8 55.5 61.4 21.4 90.7 70.1 60 6.7
Experiment 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Substance A 5.07 0.67 9.83 1.44 5.76 0.17 7.9 9.29 2.99 2
Substance B 87.9 9.2 55.3 32.9 94.4 41.9 15.5 13.6 20.6 93.3
Water Pollution 13 80.1 8.4 64.9 9.3 9.6 11.5 7.5 77 11.9
Experiment 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Substance A 8.62 7.21 7.44 8.7 3.05 1.74 3.41 7.5 2.84 1.43
Substance B 78.9 20.6 98.8 48.3 86.3 12.7 1.6 22.7 33.6 26.2
Water Pollution 81.2 14.9 83.8 15.8 16.5 69 7.6 10.6 77.9 62.1
Now, the researchers need to decide what combination of substance A and B works best
to decrease water pollution. To help them, please follow the analysis guideline below and
draw a conclusion:
1. Separate the 40 experiments into two groups via a binning method where one group has
low water quality (Group 1) and one group has high water quality (Group 2). Our goal
here is to compare the correlation of substance A and B in these two groups to decide
how to use substance A and B together to decrease water pollution. To do so, which
binning method do you think is more appropriate here? Equal-width or equal-depth?
Why? Apply it on the dataset and create two groups.
2. Normalize the Substance A and Substance B amounts based on the min-max normalization for each group, and report the normalized values
3. Draw scatter plots of the normalized substance A and normalized substance B for each
4. Calculate the Pearson correlation coefficient between the normalized substance A and
normalized substance B for each group
5. Based on the analysis in the above steps, draw a conclusion of how to use the two
substances to decrease water pollution.
Note: You can find the data in Table 1 at the Q1-data.txt file (in the
folder) as well.
2 Noisy Data (20 points)
In this question, we want reduce the noise in a dataset via different methods and compare
them with each other. Consider the following dataset that is collected about the age of 20
people in a workplace:
34, 32, 53, 33, 43, 2, 43, 38, 41, 42, 49, 25, 41, 36, 42, 52, 32, 23, 43, 91
However, it turned out that the person in the HR who collected this data didnt report
the ages properly, and some of the reported ages might not be exact or might be out of
So, please follow the below steps to mitigate this issue:
1. Compute the mean, Q1, median, Q3, and standard deviation (population) of the age
2. Conduct each of the following methods to reduce the noise of the data:
(a) Draw the boxplot of the age measure, and detect the outliers by finding those
observations that are 1.5 IQR above Q3 or below Q1. Now, build a new dataset
by removing the outlier, and call the new dataset A.
(b) Use smoothing by bin means to smooth the above data, using a bin depth of 5.
Call the new dataset B.
(c) Use smoothing by bin boundaries to smooth the above data, using a bin depth of
5 (if a value has the same distance from both boundaries of a range, replace it
with the lower boundary). Call the new dataset C.
3. Now, for each new datasets of A, B, and C, compute the mean, Q1, median, Q3, and
standard deviation of the age measure again and compare these values with the ones
obtained in step 1 (Draw a table to compare these values side by side for each of the
datasets including the original dataset).
Interpret the differences that you observe, and discuss the pros and cons of each of
the above methods in reducing noise (e.g. which method is best if we need the lowest
variance, which method reduces the distinct values and etc.). This is an open-ended
question, so discuss the main patterns you see.
3 A Fair Comparison (10 points)
A data mining company wants to hire a data scientist from the University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign graduates. After doing a few rounds of interview with tens of applicants,
they narrowed down the candidates to five students. Now, the company need to decide
between these candidates, and one of the metrics that they want to use is the candidates’
GPAs. However, these candidates belong to different classes (from 2014-2018) which makes
doing a fair comparison difficult.
Table 2 shows the information of each of these candidates including their GPA, and the
mean and standard deviation of GPA in their class. Please help the company to sort these
five candidates based on their GPAs fairly. All the classes size were the same (100 students
each year).
Table 2: Candidates’ information
Student Class GPA Mean STD
A 2014 3.5 3.2 0.5
B 2015 3.7 3.4 0.4
C 2016 3.4 3.2 0.35
D 2017 3.8 3.9 0.5
E 2018 3.9 3.8 0.2
4 Programming Question (50 points)
One method to distinguish cancer versus normal patterns is analyzing mass-spectrometric
data (that includes the mass-to-charge ratio of 10,000 ions in the body). During recent
years, medical researchers have collected a dataset of mass-spectrometric data of hundreds
of patients including patients with cancer (ovarian or prostate cancer), and healthy or control
patients. Researchers now want to use this dataset to detect patients that are prone to have
cancer by finding those patients who are most similar to the patients who have cancer.
In this question, we want to help these researchers by enabling them to specify a patient’s
information (patient P) and retrieve the patients whose mass-spectrometric data is most
similar to the patient P’s mass-spectrometric data.
To do this process, follow these steps:
1. Calculate the distance of patient P from the patients via the following distance metrics:
(a) Minkowski distance where h = 1 (Manhattan distance)
(b) Minkowski distance where h = 2 (Euclidean distance)
(c) Minkowski distance where h = infinite (Supremum distance)
(d) Cosine similarity (negative values for cosine similarity are allowed)
2. Rank patients based on lower distance (higher similarity in the case of cosine similarity)
to patient P and return the most five similar patients to patient P
3. Run PCA on the dataset
Note: You are allowed to use existing PCA packages.
4. Transform the dataset (and patient P) to the new space via X principal components
(that will be given as the input), and run steps 1-2 again on the transformed dataset
4.1 Implementation
Since there are several PCA packages that the HackerRank environment does not support,
we evaluate your code in two phases–one that does not include PCA via HackerRank and
one that includes PCA via analysis report:
1. A HackerRank challenge that evaluates steps 1-2 by measuring the similarity metric
on the original dataset without running PCA
2. An analysis report that evaluates steps 3-4 by running PCA on a given dataset in the folder and reporting the results
To do these evaluations properly, your code should follow the following formats exactly.
4.1.1 Input Format
• Line 1: D (number of data dimensions that can be between 1 to 10000)
• Line 2: N (number of patients-between 1 to 1000)
• Line 3: the type of distance metric (1: Manhattan distance, 2: Euclidean distance,
3: Supremum distance, 4: Cosine similarity)
• Line 4: X, the number of principal components in PCA to use to transform the
original dataset to a new space.
– If X = −1, you should NOT run PCA but only measure the distance metrics on
the original dataset.
– If X 6= −1, you first need to apply PCA on the input dataset, transform it to the
new space via the first X components, and then measure the distance metrics on
the transformed dataset.
• Line 5: Patient P data that contains D integers
• Line 6 to 6+N : The original dataset— each line contains D integers for each patient
4.1.2 Output format
• Line 1-5: the index of the 5 most similar patients to patient P (corresponding index
number in the dataset that would be between 1 to N) based on the input distance
metric (The most similar patient would be first).
– If there are two patients that are equally distant from patient P, you should put
that patient with the lower index first.
• Line 6: the cumulative amount of explained variance by the first X number of components.
– Note: This line should be present in the output ONLY IF the input asked to run
PCA on the dataset (i.e. Line 4 6= -1)
4.1.3 PCA Package
You are allowed to use any PCA package for this question as long as its answers are correct.
However, given that some PCA implementations might use approximation algorithms, we
STRONGLY suggest to use the sklearn package in Python that is a standardized package,
if you know python:
4.2 HackerRank Challenge (Steps 1,2 — Without PCA)
Your code will be evaluated on HackerRank for the steps 1 & 2 that involve measuring the
similarity metrics on the original dataset without running PCA ( i.e.“line 4 = -1” in all the
input test cases on HackerRank).
• The HackerRank link will be posted on the wiki page.
• Check the HackerRank page for sample inputs and outputs and updated instructions.
• The libraries that you use for this part (Steps 1,2) should be supported by the HackerRank environment.
• If the PCA package you are using is not supported by HackerRank (you will get compile
errors, if so), simply comment the PCA parts, and then run your code on HackerRank.
We will only evaluate your code for steps 1 & 2 (i.e. the input line 4 = -1) on HackerRank. The evaluation for steps 3 & 4 (PCA part) is done by the analysis part.
4.3 Analysis (Steps 3,4 — With PCA)
In this section, your code will be evaluated for steps 3 & 4 that involve running PCA on the
original dataset, transforming the original dataset to a new dataset, measuring the similarity
metrics on the transformed dataset, and then report the results. Follow the below steps:
• Use the the file named “” (in the folder) as the input
to run your code (this file follows the input format described in the Implementation
section and includes a dataset of 100 patients with 10,000 dimensions)
• Vary line 3 to run the code with all four types of the similarity metrics
• Vary line 4 to set the number of PCA components to X ⊂ {1000, 100, 10, 2, 1} for each
similarity metric. Also, run the code when X = −1 (i.e. no PCA)
Now, report the following information in your pdf file:
1. A chart that shows the cumulative amount of explained variance by the first X number
of components. Discuss how reducing the number of components used to transform
data to a new space impacts the cumulative explained variance of the original dataset.
Note: The explained variance might differ between PCA packages a bit. As long as
your chart contains an approximation of explained variance, your answer is acceptable.
2. Use Table 3 to report the index of the five most similar patients to patient P in the
original dataset and in the transformed dataset after running PCA for the aforementioned variations of X (i.e. number of components) for each similarity metric. Each
cell of the table should include 5 numbers.
Table 3: The five most similar patients to patient P
Manhattan Euclidean Supremum Cosine
Original Dataset (X=-1)
3. Compare the cells of Table 3 with each other for each distance metric and discuss how
reducing the number of components for data transformation impacts PCA’s effectiveness in finding the top five similar patients to patient P.
• If you need to reduce the number of dimensions of the original dataset (i.e. 10,000)
to gain a dataset that is much smaller in volume, yet closely maintains the integrity
of the original data and provides the top similar patients to a patient with a fairly
high accuracy, how many dimensions (1000,1000,10,2 or 1) would you suggest to
use for transformation?
4.4 Code Submission
• In addition to submitting your code on HackerRank to evaluate steps 1-2, you need to
submit your code, along with the pdf report, to Compass that we can test the PCA
part as well. Name your code as NetId-HW1-question4.* (your code should be one
single file).
• You will receive NO marks for the analysis section if you do not submit a code. We
will also run a plagiarism detection software on all the codes.