CPSC 457 Assignment 2 IPC, Dining Philosophers Problem solution


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1 Objective

The primary objective of this assignment is to deepen students’ understanding of interprocess communication (IPC) mechanisms and to introduce the inherent challenges of concurrent programming.

The first section focuses on Inter-Process Communication (IPC). Students are expected to
familiarize themselves with various IPC mechanisms. This includes the creation of processes
using the fork method, understanding the intricacies of data sharing through shared memory,
and establishing communication via message queues.

The second section delves into the realm of Concurrency and Synchronization, using
the classic Dining Philosophers problem as a case study. Through this problem, students
will be exposed to potential pitfalls in concurrent programming, such as deadlocks and race
conditions. Furthermore, students will be tasked with applying synchronization techniques,
ensuring that concurrent processes execute both safely and efficiently.

Section 1: Process Creation and IPC Demonstration

You are a software engineer at a tech company that specializes in developing operating system
utilities. Your team is working on a project to understand and demonstrate the basics
of process creation and Inter-Process Communication (IPC) mechanisms in the operating

Your manager has assigned you the following tasks:

Part 1: Process Creation with fork()

Your first task is to develop a utility that demonstrates the creation of child processes:
1. Write a program that leverages the fork() system call to spawn child processes.
2. Ensure that both the parent and the child processes print a message indicating their
3. Use the return value of fork() to differentiate between the parent and child processes.
Your utility should clearly indicate which process (parent or child) is currently executing.

Part 2: IPC using Message Queues

Your manager wants to see a demonstration of communication between processes:
1. Design a program where a parent process communicates with its child process using
message queues.
2. The child process should convert the received message to uppercase and relay a response
back to the parent process.
3. Ensure that both the parent and child processes display the messages they send and
receive for verification purposes.

Part 3: IPC using Shared Memory

To further the project’s goals, you are tasked with:
1. Adapting the program from Task 2 to employ shared memory as the communication
2. Structure the shared memory segment to house the message and any necessary flags
or indicators for synchronized access.
3. Implement measures to prevent race conditions, ensuring both processes can safely
interact with the shared memory.
4. As before, both the parent and child should display the messages they exchange.

Part 4: IPC using Shared Memory with Process Coordination and Synchronization

Your manager emphasizes the importance of process coordination when multiple processes
access shared resources.

Your final task is:
1. Develop a utility where multiple child processes (minimum of 3) interact with a parent
process via shared memory.
2. The shared memory should incorporate a message buffer for child processes to deposit
their messages and an array to monitor each child’s status (e.g., message pending,
message sent).

3. The parent process must periodically scan for new messages from child processes and
display them. Upon reading a child’s message, the parent should update the child’s
status to indicate the message has been processed.
4. Integrate synchronization mechanisms (semaphores) to ensure:

• Exclusive write access to shared memory for one child process at a time.
• The parent process waits until a child completes its message before reading.
• A child waits until its message is processed by the parent before writing a new

• Ensure proper error handling for all system calls.
• Remember to clean up any IPC resources (like shared memory segments, pipes, or
message queues) after they are used.
• Choose an appropriate synchronization primitive (e.g., semaphores) that fits best for
this scenario.
• Ensure that deadlocks and race conditions are prevented.

• Properly initialize, use, and clean up any resources associated with synchronization
• Child processes should not exit prematurely. Implement a mechanism for the parent to
signal all child processes to terminate gracefully once the demonstration is complete.

Execute your code
You can test your code by running it in the Computer Science labs. (cslinux.ucalgary.ca)
Make sure that your codes are working in the Computer Science labs as it is the main
reference for TAs when grading your work.

Section 2: The Cosmic Conundrum of Concurrent Chopsticks

Problem statement

Far beyond the reach of our telescopes, in the pulsating heart of a distant nebula, floats
an elliptical spaceship named ”Noodle Nebula”. Aboard it, n interstellar astronomers from
various dimensions converge to unravel the secrets of the cosmos.

The convention is unique:
They dine on ethereal noodles while pondering over space-time enigmas.
Each astronomer has an ethereal bowl of noodles placed before them. Suspended in
the zero-gravity environment, between every pair of adjacent astronomers, is a quantum
chopstick. Unlike ordinary chopsticks, these can only be wielded by one astronomer at a
time. To consume the noodles, an astronomer requires both the quantum chopsticks adjacent
to them.

The inter-dimensional astronomers have peculiar habits:
1. If both adjacent chopsticks aren’t accessible, the astronomer delves deeper into thoughts
about black holes and dark matter, waiting for them to become available.
2. Once done dining, they release the chopsticks, returning to their contemplative state.
3. There are a type of astronomers called asymmetrical astronomers, and they pick up
the left quantum chopstick, only after they pick up the right one.

4. Their minds are connected via a neural quantum entanglement, ensuring no verbal
communication interrupts their profound thoughts or dining.
Devise an algorithm that simulates this multi-dimensional dining conundrum. The challenge is twofold: prevent a cosmic deadlock and ensure no astronomer is left starving in this
space-time rendezvous.


Your implementation should take account for the following requirements:
• Symmetric astronomers, regular type, that pick up both forks at the same time (having
at most 0.5s time difference between acquiring the left and right quantum chopsticks
is considered symmetric).

• Asymmetric astronomers, that pick up only one quantum chopstick at a time. If they
manage to pick up one quantum chopstick but not the other, they must release it after
a certain time to avoid starvation.
– An asymmetric astronomer must acquire the right quantum chopstick before acquiring the left one (picking up the left fork should be at least 1s after the right
one to satisfy the astronomer).

– If an asymmetric astronomer cannot acquire the left quantum chopstick after a
certain period, they must release the right quantum chopstick to avoid starvation.
– Once an asymmetric astronomer has acquired both quantum chopsticks, they can
eat for a fixed time before putting down the quantum chopsticks.

– After eating, the astronomer must release both quantum chopsticks.
• If an astronomer could not pick up the quantum chopsticks in its desired way within
2s, they should release the quantum chopstick that they already have.

• After acquiring the quantum chopsticks, each philosopher should eat for a certain
amount of time, which is drawn from a random quantum variable with the average of
avg eat time, to account for different eating times.

• Astronomers should be placed around the table in a fairly random manner.
• Deadlocks, a situation where all astronomers await a chopstick and none can proceed,
must be circumvented.

• Ensure equitable dining opportunities for all astronomers, preventing any potential
• Visualize the conundrum by cataloging the state of each astronomer (contemplating
or consuming) and the status of each quantum chopstick and print the states in the

• The design should be universal, catering to any number of n astronomers, not just a
finite number.
• Of these n astronomers, a, a<n, astronomers are asymmetric. Pick a arbitrarily and
keep in mind that a should not be larger than n.

• Explore the potential of quantum semaphores or similar synchronization entities to
guard the chopsticks.
• Reflect on the sequence of acquiring and releasing chopsticks.
• Ponder on a stratagem where not all astronomers can attempt to seize chopsticks

Bonus: A Cosmic Dining Experience milky-way chopsticks

Oh! We forgot to tell you about a completely different type of dining astronomers.
• Greedy astronomers must eat two times, drawn from a random quantum variable with
average of 2*avg eat time, in a row before releasing the quantum chopsticks.
– Non-greedy astronomers follow the standard rules: they pick up quantum chopsticks, eat for a fixed time, and then release the quantum chopsticks.

– Greedy astronomers, after eating twice, must relinquish both quantum chopsticks
– The goal is to maximize overall throughput and ensure that no astronomer starves
while accommodating the greedy astronomers’ preference for consecutive meals.

Let’s be inclusive of all these types of astronomers and implement a scenario where all
three types of astronomers dine together. Now, we have a cosmic feast for these astronomers,
whether they are symmetric, asymmetric, or greedy!

2 Grading
The entire assignment carries 100 points. Section 1 will carry 30 out of the 100 points (part
1 is worth 6 points and parts 2-4 are worth 8 points each). The first part of Section 2, dining
astronomers with only symmetric types will carry 35 points, and the solution accompanying
both symmetric and asymmetric astronomers will carry 35 points out of the 100. And for
the bonus part, A Cosmic dining experience, you will receive 20 extra points.

3 Deadline
The assignment is due by 10th November at 11:59 PM, after that the deduction policy of
20% daily (part of the day is considered as a full day) will be applied. The first 15 minutes
of the penalty day is a grace period and will not result in a deduction.

4 Submission
To submit, create a new folder called ”assigment2” and place all files you wish to submit in this folder just like the tree you are seeing below. Use the command ”tar -zcvf
zip name.tar.gz assigment2” and upload the zip name.tar.gz. The Zip File name should be
the student name+ID (example: Name = John Doe, Student ID = 12345678, FILENAME
= john doe 12345678). Ensure that you have added all the files while zipping. The answer
template will be uploaded on D2L.
p1.c/p1.cpp p2.c/p2.cpp p3.c/p3.cpp p4.c/p4.cpp
bonus.c/bonus.cpp p1.c/p1.cpp