CS 202 Assignment 4 Pointers and Dynamic Memory Allocation solution


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The modern age brings with it technological marvels not seen any time before in human history. Online
marketplaces allow you to buy anything, anytime. Did you forget your grandma’s birthday is tomorrow
and need to buy her a last minute gift? Go for it.

In this assignment, you will implement a simple digital
storefront and allow a user to purchase and check out from a catalog of different items.

The storefront will be realized with three classes: one for Items offered, a ShoppingCart to store the
items a user is planning to buy, and a Store to display the items and allow users to conveniently interact
with what’s for sale. You will be asked to implement some functions for these classes to get the store up and

Since what a user buys can change depending on their needs, the way data is handled in the program
will need to be flexible. When objects or arrays need to be allocated on the fly – during the runtime of the
program – we can use dynamic allocation. Dynamically allocated variables are created during the run of the
program rather than at its start. They offer more control to the programmer in how data is actually stored.

Memory is dynamically allocated in C++ using the new keyword. Both objects and arrays are allocated
this way. Objects are allocated by putting a new before the constructor for that object and arrays are
allocated by putting a new before the type of thing the array will hold and how many. new always returns
a pointer to where whatever was allocated was put, where a pointer is simply a data type used to hold

1 Item * item = new Item (” Vase “, 4, 20.49) ; // Makes a new Item and have item point to it
2 Item * itemsArr = new Item [10]; // Makes an array of 10 Items and has itemsArr point to it

Part of this assignment will ask you to implement a dynamically resizing array. Let’s try to understand
how these work before it’s implemented. First, consider a static array that you have used in the past:
1 const int SIZE = 5;
2 int arr [ SIZE ];
Static arrays have fixed sizes which MUST be known before compiling (some compilers will not require the
known before compiling part, but those are secretly not static).

This means the size of the array is always
going to be 5 in this example, no matter what happens in the program itself. If the array only needed to hold
3 ints, 2 spaces would go wasted.

If the array needed more than 5 ints, then some of those ints would have
to be thrown away.

This creates a problem when the number of elements to be stored in an array cannot be
known before running the program.

In the context of this assignment, think of an online shopping cart. The number of items that one
customer buys is variable. One order might have 10 items, while another contains 2, and yet another 4.

Because the order size cannot be known a priori, the array should be created during the execution of the
program. Here, we will create an array with some small amount of open space. If less than that amount
of space is needed, some elements of the array may be wasted, but will be minimal. If there is not enough
space for the number of items needed, then we will simply make a bigger array.

Below is an example of what an array might look like for a customer buying 4 items: A, B, C, and D.
The array is initialized to hold 3 items maximum and grow by 2 elements each time it runs out of space.
The count represents how many items are in the array, while the size represents how big the actual array is.
Initial Array RESIZE_AMOUNT = 2
size = 3
count = 0
size = 3
count = 1
size = 3
count = 2
size = 3
count = 3
size = 5
count = 4

Note that if there is space (like there is on the addition of A, B, and C) the item can simply be added to the
end of the array. However, when D is added and there is no space, a bigger array must be made. This can
be done by dynamically allocating an array of size 3+2 = 5, copying over the contents of the old array, and
updating the size before adding D into the new array with enough space. The old array must be deallocated
to avoid a memory leak.

UML Diagrams

Below is a list of UML diagrams containing useful class members for the three classes in this assignment.
Note that some variables and functions are omitted that are used strictly by the skeleton and may not be
relevant to your code or understanding of it for convenience.
– name : string
– quantity : int
– price : float
+ printItemBox() : void
+ printItemInfo() : void
+ changeQuantity(int) : void
+ operator = (Item) : void
+ getName() : string
+ getQuantity() : int
+ getPrice() : float
+ Item()
+ Item(string, int, float)
– items : Item**
– itemCount : int
– itemsArrSize : int
– RESIZE_AMOUNT = 4 : const int
– resizeArray() : void
+ addItem(Item*) : void
+ printCart() : void
+ getTotalCost() : float
+ ShoppingCart()
+ ShoppingCart(int)
+ ~ShoppingCart()
– itemCatalog : Item**
– catalogSize : int
– itemSelection : int[]
+ readItemsFromFile()(istream&) : void
+ randomlyPopulateStore() : void
+ displayStore() : void
+ printCatalog() : void
+ promptToBuy(ShoppingCart&) : bool
+ swapOutItem(int) : void
+ Store()
+ ~Store()

The Assignment
The assignment itself is split into two parts. The first part is very short and is just to provide some practice
with the different types of allocations.

It will ask you to write a few (<20) lines of code to dynamically
allocate an Item, an array of Items, and an array of dynamically allocated items. Remember that the new
keyword always returns a pointer to what was allocated, regardless of whether that data is an array or an
object. Please read through the comments in the skeleton for a more detailed overview.

The second part will involve the implementation of the storefront. You will need to finish some functions
of the Store and ShoppingCart classes. Files to test your functions are also included and using them will be
explored in the Compiling and Testing section later.

Important Classes and Functions

Below is a list of functions and variables that are important for this assignment. Variables are in green,
functions that you will need to write are in red, and functions implemented for you already are
in blue.

Globals and Others
• ItemRef – A preprocessor directive definition for Item* (a reference to a Item). Basically, you can
use this name in place of Item* if it easier for you. Since our ShoppingCart will contain an array of
Item*s, you may have an easier time conceptualizing it as an array of ItemRefs. A reference here just
means a pointer to some object that we will use, versus a pointer to a dynamically allocated array. An
allocation of an Item.

1 ItemRef i = new Item (” Cool Item “, 3 , 2.60) ;
would return a pointer to an Item, i.e. an ItemRef.
• const int SELECTION_SIZE = 5 – How many Items to display at a time on the Store’s page.

This is a constant amount and is not determined at run time
A class representing an Item that can be purchased from the Store. This keeps track of the Item’s name
and price, along with the quantity (either how many the Store has on hand or how many the user has put
in their cart). This class is implemented for you.

• string name – The name of the Item being sold
• float price – The cost of buying a single unit of the Item
• int quantity – Quantity of how many of this Item is available. This could be either how many are in
the stock the Store is selling or how many the user has of the item in their ShoppingCart.
• void printItemBox() – Prints all of the Item’s variables in a formatted way for displaying on the
Store page. This is used by the skeleton code to display Items and is not needed in your code, but can
be used for debugging.

• void printItemInfo() – Prints the Item’s variables in a less formatted fashion than the previous
function. This can be used whenever the Item’s data needs to be displayed.

• void changeQuantity(int change) – Increases the quantity of the Item by the amount change.
• void operator =(Item other) – This exists to allow the assignment operator = to work with Items.
You don’t need to explicitly use this, it exists for convenience.
• string getName() – Getter for the name variable.
• int getQuantity() – Getter for the quantity variable.
• int getPrice() – Getter for the price variable.
• Item() – Default constructor. Creates an Item and does nothing else.
• Item(string name, int quantity, float price) – Constructor to set all three member variables of
the class to the arguments of the corresponding name.

A class to hold the Items that a user is purchasing. Since a user can add an ever-growing number of items
to their cart before buying, this will need to keep a dynamically allocated array containing the Items that
will resize as more space is needed. This bulk of the assignment is writing functions for this class.

• Item** items – A 1D array of references to Items in the cart. Don’t be thrown off by the two **,
this is still a 1D array. The Item* comes from the contents of the array being Item pointers and the
second star cmoes from this being a pointer to that array.

• int itemCount – How many Items are currently in the items array.
• int itemsArrSize – The actual size of the items array. This will tell how many elements the array
has, which may or may not contain Items.

• const int RESIZE_AMOUNT = 4 – The amount to resize the items array by when it needs to be
expanded. This determines how many elements larger a new array should be when the current array
runs out of space.

• ShoppingCart() – Creates an empty shopping cart with no allocated items array. Leaves items
pointing to nullptr.
• ShoppingCart(int size) – Creates an empty shopping cart and allocates the items array to the given
• void addItem(Item* item) – Adds the given item to the end of the ShoppingCart. This should put
the item into the array pointed to by items similar to the diagram from earlier. If there is no space
to fit the item into the array, obtain a bigger array using the resizeArray() function before adding
the item to the end. Make sure to update the count.

• void resizeArray() – Increases the size of the array for the ShoppingCart. This should allocate a
bigger array for items to point to. Start by allocating the bigger array withRESIZE_AMOUNT
many more spaces than the previous array.

Then, copy over the contents of the existing array to the
new array. Finally, deallocate the old array and make items point to the newer, bigger array. You
will need to update itemsArrSize to reflect the size of the items array so that other functions know
how big it is.

• void printCart() – Prints all of the Items in the ShoppingCart using their printItemInfo function.
• void getTotalCost() – Gets the total cost of all Items in the ShoppingCart so that the user knows
how much they will have to pay. Make sure to count all Items using both the price and the quantity.

For example, if there are 4 loaves of breads each costing $3.50, the price of that Item should be $14.00.
Find a running sum for all Items.

• ~ShoppingCart() – The destructor for the ShoppingCart class. This should deallocate all of the
items in the ShoppingCart, followed by the items array that held them. Remember that there are two
different ways to use the delete keyword for objects and arrays! This function should be about three
lines, don’t overthink it.

The Store which the user actually buys things from. This serves as a convenient method of interfacing with
the Items available and purchasing them. This class will keep a catalog of all Items available, which will be
read from a database file, a selection of limited items able to be purchased from that catalog, and provides
functionality to interact with the ShoppingCart of a user. Since only a few Items will be displayed at a time,
this class comes with some helper functions to easily pick out which Items to display and replace Items as
they become sold out.

• Item** itemCatalog – A 1D array of Item*s. This represents all of the items available for the user
to purchase.
• int catalogSize – How large the catalog of Items is.

• int itemSelection[] – Tells which Items to display to the user. Only SELECTION_SIZE many
Items will be shown at a time so as not to overwhelm the user. Holds indices into the itemCatalog
for looking up Item information. This array is static and will always be whatever size SELECTION_SIZE is set to.

• void readItemsFromFile(istream& itemsFile) – Reads the Items that will be available from an
input file. This will create and populate the itemCatalog. The first value in the file should be the
number of Items in the catalog.

Read the value in as the size of the catalog, and then allocate an
array to hold all of the Items that will be in the catalog. Since it will consistently contain the amount
of Items from the file, there is no need to resize later. After allocating the array, fill it with Items
read from the file.

Each line will contain the quantity, price, and name of each Item. Read each into
appropriate variables and then create a new Item using a constructor and place it into the catalog. Do
this until all items have been read. Please see the sample files in the input folder for reference. The
function does not need to error check anything.

• ~Store() – Destructor for the Store class that deallocates all of the items in the itemCatalog, followed
by the catalog itself. Should be very similar to the ShoppingCart destructor.
• Store() – Constructor for the store which sets the catalog to empty and initializes variables for later
random population.

• void randomlyPopulateStore() – Randomly picks Items from the itemCatalog to sell to the user.
• void displayStore() – Displays all of the Items currently available for purchase from the itemSelection in a pretty, formatted fashion.

• void printCatalog() – Prints the items from the itemCatalog. Exists mostly for debugging purposes.
• bool promptToBuy(ShoppingCart& cart) – Prompts the user with the choices available to buy
and handles taking their order. Used by the main in the skeleton as an entry point for interfacing with
the class. Returns a boolean on whether or not the user would like to buy more.

• void swapOutItem(int index) – Swaps out the item from the itemSelection with the next item in
the random sequence if there is a valid one left. Replaces the item at the given index.

Compiling and Testing
This assignment provides a makefile for each part. If you’re unfamiliar with a makefile, it can be basically be
seen as a series of commands describing how to compile and do important tasks. Here, our makefile compiles
the cpp files and generates several executables.

To use the makefile, ensure that it is in the same directory as
your source files and then type make. You should execute make from within the part1 and part2 directories.
Note that make is a bash command, so you can only use it on Mac or Linux, not Windows. If at any point
it seems that your files may be corrupted and the makefile is not working properly, please try make clean
before trying to build again.

The makefile for part 1 will generate one program called practice. It takes no arguments and be ran
with just ./practice. The makefile for part 2 will generate three programs: one for testing the ShoppingCart
class, one for testing reading from a file in the Store class, and one for the actual store front program.

files are called shopping_test, reading_test, and shopping_prog, respectively. The first two testing
programs take no arguments. The shopping_prog program takes two command line args: the file to use
for the catalog and an optional argument for the seed to use for randomly picking items.

Below are some
examples of usage:
./shopping_prog input/food_catalog.txt
./shopping_prog input/food_catalog.txt 14
./shopping_prog input/toy_catalog.txt 205

The main functions for each of these programs are sorted into the main_files directory in part2 to keep
YOU INTEND TO IGNORE THE MAKEFILE! You do not need to add any code to them and the
makefile expects them to be there, although you are welcome to look at the code.

This is also the first assignment in which we will be using dynamically allocated memory. There is a
program called valgrind that will be used to check your program for memory leaks. You will see the result
of it running on CodeGrade, but if you’d like to test your program locally, simply type valgrind before
the name of the program to run. Here, either the shopping_test or shopping_prog would be appropriate.

For example: valgrind ./shopping_prog input/food_catalog.txt. Valgrind can only tell you when a
memory leak occurs and what memory has been leaked, but it will not be able to tell you where the leak
occurred exactly in your code. If you have 0 blocks still allocated by the end of the program, then everything
is good.

Otherwise, try double-checking your destructors, it is possible that memory was not deallocated
properly. Also note that if a program crashes, valgrind may report memory leaks since some destructors
may not have been called before the program crashed. Recall that there are two versions of delete, as well.

If they are used with the incorrect kind of data, you may experience a crash and/or a leak.
It is recommended to start with part 1 with allocation_practice.cpp to get a hang of dynamically allocating
objects, arrays, and arrays of dynamically allocated objects. Once the output looks good there and you feel
confident about using the new keyword, move on to part 2, the actual shopping program.

For part 2, you need only modify shopping_cart.cpp and store.cpp, although you can look at the
header files for reference. Start with writing the addItem and resizeArray functions, test them with the
shopping_test program. Then, move on to the other Shoppingcart functions. Afterwards, try writing the
Store’s readItemsFromFile function and test it using the reading_test program. Once you feel the tests look
good, move onto trying them out via the big shopping_prog program.

Please submit the three modified files (allocation_practice.cpp, store.cpp, and shopping_cart.cpp) to
CodeGrade. If you are checking part2, you can skip uploading allocation_practice.cpp and vice versa for
part1, but please double-check that your final submission has all three.

Sample Runs
Due to the length of the sample output, it is include in the sample_runs.pdf. Please see for formatted
output. It may be quicker and easier to run the main shopping_prog on your own.