CS 370 HW4: Programming Assignment CPU SCHEDULING ALGORITHMS solution


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In this assignment you will implement three scheduling algorithms to generating the Gantt charts and evaluate measures of effectiveness. Due Date: Thursday, October 14, 2021, 11:00 pm Extended Due Date with 20% penalty: Friday, Oct 15, 2021, 11:00 pm 1. Description of Task In this assignment, you will be implementing the three CPU scheduling algorithms mentioned below. The first command line argument specifies the file name which contains the list of processes for your scheduling algorithms. The next command line argument specifies the time quantum (for Round Robin). Implement the following three CPU scheduling algorithms using either C or Python 3 programming language (you are free to use Pandas and NumPy libraries if needed). Assume that all jobs are CPU bound (i.e., they do not block for I/O), and the context-switching time is negligible. Also, assume that in Round Robin if a new process arrives the same instant when a process is switched out, the new process gets in the ready queue first. • First Come First Serve (FCFS) • Priority Scheduling (PS) without pre-emption • Round Robin (RR) with the specified quantum. You must produce a Gantt chart for each scheduling algorithm to help visualize the sequence of execution for each process (See example output below). You will analyse the performance of these scheduling algorithms by tracking the turnaround time and waiting time for each process and printing the average waiting time, average turnaround time and throughput after all processes have completed. • The turnaround time for a process is the difference between a job’s submission and completion times. The average turnaround time reports the average for the set of processes that were scheduled. • The waiting time for a process reflects the total amount of time spent by that process in the ready queue. The average waiting time reports the average for the set of processes that were scheduled. • The throughput for a scheduling algorithm measures the total number of tasks processes per unit time. 2. Task Requirements 1. Your program must accept two arguments from the command line. The first argument is the name of the file containing the processes (for example: processinfo.csv). This file is commaseparated with four columns (process ID, arrival time, burst time, priority) with each row for an individual process. You can assume that this file will have a maximum of 10 processes. The second argument is the time quantum for Round Robin scheduling. 2. Your program (sch.c or sch.py) should be able to perform FCFS, Priority Scheduling, and Round Robin scheduling correctly given a set of processes and arrival time and burst time and priority for each process. CS 370: OPERATING SYSTEMS Fall 2021 Colorado State University 3. Implement FCFS and print a Gantt chart showing the execution sequence using the format shown below (align the number in the columns). Report waiting time and turnaround time for each process. Also, report the average values for waiting time and turnaround time, and the overall throughput for all the processes. 1. Repeat item 3 above for Priority Scheduling. 2. Repeat item 3 above for RR using the specified quantum. Note: The processes in the file (first command line argument file) may be specified in such a way that it may result in some IDLE time when there are no processes ready to be executed. During the IDLE time the CPU has no processes to execute and waits for the next process to appear in the ready queue. Your Gantt chart should include these IDLE times. Also, the first process need not start at time 0. At time 0, there can be IDLE time in the Gantt chart till the first process arrives later on in time. 3. Example Input Input File: processinfo.csv ProcessID,Arrival Time,Burst Time,Priority 3,0,2,2 2,0,5,4 1,10,8,1 4,10,5,3 Note: The first line in the processinfo.csv file has headers Process ID, Arrival Time, Burst Time, Priority. 4. Example Output :$ python3 sch.py processinfo.csv 4 —————– FCFS —————– Process ID | Waiting Time | Turnaround Time 1 | 0 | 8 2 | 0 | 5 3 | 5 | 7 4 | 8 | 13 Gantt Chart is: [ 0 ]– 2 –[ 5 ] [ 5 ]– 3 –[ 7 ] [ 7 ]– IDLE –[ 10 ] [ 10 ]– 1 –[ 18 ] [ 18 ]– 4 –[ 23 ] Average Waiting Time: 3.25 Average Turnaround Time: 8.25 Throughput: 0.173913043478 ——————- PS ——————- Process ID | Waiting Time | Turnaround Time CS 370: OPERATING SYSTEMS Fall 2021 Colorado State University 1 | 0 | 8 2 | 2 | 7 3 | 0 | 2 4 | 8 | 13 Gantt Chart is: [ 0 ]– 3 –[ 2 ] [ 2 ]– 2 –[ 7 ] [ 7 ]– IDLE –[ 10 ] [ 10 ]– 1 –[ 18 ] [ 18 ]– 4 –[ 23 ] Average Waiting Time: 2.5 Average Turnaround Time: 7.5 Throughput: 0.17391304347826086 —————– Round Robin —————– Process ID | Waiting Time | Turnaround Time 1 | 4 | 12 2 | 2 | 7 3 | 4 | 6 4 | 8 | 13 Gantt Chart is: [ 0 ]– 2 –[ 4 ] [ 4 ]– 3 –[ 6 ] [ 6 ]– 2 –[ 7 ] [ 7 ]– IDLE –[ 10 ] [ 10 ]– 1 –[ 14 ] [ 14 ]– 4 –[ 18 ] [ 18 ]– 1 –[ 22 ] [ 22 ]– 4 –[ 23 ] Average Waiting Time: 4.5 Average Turnaround Time: 9.5 Throughput: 0.173913043478 Note: For the output format, it can be slightly different as long as you respect the same columns and rows and it must be easily readable. The format for command line arguments for grading will be: > ./schedule