CS 3423 Operating Systems Assignment 10 – Part Two solution


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● typescript1 and typescript2 for running the two source file above.
The purpose of this assignment is to give you a chance to think about the algorithms and
data structures needed for a file system at a high level. There are a lot of details that need
to be worked out, including the secondary storage structure, caching, concurrency, and of
course metadata. The reason for using Python is that it can be thought of as “executable
pseudocode” and lets you think about the concepts at a relatively high level by taking care
most of the low-level mechanisms.
1. [20 points] Data Structures
(Download the template and rename it cntlblks.py) A file system is a structure on top of
data storage. A storage device contains its own structure (week 12, slide 10). The optional
boot-control block and partition-control block can be considered as lower-level structures for
the disk rather than for the file system, and we will leave them out for the purpose of this
assignment. Instead, we will work on
● list of directory control blocks (DEntry)
● list of file control blocks (FCB)
● data blocks
The two data structures to define are named DEntry and FCB. Before defining them, we
observe that they have several things in common, so we define a base class.
class ControlBlock:
def __init__(self, createTime=None, accessTime=None, modTime=None):
import time
if createTime is None:
createTime = time.asctime()
if accessTime is None:
accessTime = createDate
if modTime is None:
modTime = createTime
self.createTime = createTime
self.accessTime = accessTime
self.modTime = modTime
1.1 FCB: file control block
FCB is a data structure that defines a file on storage structure. That is, it holds metadata
including the last access time and the reference to the actual storage. The reference itself
depends on the allocation method (slide 23): contiguous allocation, linked allocation, and
indexed allocation. For simplicity, we can just use indexed allocation (i.e., a list in Python to
maintain the logical-to-physical mapping of block numbers).
In addition, the FCB resides on disk but the OS also keeps a copy in its system-wide
open-file table when the file is open. Because a given file can be opened multiple times by
different processes, the OS keeps an open count — in the in-memory copy of FCB –that is
incremented on each open() and decremented on each close(). When the count reaches
zero, the FCB entry is removed from the system-wide open-file table.
class FCB(ControlBlock):
def __init__(self):
ControlBlock.__init__(self) # inherit superclass definition
self.index = [ ] # logical to physical block mapping
self.linkCount = 0 # num of directores with hard link to it
self.openCount = 0 # this is for in-memory structure, not for disk
def nBlocks(self): # number of disk blocks taken by the file
return len(self.index)
def incrOpenCount(self):
self.openCount += 1
def decrOpenCount(self):
self.openCount -= 1
def incrLinkCount(self):
self.linkCount += 1
def decrLinkCount(self):
self.linkCount -= 1
Metadata such as the last access date, last modified date, file read/write permission, are
also stored in the FCBs (see slide 10), and in this case in its superclass ControlBlock.
Since the name is kept in the directory, rather than in the FCB, (and the same file may
appear in multiple directories due to linking), you can find the name of the file only in the
context of a directory. So, here is a method for getting the file name for an FCB:
def nameInDir(self, d):
if self in d.content:
return d.name[d.content.index(self)]
return None
1.2 DEntry [20 points]
A DEntry, also called a directory control block, is a data structure that keeps track of the
content of the directory, which can be files (FCB) and nested directories (DEntry).
We include some utility methods: name() is a way to get the directory’s own name. Since the
DEntry does not record the directory’s own name, it needs to look into its parent (if any) and
find its own name.
class DEntry(ControlBlock):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
ControlBlock.__init__(self) # inherit superclass definition
self.parent = parent # link to the parent directory
self.content = [ ] # could be FCB or DEntry
self.names = [ ] # the corresponding names of file or dir
def name(self): # get the directory name in its parent, if any.
if self.parent is None:
return ”
return self.parent.names[self.parent.content.index(self)]
def lookup(self, name):
# find the FCU or DEntry using name, or None if not found
for i, n in enumerate(self.names):
if n == name:
return self.content[i]
return None
Your are to write four methods to the DEntry class. Note that name is a local name in the
directory, rather than a path.
[5 points]
def addFile(self, fcb, name):
# add a file to the directory under the given name.
# * if the name is already in the directory, raise an exception.
# * add the fcb to the content list,
# * add the name to the names list.
# * increment the linkCount of this fcb.
# * update the last modified date of self.
[5 points]
def rmFile(self, fcb):
# remove a file from the DEntry. this does not reclaim space.
# * decrement the linkCount of the FCB corresponding to name.
# * remove the name from the list and the FCB from the content.
# (hint: you can use the del operator in Python to delete
# an element of a list)
# * updates the last modified date of this directory
[5 points]
def addDir(self, dEntry, name):
# it is similar to addFile except it is a directory, not a file.
# the difference is a directory has a parent.
# * if the name is already in the directory, raise an exception.
# * add the dEntry to the directory content.
# * add the name to the names list.
# * set the parent of dEntry to this directory (self).
# * update this directory last modification date.
# it also needs to update the last modified date of self.
[5 points]
def rmDir(self, d):
# remove a directory d from self. it does not reclaim space.
# * find the position of d in this directory content,
# * delete both d from content and name from names list.
# * updates the last modified date of self.
# * set the removed dEntry’s parent to None.
Test your cntlblks.py using the test cases provided. To help visualize better, we encode
the directory tree and files using a tuple representation. Directory names end with ‘/’ and are
the initial member of the tuple, while others are files. This is a sample output:
$ python3 cntlblks.py
input directory tree=(‘/’, (‘home/’, (‘u1/’, ‘hello.c’), (‘u2/’, ‘world.h’),
‘homefiles’), (‘bin/’, ‘ls’), (‘etc/’,))
tuple reconstructed from directory=(‘/’, (‘home/’, (‘u1/’, ‘hello.c’),
(‘u2/’, ‘world.h’), ‘homefiles’), (‘bin/’, ‘ls’), (‘etc/’,))
creation time for /home/u1/hello.c is Fri Dec 1 05:49:44 2017
2. [30 points] PFS: a simple file system, part one
(Download the template and rename it pfs.py) We build up a simple file system structure
using the data structure from the previous section. We define it as a Python class with some
essential parameters including the number of disk blocks and the directory control blocks
(i.e., DEntry) starting from the root directory. From there, the file system needs to keep track
● all file control blocks (FCB) in the file system — in a list data structure
● all DEntry’s in the file system — in a list data structure
● all free blocks — in a set (集合) data structure
● system-wide open-file table — in a list
● the open count of each entry in the system-wide open-file table — in a list
Unlike cntlblks.py, which just tests data structures, we now have the file system class
(PFS) manage the pre-allocated FCBs and DEntrys, and they ultimately map to the storage
blocks. Conceptually, all these on-disk structures also get stored in the disk blocks, but for
simplicity, we don’t mix them.
In part-one of the PFS, we work on the structure of the file system first. The block allocation
and deallocation algorithm will be done in part-two of PFS (next assignment) and we put
placeholder routines for now.
from cntlblks import *
class PFS:
def __init__(self, nBlocks=16, nDirs=32, nFCBs=64):
self.nBlocks = nBlocks
self.FCBs = [ ] # file control blocks
self.freeBlocks = set(range(nBlocks)) # initially all blocks free
self.freeDEntrys = [DEntry() for i in range(nDirs)]
self.freeFCBs = [FCB() for i in range(nFCBs)]
self.sysOpenFileTable = []
self.sysOpenFileCount = []
self.storage = [None for i in range(nBlocks)] # physical storage
def allocFCB(self):
f = self.freeFCBs.pop() # grab from the pool
FCB.__init__(f) # reinitialize it like a new FCB
return f
def freeFCB(self, f):
def allocDEntry(self):
# write your own for DEntry, analogous to allocFCB
def freeDEntry(self, d):
# write your own for DEntry, analogous to freeFCB
You are to add the following methods to the PFS class for now:
[5 points]
def createFile(self, name, enclosingDir):
# allocate a new FCB and update its directory structure:
# * if default directory is None, set it to root.
# * parse the path into enclosing directory and filename.
# * allocate a new FCB, add it to the enclosing dir by name,
# * append to the FCB list of the file sytem.
# Note: this does not allocate blocks for the file.
[5 points]
def createDir(self, name, enclosingDir):
# create a new directory under name in enclosing directory.
# * check if name already exists; if so, raise exception.
# * allocate a DEntry, add it to enclosing directory,
# * return the new DEntry.
[5 points]
def deleteFile(self, name, enclosingDir):
# * lookup the fcb by name in the enclosing directory.
# * if linkCount is 1 (which means about to be 0 after delete)
# and the file is still opened by others, then
# raise an exception about unable to delete open files.
# * call rmFile on enclosingDir to remove the fcb (and name).
# * if no more linkCount, then
# * recycle free the blocks.
# * recycle the fcb
[5 points]
def deleteDirectory(self, name, enclosingDir):
# * lookup the dentry by name in the enclosing directory.
# * if the directory is not empty, raise exception about
# unable to delete nonempty directory.
# * call rmDir on enclosing directory
# * recycle the dentry
[5 points]
def rename(self, name, newName, enclosingDir):
# * check if newName is already in enclosingDir, raise exception
# * find position of name in names list of enclosingDir
# * change the name to newName in that list
# * set last modification time of enclosing directory
[5 points]
def move(self, name fromDir, toDir):
# * check if name is already in toDir, raise exception
# * lookup name and see if it is directory or file.
# * if directory, remove it from fromDir (by calling rmDir),
# add it to toDir (by calling addDir)
# * if file, remove it from fromDir (by calling rmFile)
# add it to toDir (by calling addFile)
Test your pfs.py using the test cases provided in the template. We build up the directories
and files like before, except we call the file system routines (e.g., allocFCB(), freeFCB(),
allocDEntry(), freeDEntry() instead of calling the constructor directly). We also get to
call higher level functions, including rename, move, etc.
Here is a sample output of the test case: (your output won’t look exactly like this due to time
$ python3 pfs.py
input directory tree=(‘/’, (‘home/’, (‘u1/’, ‘hello.c’, ‘myfriend.h’),
(‘u2/’, ‘world.h’), ‘homefiles’), (‘bin/’, ‘ls’), (‘etc/’,))
directory=(‘/’, (‘home/’, (‘u1/’, ‘hello.c’, ‘myfriend.h’), (‘u2/’,
‘world.h’), ‘homefiles’), (‘bin/’, ‘ls’), (‘etc/’,))
last modification date for /home/u1/ is Fri Dec 1 20:29:57 2017
after renaming=(‘/’, (‘home/’, (‘u1/’, ‘goodbye.py’, ‘myfriend.h’), (‘u2/’,
‘world.h’), ‘homefiles’), (‘bin/’, ‘ls’), (‘etc/’,))
last modification date for /home/u1/ is Fri Dec 1 20:30:02 2017
after moving=(‘/’, (‘home/’, (‘u1/’, ‘goodbye.py’), (‘u2/’, ‘world.h’,
‘myfriend.h’), ‘homefiles’), (‘bin/’, ‘ls’), (‘etc/’,))
after moving=(‘/’, (‘home/’, (‘u1/’, ‘goodbye.py’, (‘etc/’,)), (‘u2/’,
‘world.h’, ‘myfriend.h’), ‘homefiles’), (‘bin/’, ‘ls’))
Note: The PFS class will be continued in the next assignment.