CPSC 476 – Back-End Engineering Project 4 solution


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In this project you will add application-level sharding to MiniTwit, partitioning data across three
SQLite databases.
Project Code
If you completed Project 2, you should build on that foundation (though you may choose to run
single instances of minitwit.py and mt_api.py rather than a load-balanced cluster). If
necessary, however, you may start from Project 1’s codebase or the original MiniTwit code.
Test Environment
You may use any platform for development, but note that per the Syllabus the test environment
for projects in this course is the Ubuntu MATE VM for available from
Replace the single SQLite DATABASE configuration with three SQLite databases. You will need
to modify get_db() and close_database() to save all three connections in the current
application context.
Shard Key and Mapping
Split your data set into shards based on the user ID in each table (user.user_id,
message.author_id, and follower.who_id) so that all of an individual user’s data is stored in
the same database. Map the shard key modulo 3 to the database.
Sharded Data Model
Since user ID is used as the shard key, several operations should only require you to work with
a single database. For example logging in, posting, following and unfollowing, and retrieving a
user’s timeline.
Other queries, however, will require you to query multiple databases. For example, retrieving
the public timeline or a user’s home timeline.
Primary Keys
Since the SQLite databases are independent, using integer autoincrement values as primary
keys will lead to duplicate values. One way to solve this problem is to use globally unique
identifiers as keys.
While SQLite does not support directly support GUIDs, see the following answer on
StackOverflow for an example of configuring the Python sqlite3 module to use uuid.UUID
objects as primary keys: Proper way to store GUID in sqlite.
Database Population
You will need to update your Flask CLI initdb command to create the same schema in each
shard and your populatedb command to insert each data item into the correct shard.
Turn in the code for your project by placing schema.sql, population.sql, mt_api.py, your
SQL schema files, and any other relevant files in the project4/ subdirectory of the folder that
was shared with you on Dropbox. If you needed to modify any other code, include the updated
code and documentation. You may work alone, or make a single submission for a team of 2-3
students. If you work in a team, make only one submission.
To complete your submission, print this sheet, fill out the spaces below, and submit it to the
professor in class by the deadline. Failure to follow the instructions exactly will incur a 10%
penalty on the grade for this project for all students on the team.