CS 234: Assignment #3 solution


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1 Policy Gradient Methods (50 pts coding + 15 pts writeup)
The goal of this problem is to experiment with policy gradient and its variants, including variance reduction
methods. Your goals will be to set up policy gradient for both continuous and discrete environments, and
implement a neural network baseline for variance reduction. The framework for the policy gradient algorithm is setup in main.py, and everything that you need to implement is in the files network-utils.py,
policy-network.py and baseline-network.py. The file has detailed instructions for each implementation task, but an overview of key steps in the algorithm is provided here.
Recall the policy gradient theorem,
∇θJ(θ) = Eπθ
[∇θ log πθ(a|s)Q
(s, a)]
REINFORCE is a Monte Carlo policy gradient algorithm, so we will be using the sampled returns Gt as
unbiased estimates of Qπθ (s, a). Then the gradient update can be expressed as maximizing the following
objective function:
J(θ) = 1
where D is the set of all trajectories collected by policy πθ, and τ = (s0, a0, r0, s1…) is a trajectory.
1.2 Baseline
One difficulty of training with the REINFORCE algorithm is that the Monte Carlo sampled return(s) Gt
can have high variance. To reduce variance, we subtract a baseline bφ(s) from the estimated returns when
computing the policy gradient. A good baseline is the state value function, V
πθ (s), which requires a training
update to φ to minimize the following mean-squared error loss:
(bφ(st) − Gt)
CS 234: Assignment #3
1.3 Advantage Normalization
After subtracting the baseline, we get the following new objective function:
J(θ) = 1

t = Gt − bφ(st)
A second variance reduction technique is to normalize the computed advantages, Aˆ
t, so that they have mean
0 and standard deviation 1. From a theoretical perspective, we can consider centering the advantages to be
simply adjusting the advantages by a constant baseline, which does not change the policy gradient. Likewise,
rescaling the advantages effectively changes the learning rate by a factor of 1/σ, where σ is the standard
deviation of the empirical advantages.
1.4 Coding Questions (50 pts)
The functions that you need to implement in network-utils.py, policy-network.py and baseline-network.py
are enumerated here. Detailed instructions for each function can be found in the comments in each of these
• build mlp in network-utils.py
• add placeholders op in policy-network.py
• build policy network op in policy-network.py
• add loss op in policy-network.py
• add optimizer op in policy-network.py
• get returns in policy-network.py
• normalize advantage in policy-network.py
• add baseline op in baseline-network.py
• calculate advantage in baseline-network.py
• update baseline in baseline-network.py
1.5 Writeup Questions (15 pts)
(a)(i) (2 pts) (CartPole-v0) Test your implementation on the CartPole-v0 environment by running the following
command. We are using random seed as 15
python main.py –env_name cartpole –baseline –r_seed 15
With the given configuration file, the average reward should reach 200 within 100 iterations. NOTE:
training may repeatedly converge to 200 and diverge. Your plot does not have to reach 200 and stay
there. We only require that you achieve a perfect score of 200 sometime during training.
Include in your writeup the tensorboard plot for the average reward. Start tensorboard with:
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CS 234: Assignment #3
tensorboard –logdir=results
and then navigate to the link it gives you. Click on the “SCALARS” tab to view the average reward
Now, test your implementation on the CartPole-v0 environment without baseline by running
python main.py –env_name cartpole –no-baseline –r_seed 15
Include the tensorboard plot for the average reward. Do you notice any difference? Explain.
(a)(ii) (2 pts) (CartPole-v0) Test your implementation on the CartPole-v0 environment by running the following
command. We are using random seed as 12345456
python main.py –env_name cartpole –baseline –r_seed 12345456
With the given configuration file, the average reward should reach 200 within 100 iterations. NOTE:
training may repeatedly converge to 200 and diverge. Your plot does not have to reach 200 and stay
there. We only require that you achieve a perfect score of 200 sometime during training.
Include in your writeup the tensorboard plot for the average reward. Start tensorboard with:
tensorboard –logdir=results
and then navigate to the link it gives you. Click on the “SCALARS” tab to view the average reward
Now, test your implementation on the CartPole-v0 environment without baseline by running
python main.py –env_name cartpole –no-baseline –r_seed 12345456
Include the tensorboard plot for the average reward. Do you notice any difference? Explain.
(b)(i) (2 pts) (InvertedPendulum-v1) Test your implementation on the InvertedPendulum-v1 environment by running
python main.py –env_name pendulum –baseline –r_seed 15
With the given configuration file, the average reward should reach 1000 within 100 iterations. NOTE:
Again, we only require that you reach 1000 sometime during training. Include the tensorboard plot for
the average reward in your writeup.
Now, test your implementation on the InvertedPendulum-v1 environment without baseline by running
for seed 15
python main.py –env_name pendulum –no-baseline –r_seed 15
Include the tensorboard plot for the average reward. Do you notice any difference? Explain.
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CS 234: Assignment #3
(b)(ii) (2 pts) (InvertedPendulum-v1) Test your implementation on the InvertedPendulum-v1 environment by running
python main.py –env_name pendulum –baseline –r_seed 8
With the given configuration file, the average reward should reach 1000 within 100 iterations. NOTE:
Again, we only require that you reach 1000 sometime during training. Include the tensorboard plot for
the average reward in your writeup.
Now, test your implementation on the InvertedPendulum-v1 environment without baseline by running
for seed 8
python main.py –env_name pendulum –no-baseline –r_seed 8
Include the tensorboard plot for the average reward. Do you notice any difference? Explain.
(c)(i) (2 pts) (HalfCheetah-v1) Test your implementation on the HalfCheetah-v1 environment with γ = 0.9 by
running the following command for seed 123
python main.py –env_name cheetah –baseline –r_seed 123
With the given configuration file, the average reward should reach 200 within 100 iterations. NOTE:
Again, we only require that you reach 200 sometime during training. There is some variance in training.
You can run multiple times and report the best results. Include the tensorboard plot for the average
reward in your writeup.
Now, test your implementation on the HalfCheetah-v1 environment without baseline by running for
seed 123
python main.py –env_name cheetah –no-baseline –r_seed 123
Include the tensorboard plot for the average reward. Do you notice any difference? Explain.
(c)(ii) (2 pts) (HalfCheetah-v1) Test your implementation on the HalfCheetah-v1 environment with γ = 0.9 by
running the following command for seed 15
python main.py –env_name cheetah –baseline –r_seed 15
With the given configuration file, the average reward should reach 200 within 100 iterations. NOTE:
Again, we only require that you reach 200 sometime during training. There is some variance in training.
You can run multiple times and report the best results. Include the tensorboard plot for the average
reward in your writeup.
Now, test your implementation on the HalfCheetah-v1 environment without baseline by running for
seed 15
python main.py –env_name cheetah –no-baseline –r_seed 15
Include the tensorboard plot for the average reward. Do you notice any difference? Explain.
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CS 234: Assignment #3
(c)(iii) (3 pts) How do the results differ across seeds? Describe briefly comparing the performance you get for different
seeds for the 3 environments. Run the following commands to get the average performance across 3
runs (2 of the previous runs + 1 another run below).
python main.py –env_name cheetah –no-baseline –r_seed 12345456
python main.py –env_name cheetah –baseline –r_seed 12345456
python plot.py –env HalfCheetah-v1 -d results
Please comment on how the averaged performance for HalfCheetah environment baseline vs. no baseline
1.6 Testing
We have provided some basic tests in the root directory of the starter code to test your implementation.
You can run the following command to run the tests and then check if you have the right implementation
for individual functions.
python run_basic_tests.py
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CS 234: Assignment #3
2 Best Arm Identification in Multi-armed Bandit (35pts)
In this problem we focus on the bandit setting with rewards bounded in [0, 1]. A bandit problem can be
considered as a finite-horizon MDP with just one state (|S| = 1) and horizon 1: each episode consists of
taking a single action and observing a reward. In the bandit setting – unlike in standard RL – there are no
delayed rewards, and the action taken does affect the distribution of future states.
Actions are also referred to as “arms” in a bandit setting1
. Here we consider a multi-armed bandit, meaning
that 1 < |A| < ∞. Since there is only one state, a policy is simply a distribution over actions. There
are exactly |A| different deterministic policies. Your goal is to design a simple algorithm to identify a
near-optimal arm with high probability.
We recall Hoeffding’s inequality: if X1, . . . , Xn are i.i.d. random variables satisfying 0 ≤ Xi ≤ 1 with
probability 1 for all i, X = E[X1] = · · · = E[Xn] is the expected value of the random variables, and
Xb =
i=1 Xi
is the sample mean, then for any δ > 0 we have
|Xb − X| >
< δ. (1)
Assuming that the rewards are bounded in [0, 1], we propose this simple strategy: pull each arm ne times,
and return the action with the highest average payout rba. The purpose of this exercise is to study the
number of samples required to output an arm that is at least -optimal with high probability. Intuitively,
as ne increases the empirical average of the payout rba converges to its expected value ra for every action a,
and so choosing the arm with the highest empirical payout rba corresponds to approximately choosing the
arm with the highest expected payout ra.
(a) (15 pts) We start by bounding the probability of the “bad event” in which the empirical mean of some arm
differs significantly from its expected return. Starting from Hoeffding’s inequality with ne samples
allocated to every action, show that:
∃a ∈ A s.t. |rba − ra| >
< |A|δ. (2)
Note that, depending on your derivation, you may come up with a tighter upper bound than |A|δ.
This is also acceptable (as long as you argue that your bound is tighter), but showing the inequality
above is sufficient.
(b) (20 pts) After pulling each arm (action) ne times our algorithm returns the arm with the highest empirical
† = arg max
rba (3)
Notice that a

is a random variable. Let a
? = arg maxa ra be the true optimal arm. Suppose that we
want our algorithm to return at least an -optimal arm with probability at least 1 − δ
, as follows:
ra† ≥ ra? − 
≥ 1 − δ
. (4)
How many samples are needed to ensure this? Express your result as a function of the number of
actions, the required precision  and the failure probability δ
1The name “bandit” comes from slot machines, which are sometimes called “one-armed bandits”. Here we imagine a slot
machine which has several arms one might pull, each with a different (random) payout.
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