CS 133 Lab 2 CPU w/ MPI: General Matrix Multiplication (GEMM) solution


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Description Your task is to parallelize general matrix multiplication (GEMM) with MPI based on the sequential implementation we have provided. Specifically, for matrix multiplication C[I][J] = A[I][K] × B[K][J] , you will need to implement a blocked matrix multiplication function using MPI: void GemmParallelBlocked(const float a[kI][kK], const float b[kK][kJ], float c[kI][kJ]); You should select the block size with the best performance when you submit this lab. You are welcome to add any other optimization to further increase the performance. However, you may not use any OpenMP pragma in your code. Please describe every optimization you performed in the report. Caution: All three matrices are created and initialized ONLY at processor 0 (see main.cpp for details). That means your code need to explicitly send (part of) matrices a and b from processor 0 to other processors. After the computation, processor 0 should collect the data from all processors and store it in matrix c. The correctness and performance will be assessed at processor 0. Tip ● We will use m5.2xlarge instances for grading. ● You can assume the matrix sizes are multiples of 1024 (e.g. 1024×2048 * 2048×4096 = 1024×4096) ● You can assume the number of processors is a power of 2 Preparation Create an AWS Instance Please refer to the tutorial slides and create an m5.2xlarge instance with a Ubuntu 18.04 AMI. Please use your AWS educate classroom account for this lab. Run Baseline GEMM We have prepared the host code for you at GitHub. Log in to your instance and run the following commands: git clone https://github.com/UCLA-VAST/cs-133-19w -o upstream cd cs-133-19w/lab2 ./setup.sh make gemm ./gemm It should finish in a few seconds with a huge error since you haven’t implemented anything. Tips ● To resume a session in case you lose your connection, you can run screen after login. ● You can recover your session with screen -DRR if you lost your ssh connection. ● You should stop your instance if you are going back and resume your work in a few hours or days. Your data will be preserved but you will be charged for the EBS storage for $0.10 per GB per month (with default settings). ● You should terminate your instance if you are not going to back and resume your work in days or weeks. Data on the instance will be lost. ● You are recommended to use private repos provided by GitHub. Do not put your code in a public repo. Create Your Own GEMM with MPI If you have successfully launched an instance and run the baseline, you can start to create your own GEMM kernel. The provided code will generate the test data and verify your results against a baseline fast GEMM implementation. Your task is to implement a parallel version of blocked GEMM. Your program should be based on your parallelization from lab 1. You should edit mpi.cpp for this task. Tips ● To check in your code to a private GitHub repo, create a repo first. git branch -m upstream git checkout -b master git add mpi.cpp git commit -m “lab2: first version” # change commit message accordingly # please replace the URL with your own URL git remote add origin git@github.com:YourGitHubUserName/your-repo-name.git git push -u origin master ● You are recommended to git add and git commit often so that you can keep track of the history and revert whenever necessary. ● If you move to a new instance, just git clone your repo. ● Run make test to re-compile and test your code. ● If make test fails, it means your code produces wrong result. ● Make sure your code produces correct results! Submission You need to report your performance results of your MPI implementation on an m5.2xlarge instance. Please express your performance in GFlops and the speedup compared with the sequential version. In particular, you need to submit a brief report which summarizes: ● Please briefly explain how the data and computation are partitioned among the processors. Also, briefly explain how the communication among processors is done. ● Please analyze (theoretically or experimentally) the impact of different communication APIs (e.g. blocking: MPI_Send, MPI_Recv, buffered blocking: MPI_Bsend, non-blocking: MPI_Isend, MPI_Irecv, etc). Attach code snippets to report if you verified experimentally. Please choose the APIs that provides the best performance for your final version. ● Please provide the performance on three different problem sizes (1024³, 2048³, and 4096³). If you get significantly different throughput number for the different sizes, please explain why. ● Please report the scalability of your program and discuss any significant non-linear part of your result. Note that you can, for example, make np=8 to change the number of processors. Please perform the experiment np=1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32. ● Please discuss how your MPI implementation compare with your OpenMP implementation in lab 1 in terms of the programming effort and the performance. Explain why you have observed such a difference in performance (Bonus +5). You will need to submit your optimized kernel code. Please do not modify or submit the host code. Please submit to CCLE. Please verify the correctness of your kernel before submission. Your final submission should be a tarball which contains the following files: .tar.gz └ ├ mpi.cpp └ lab2-report.pdf You should make the tarball by copying your lab2-report.pdf to the lab2 directory and running make tar UID=. If you made the tarball in other ways, you should put it in the lab2 directory and check by running make check UID=. Grading Policy Submission Format (10%) Points will be deducted if your submission does not comply with the requirement. In case of missing reports, missing codes, or compilation error, you might receive 0 for this category. Correctness (50%) Please check the correctness of your implementation with different number of processors and problem sizes, including but not limited to 1, 2, and 4, and 1024³, 2048³, and 4096³, respectively. Performance (25%) Your performance will be evaluated based on the performance of problem size 4096³, with np=4. The performance point will be added only if you have the correct result, so please prioritize the correctness over performance. Your performance will be evaluated based on the ranges of throughput (GFlops). We will set five ranges after evaluating all submissions and assign the points as follows: ● Better than TA’s performance: 25 points + 5 points (bonus) ● Range A GFlops: 25 points ● Range B GFlops: 20 points ● Range C GFlops: 15 points ● Range D GFlops: 10 points ● Speed up lower than range D: 5 points ● Slowdown: 0 points Report (15%) Points may be deducted if your report misses any of the sections described above.