CPSC 350 Programming Assignment 3: Do You See What I See? solution


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As part of a big celebration, a company has paid an exorbitant amount of money to fly in a
celebrity speaker to give a motivational speech to their employees. The event will take place in
a conference room with a podium at the front of the room, and a fixed number of chairs
arranged in an N x P rectangle, with row 0 being the closest to the speaker.

To avoid commotion, the event planners have decided that all seating will be assigned.
However, there is a fear that shorter audience members may not be able to see the celebrity
speaker if people that are sitting in front of them (in their column of seats) are taller than them.
And so they come to you for help with the problem.

They would like to provide you with a text
file that consists of candidate seat assignments in the form of N lines, each with P entries,
where each entry is the height of the person assigned to the seat at that location represented as
a floating point number.

For each column of seating, they would like to determine how many
people have an unobstructed view of the speaker. It’s up to you to determine this as efficiently
as possible.

Solving the Problem with Stacks

A monotonic stack is a stack whose elements appear in either monotonically increasing
or decreasing order from the bottom of the stack to the top of the stack. Duplicate
values are not allowed in the stack. As with a traditional stack, a monotonic stack is a
LIFO data structure.

The only difference is the push function, which must ensure that
the values remain in monotonically increasing or decreasing order. This means that for
a monotonically increasing stack, to push a value of X on the stack, we must first pop
and discard all values in the stack that are larger than X. Similarly, for a monotonically
decreasing stack, to push a value of X on the stack, we must first pop and discard all
values in the stack that are smaller than X. All other operations stay the same.

Your first job is to build a templated implementation of a monotonic stack. This class will
be called MonoStack. You may use the array-based stack code from class as a starting

Your constructor for the stack should take the initial size, as well as a character, o,
as parameters. If o==’i’, the stack should be monotonically increasing. If o==’d’, the
stack should be monotonically decreasing. Your implementation should handle any
error conditions appropriately for the various methods, which should consist of all the
methods we implemented in class for our traditional stack.

The Program

Your goal is to build a class, SpeakerView, that can take a plain text file that consists of N lines,
with each line consisting of P doubles (representing heights) separated by spaces.

program will then use a monotonically decreasing stack to determine the number of people in
each column of seats that are able to see the speaker clearly, as well as the heights of those
people. Your output can be displayed to the terminal but should be descriptive so it is easy to
understand. Your SpeakerView class should be as OO as possible.

You will also have a main.cpp file that consists only of a main method that takes the input file
name as a command line argument, and then uses the SpeakerView class to compute the

Rules of Engagement

● You may NOT use any non-primitive data structures (eg. vectors, lists, etc.) other than
your own implementation of a monotonic stack to solve the problem. Of course, to do the
file processing, you may use any of the standard C++ IO classes.

● For this assignment, you must work individually.
● Develop using VSCode and make sure your code runs correctly with g++ using the
course docker container.

● Feel free to use whatever textbooks or Internet sites you want to refresh your memory
with C++ IO operations; just cite them in a README file with your code. All code you
write, of course, must be your own. In your README, please be sure to include the g++
command for compiling your code.

Due Date
This assignment is due at 11:59 pm on 4-5-2024. Submit all your commented code as a zip file
to canvas. The name of the zip file should be LastName_FirstInitial_A3.zip

Grades will be based on correctness, adherence to the guidelines, and code quality (including
the presence of meaningful comments). An elegant, OO solution will receive much more credit
than procedural spaghetti code. I assume you are familiar with the standard style guide for
C++, which you should follow. (See the course page on Canvas for a C++ style guide and
Coding Documentation Requirements.)

Code that does not follow the specification EXACTLY will receive an automatic 25% deduction.
Code that does not compile will receive an automatic 50% deduction.