CPSC 326: Homework 9 solution


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Reading Assignment. Read the following sections in the textbook:
• Sections 12.1–12.3: LP Deduction, Syntax, and Unification
Programming Homework. The goal of this assignment is to implement a basic key-value pair
collection algebraic data type:
type (‘a, ‘b) kvlist = Node of ‘a * ‘b * (‘a, ‘b) kvlist
| Nil ;;
Your job is to implement and test each of the following functions. You must write each function
“from scratch” (unless otherwise specified) and using using only what we have discussed in class.
Each function should use recursion as appropriate and you cannot use “if-then-else” in your function
implementations. Finally, you must:
• follow the general style guide provided by OCaml (https://ocaml.org/learn/tutorials/
• appropriately comment your code throughout including a file header with your name, file
name, the date, and a brief description; and
• create sufficient test cases for your functions to ensure they work correctly, including error
cases as needed.
The following functions must be implemented as stated above. If you have questions on how any of
the following are supposed to work, please ask either during class or on piazza. Note that α, β, γ
and δ are used for ‘a, ‘b, ‘c, and ‘d below.
1. Write a function insert with type α → β → (α, β) kvlist → (α, β) kvlist. Examples:
• insert ‘a’ 1 Nil ⇒ Node (‘a’, 1, Nil)
• insert ‘a’ 1 (Node (‘b’, 1, Nil)) ⇒ Node (‘a’, 1, Node (‘b’, 1, Nil))
2. Write a function remove with type α → (α, β) kvlist → (α, β) kvlist that removes all
key-value pairs in a collection that have a given key. Examples:
• remove ‘a’ Nil ⇒ Nil
• remove ‘a’ (Node (‘a’, 1, Nil)) ⇒ Nil
• remove ‘a’ (Node (‘a’, 1, Node (‘a’, 2, Nil))) ⇒ Nil
• remove ‘a’ (Node (‘b’, 1, Node (‘a’, 2, Nil))) ⇒ Node (‘b’, 1, Nil)
3. Write a function size with type (α, β) kvlist → int. The size function should return the
number of key-value pairs in the collection, where size Nil is 0.
4. Write a function has_key with type α → (α, β) kvlist → bool, which returns true if the
collection contains a key-value pair with the given key, and false otherwise.
5. Write a function keys with type (α, β) kvlist → α list. This function should return a list
of the keys in a given collection. Examples:
• keys Nil ⇒ []
• keys (Node (‘a’, 1, Node (‘b’, 2, Nil))) ⇒ [‘a’; ‘b’]
• keys (Node (‘a’, 1, Node (‘a’, 2, Nil))) ⇒ [‘a’; ‘a’]
6. Write a function values with type (α, β) kvlist → β list. This function should return a
list of the values in a given collection. Examples:
• keys Nil ⇒ []
• keys (Node (‘a’, 1, Node (‘b’, 2, Nil))) ⇒ [1; 2]
• keys (Node (‘a’, 2, Node (‘a’, 2, Nil))) ⇒ [2; 2]
7. Write a function key_values with type α → (α, β) kvlist → β list. This function should
return a list of the values for a given key in a collection. Examples:
• key_values ‘a’ Nil ⇒ []
• key_values ‘a’ (Node (‘a’, 1, Node (‘b’, 2, Nil))) ⇒ [1]
• key_values ‘a’ (Node (‘a’, 2, Node (‘a’, 3, Nil))) ⇒ [2; 3]
• key_values ‘c’ (Node (‘a’, 1, Node (‘b’, 2, Nil))) ⇒ []
8. Write a function combine with type (α, β) kvlist → (α, β) kvlist → (α, β) kvlist. This
function should work the same as (@) but for key-value collections.
9. Write a function invert with type (α, β) kvlist → (β, alpha) kvlist. This function simply
“flips” each key-value pair in the collection. Examples:
• invert Nil ⇒ Nil
• invert (Node (‘a’, 1, Nil)) ⇒ Node (1, ‘a’, Nil)
• invert (Node (‘a’,1, Node (‘b’,2,Nil))) ⇒ Node (1,’a’, Node (2,’b’,Nil))
10. Write a function group with type (α, β) kvlist → (α, β list) kvlist. This function should
combine key-value pairs with duplicate keys. Examples:
• group Nil ⇒ Nil
• group (Node (‘a’, 1, Nil)) ⇒ Node (‘a’, [1], Nil)
• group (Node (‘a’,1, Node (‘b’,2,Nil))) ⇒ Node (‘a’,[1], Node (‘b’,[2], Nil))
• group (Node (‘a’, 1, Node (‘a’, 2, Nil)))⇒Node (‘a’, [1;2], Nil)
11. Write a function kv_map with type (α → β → (γ, δ)) → (α, β) kvlist → (γ, δ) kvlist. This
function should be identical to the map function but work over kvlist values as opposed to
12. Write a function kv_filter with type (α → β → bool) → (α, β) kvlist → (α, β) kvlist.
This function should be identical to the filter function but work over kvlist values as
opposed to lists.
13. Write a function join with type (α, β) kvlist → (α, β) kvlist → (α, β list) kvlist.
This function should do the following: (1) group the two kvlists; (2) combine the grouped lists
from 1; (3) group the result from 2; and then (4) unnest each element of the result of 3. You
must only call the functions you’ve already written above, but will need to write an unnest
helper function using a let-in expression. (In other words, this is essentially a one-liner
with your helper function and functions you’ve already written above.) Your unnest helper
function can use the List.flatten function. Examples:
• join Nil Nil ⇒ Nil
• join (Node (‘a’, 1, Nil)) (Node (‘a’, 2, Nil)) ⇒ Node (‘a’, [1;2], Nil)
• group (Node (‘a’,1,Nil)) (Node (‘b’,2,Nil)) ⇒ Node (‘a’,[1],Node (‘b’,[2],Nil))
14. Write a function count_keys_by_val with type int → (α, β) kvlist → (β, int) kvlist.
The first parameter is a “threshold” value. The function returns the number of key-value pairs
each value is associated such that the number of key-value pairs is equal to or larger than the
threshold. Your function should be a “one-liner” constructed from the functions defined above,
including the use kv_map and kv_filter. You can also use the List.length function in your
implementation. Note that you can also use a let-in expression (to break the one-liner into
parts). Examples:
• count_keys_by_val 1 Nil ⇒ Nil
• count_keys_by_val 1 (Node (‘a’, 1, Nil)) ⇒ Node (1, 1, Nil)
• count_keys_by_val 2 (Node (‘a’, 1, Nil)) ⇒ Nil
• count_keys_by_val 1 (Node (‘a’, 1, Node (‘b’, 1, Nil))) ⇒ Node (1, 2, Nil)
• count_keys_by_val 1 (Node (‘a’, 1, Node (‘b’, 2, Nil))) ⇒ Node (1, 1, Node
(2, 1, Nil))
Finally, you will need to test each of your functions above using the same approach as in HW-7 and
Homework Submission. All homework must be submitted through GitHub Classroom. A link
for each assignment will be posted on Piazza when the homework is assigned. Be sure all of your
code is pushed by the due date (which you can double check for your repository using the GitHub
website). Each programming assignment is worth 35 points. The points are allocated based on
the following.
• Correct and Complete (25 points). Your code must correctly and completely do the
requested tasks using the requested techniques. Note that for most assignments you will be
provided a partial set of test cases to help you determine a minimal level of correctness. If
your program fails any of the provided test cases you will only receive partial credit. Note
that passing the given test cases does not mean your work is complete nor correct. Your
assignment will also be graded with additional test cases (not provided to you) that will help
the graders determine the extent of your solution and your final score. Note that for C++
code, correctness also implies properly handling the creation and deletion of dynamic memory
(i.e., the absence of memory leaks).
• Evidence and Quality of Testing (5 points). As part of your homework assignments
you must develop additional test cases beyond those given to you to ensure your program is
correct and complete. These test cases must be turned in with your assignment. You will be
graded on the scope and quality of the additional test cases you provide.
• Formatting and Comments (5 points). Your code must be formatted consistently and
appropriately for the language used. For C++, you must follow the provided style guide (see
the course webpage).You must also comment your code and test cases, which at a minimum
must include a file heading (see examples provided), function comments, and meaningfully
selected variable, class, and function names. See the assignment for style guides in other