CPSC 350 Programming Assignment 6: Spanning the Gamut solution


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The Assignment
In this assignment you will create a program that is capable of identifying a minimum spanning
tree of an undirected, weighted graph using Kruskal’s algorithm.
Your program will take as a command line argument the name of a file that contains the
specification for an undirected, weighted graph, G. The file will have the following format:
● The first line will be an integer, N, that represents the number of nodes in the graph. You
can assume the nodes are labeled with the values [0,N-1].
● The next N lines will represent the rows of the adjacency matrix, with each line
consisting of N weights, represented as doubles.
You should process the file and create a weighted graph representation using the WGraph class
we implemented together in class. Once the WGraph is created, your program should compute
the MST for the graph using Kruskal’s algorithm. This should be done by adding a method to
WGraph, computeMST(), that works as follows:
1. Identifies a MST for the graph. Note that a given graph may contain several MSTs, but
you only need to identify one.
2. Displays the cost of the MST (the sum of all the edges in the MST) to standard output
3. Displays the adjacency matrix representation of the MST (a NxN matrix where all edges
are 0 except for the edges that make up the MST) to standard output
Note that you may create any additional classes you need to support your implementation (eg. a
priority queue for to use for Kruskal’s algorithm), but at a minimum your solution should contain
the following files:
● main.cpp
● WGraph.h
● WGraph.cpp
Rules of Engagement
● You may not use any data structures from the C++ STL or other third-party libraries. Of
course, to do the file processing you may use any of the standard C++ IO classes.
● For this assignment, you must work individually.
● Develop using VSCode and make sure your code runs correctly with g++ using the
course docker container.
● Feel free to use whatever textbooks or Internet sites you want to refresh your memory
with C++ IO operations, just cite them in a README file turned in with your code. All
code you write, of course, must be your own. In your README please be sure to include
the g++ command for compiling your code.
Due Date
This assignment is due at 11:59 pm on 12-9-2022. Submit all your commented code as a zip
file to canvas. The name of the zip file should be LastName_FirstInitial_A6.zip
Grades will be based on correctness, adherence to the guidelines, and code quality (including
the presence of meaningful comments). An elegant, OO solution will receive much more credit
than procedural spaghetti code. I assume you are familiar with the standard style guide for
C++, which you should follow. (See the course page on Canvas for a C++ style guide and
Coding Documentation Requirements.)
Code that does not follow the specification EXACTLY will receive an automatic 25% deduction.
Code that does not compile will receive an automatic 50% deduction.