CPSC 427 Problem Set 2 solution


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This short assignment is designed to deepen your understanding of C++ I/O and of character
1 Assignment Goals
1. Learn how to use command line arguments.
2. Learn how to open a file and read its contents.
3. Learn how characters are represented by bytes in the computer.
4. Learn the difference between a character and its ASCII code.
5. Learn how to obtain the ASCII code of a character stored in a variable of type char.
6. Learn how to print the character whose ASCII code is stored in a variable of type int.
7. Learn how to print an int as a decimal number.
8. Learn how to print an int as a hex number.
9. Learn how to test if a char is printable.
10. Learn how to use the output manipulators dec, hex, setw(), and setfill() to control
the printed form of numbers.
11. Learn precisely what in>>val does to the istream in when val has type int.
12. Learn how to use in.get(ch) to read a single character from in.
13. Learn precisely what out<>x. If a number is successfully read into x, then x should be printed in
decimal on a line by itself.
If the attempt to read x fails, then the next character should be read from the stream using
in.get(ch), where ch has type char, and a one-line “Skipping. . . ” message should be printed.
Depending on the character read, the message might look like either of the following:
Skipping char: 116 0x74 ’t’
Skipping char: 0 0x00
2 Problem Set 2
In each case, the ASCII code of ch is printed first in decimal, right-justified in a 3-character field
without zero-fill, and then again in hex, prefixed by “0x”, followed by a right-justified 0-filled hex
number in a 2-character field. If ch is printable as defined by isprint()1
, then it should also be
printed as a character, enclosed in single quotes as shown.
For example, if file data.in contains the text:
Score was 35to21.
the output should be:
Ima Goetting Closeau
CPSC 427/527
Tue Oct 4 2016 11:18:06
Skipping char: 83 0x53 ’S’
Skipping char: 99 0x63 ’c’
Skipping char: 111 0x6f ’o’
Skipping char: 114 0x72 ’r’
Skipping char: 101 0x65 ’e’
Skipping char: 119 0x77 ’w’
Skipping char: 97 0x61 ’a’
Skipping char: 115 0x73 ’s’
Skipping char: 116 0x74 ’t’
Skipping char: 111 0x6f ’o’
Skipping char: 46 0x2e ’.’
Loop exit
Normal termination.
Be sure you understand why there is no “Skipping” line for the spaces following “Score” and “was”.
What happened to those characters?
3 Programming Notes
This program is very short and may be put entirely in the run() function in main.cpp.
You must read x using the stream extract operator >>. You may not use stringstream or
getline() or other methods to read the line as a string or to read individual digits that comprise
a decimal number. You must let the stream do your decimal to binary conversion. Do not call
atoi() or strtol() or any other means of manually converting a string to an int.
To obtain the ASCII code of a character stored in a char variable ch, cast ch to an int.
Similarly, to print a character whose ASCII code is stored in an int variable x, cast x to a char
before printing.
See http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/cctype/isprint/.
Grading Rubric
Your assignment will be graded according to the scale given in Figure 1 (see below).
# Pts. Item
1. 1 All relevant standards from PS1 are followed regarding submission, identification of authorship on all files, and so forth.
2. 1 A well-formed Makefile or makefile is submitted that specifies compiler
options -O1 -g -Wall -std=c++17.
3. 1 Running make successfully compiles and links the project and results in an
executable file readint.
4. 1 Your program gives a usage comment and terminates if the wrong number of
command line arguments are given. It gives a descriptive error comment if the
specified input file does not open.
5. 4 All instructions given in sections 2 and 3 are carefully followed.
6. 4 Your program correctly extracts all of the integers in the file.
7. 4 Your program prints a correct “Skipping. . . ” message following each failed
attempt to read an integer.
8. 2 The “Skipping. . . ” message exactly follows the examples and instructions, including spacing and when to print leading 0’s and when not to.
9. 2 Your program correctly handles end-of-file, regardless of whether the EOF is
immediately preceded by whitespace, a digit, or another character.
20 Total points.
Figure 1: Grading rubric.