CS 215 ­ Fundamentals of Programming II Homework 2 solution


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Write a program in a file named change.cpp that will read a series of positive integers each representing a
number of cents from a file. For each integer, the program will compute the minimum number dollars, quarters,
dimes, and pennies that would be needed to give out the amount in change. (Do not use nickels.) These results
are to be output to a file in tabular format as shown below with each field having a width of 10.
The program must be implemented using a function compute_change that receives a positive integer
representing a number of cents and passes back the number of dollars, quarters, dimes, and pennies. A function
prototype must be written above the main program and the function definition must be written below the main
program. Here are some notes that may be helpful.
• The change should be computed from dollars to pennies, i.e. largest to smallest.
• The change for each denomination can be computed using integer divide and remainder (%).
• Value parameters are copies of the actual argument, so they can be used like local variables.
The program must accept the input and output file names as command­line arguments. Proper error checking
of the number of command­line arguments and successful file opens must be made.
If the input file is named input.dat and contains the following data:
Then the program would be compiled and run using:
$ clang++ change.cpp ­Wall ­o change
$ ./change input.dat output.dat
And the output file named output.dat should contain the following results:
Amount Dollars Quarters Dimes Pennies
186 1 3 1 1
247 2 1 2 2
63 0 2 1 3
What to submit
The program file must have a comment at the top of the file with your name and assignment number.
Electronically submit a tarfile containing change.cpp as explained in the handout Submission Instructions
for CS 215 by 11:59pm on Monday, January 23, for full credit.
01/17/2017 Page 1 of 1 D. Hwang